in color amentans meet hazel
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Also I think it's the middle of their night right now, they live in Britain.

Well, I guess I'll park here and see if my blog related problems mysteriously disappear.

Did you ask Aitim? He's good at that kind of thing.


Curious about your political opinions. The human counterparts don't like us much, they think we should have just left them alone and settled uninhabited places.

They were kind of dying in droves. This is better than just peppering Mars with arcologies but I wish it were politically realistic to be politer about it.

They don't want to be caste-d either.

Oh, wow, is it that obvious from the outside how much it sucks?

Apparently. Also they think population controls are stupid and unnecessary.

How do they figure? I guess they could suppose we'd toss them anything habitable with really short or really long years, that would be nice of us.

They think they just don't want kids that much and will level out eventually with no meddling. I suppose we could do that, or let them settle the equators and poles of places.

If they don't want kids that much and can live places we don't want, yeah. I mean, we'd get steamrolled by every other country on Amenta, but apart from that.

Aitim explained that, yeah. 


Humans also don't have a pollution instinct. 

I suppose that's pleasanter probably. Hopefully it doesn't interfere with the stopping them from dying in droves thing.

I think they appreciate the merits of not dying in droves but it's a real hassle to convince them they can't spit on the sidewalks. What caste would you pick if they let people do that?

I would have been fine anywhere else, I think. Depends on stuff.

Growing up I think I was vaguely under the impression that lots of people did like my father or Aitim and just skipped out on whatever they'd gotten assigned.

You know that isn't actually legal, right?

Wait, really? Next you're going to tell me that sometimes blues get away with things.

Every now and again.

Aitim's okay. Means well, has ever been to a grocery store.

What's he meant to have learned from a grocery store?

Oh, I have been giving my cousins on that side a hard time because it came up recently that their guess for how much people spend on food was off by an order of magnitude.

You could make that mistake even knowing what the food costs if you didn't know how much people waited for sales or saved expensive things for special occasions or avoided throwing things out. Maybe less easily by a whole order of magnitude.

I had a roommate in college who thought we ought to make political-track blues live on the equivalent of a purple salary for a season. She used to fight with Kantil over it, he'd go 'that's nice but have you considered we could just abolish blues'. 

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