in color amentans meet hazel
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They'd still own all the land.

I mean, without the power, land's just an asset with some serious disadvantages over a stock portfolio.

Not if they colluded.

Would they do that?

I have never talked to a blue besides your brother for less than ten minutes and a judge also for less than ten minutes.

The plagiarism mess?

Postponed verdict to kick the evidential review back to the yellows, said I could go ahead and fly ships because there was a labor shortage, sent me off.

I feel like my human version would offer to cause non-harmful persistent inconveniences of all kinds to whoever brought the charges so, uh, if that's tempting you can mention to Miranda that it'd be appreciated.

I'll think about it.

Aitim tries to have his staff get back to people who write him about unfair things but there's just. Lots of that.

I bet.

Anyway sorry for being confusing, I just couldn't think of a good way to say 'I want to verify that you are a version of a person I know because a version of me married her.'

It does sound incredibly bizarre. I'm going along probationally, you realize, she'll have to be very convincing.

I am not worried about that part. Like, I think she'll be convincing on the alternate versions thing but even if she isn't she'll be totally convincing on the other thing.

The other thing?

The part that's even more implausible. I'll tell you if you promise not to cancel on Miranda for being ridiculous.

Will I want to?

If I had to guess I'd guess you'd be intrigued but I don't actually know you at all, I've only met Miranda once. (We spent much of the time talking about her fruitless search for you. She really wants to meet you.)

Well, far be it from me to put her off.

They're magic. Or that's what they think it is, and we haven't been able to replicate any of it. The truth drug is them. When I say that Aitim's counterpart met him I mean that he abducted him from his bedroom in the middle of the night; they can teleport, they can fly, they can do all kinds of scary stuff. They live in secret separate from the regular humans because they find the regular humans smelly and annoying.

Smelly. And annoying.

Our counterparts were trying to get the laws against being visibly magic changed. But then aliens invaded and the visibly magic people decided maybe it was in their interests to stay secret.

Oh, they don't all just happen to agree that regular humans are smelly and annoying, they have laws about it.

They have laws about it. But the dominant opinion is, well, that regular humans are a particularly useless kind of animal, at least some are fuzzy or edible or good for potions ingredients. 


Wizards kidnapped an orange in Switzerland. We know where she is but the Swiss magical government was like 'if we find out who did it we'll reprimand them for not being subtler'. 

Well, if she's alive that's more than we can say for humans Amentans have made off with.
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