in color amentans meet hazel
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"I didn't even bop around rescuing wrongfully executed people at home and Muggles were probably worse about it. But - there's something about it being people who could so easily afford to be better."


Back on Earth, Ana is anxiously attempting to find a boyfriend before springtime hits. She doesn't go out as often as Hala but she spends a lot of time talking to people online.


"Karen, do you think your dad could come up with a potion for Amentans? It just seems like it'd be really useful."


"Uh, maybe? I guess potions that work on us seem to work fine on them. What do you want it to do exactly?"


"Dunno, Ana, what would you want it to do? Make people not spring? Make people not spring very badly?"


"Instant reseasoning," says Ana. "Multipurpose. I'd just go south for three months. At least springs here are short and there are babies in the house, I'll live..."


"If you want to have a kid we won't tell Aitim, you know."


"I'm still four," says Ana. "And I don't even have a boyfriend. Yet. I just spring really bad."


"I feel like a potion ought to be able to do reseasoning."


"There would have to be experimental subjects," says Karen.

"You'd find 'em," says Ana. "Can you test on animals? There are animals that work like us more or less."

"We can try it, yeah."

"Get, uh, get Amentan weasels, they change colors."



"We could sell that for a lot of money and also maybe they'd chill the fuck out about the kids thing if it weren't so desperate all the time."


"I guess I'll import some weasels and talk to Dad. How do I import weasels?" asks Karen.

"Dunno, ask Uncle Aitim."

Karen emails him.


That would be amazing if they could do it and they can definitely have weasels.


Great. They will want a few hundred weasels minimum before it will be moderately safe to test on Amentans.


Aitim has Amlas come from Amenta and take over bizarre procurement requests for wizards.


They get their few hundred weasels.


Karen and several hundred weasels and her dad start work on an instant reseasoning potion.


He informs Miranda and Timothy that they're going to be rolling out mandatory school in Kandy, known to the British as Ceylon. They have schools for disabled students, quiet rooms for disruptive students where they can work with an individual tutor to keep up via video with the rest of the class, free breakfasts and lunches with class and subsidized food in general so families can cope more easily with sending their children to school instead of to work. School will only be three hours a day, to make the transition less scary. They're starting in Kandy because attendance there has been pretty good anyway and the human regional leader thinks he can get people mostly in favor.


Miranda wants a look at the curriculum.


Literacy, Anitami, Kandy history, Amentan history (the Amentan history curriculum emphasizes how there was endless horrible war until Amentans agreed to have smaller families). Science, basic math, civic literacy (what laws there are, how the laws work, how the courts work, what to do if you know of a crime, what will happen to you if you commit a crime), for the older kids a wide range of vocational options. 


Where are they getting their understanding of Kandy history?


They're hiring locals. Might not be teaching it accurately but history is about the story you tell yourself as much as about what happened, anyway. ...lots of their recent history is about fighting off attempted British occupation.


Yep, the British Muggles do that. She has never claimed humans were perfect. Okay. How are they going to deal with people with remaining objections to sending their kids to school?


The kids will go to school. Hopefully when they come back not tortured or eaten or even brainwashed there'll be less resistance.

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