in color amentans meet hazel
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She hadn't done anything.

We're sure she didn't violate some wizard norm which they provided in cipher on the expectation that twelve percent of us would be able to figure it out and tell the others?

I don't think we should have the death penalty for simple assault but I also can't really imagine thinking 'ah, yes, trying to repeatedly punch an armed occupying soldier in the face is going to go well, they'd surely have mentioned if we weren't allowed to do that'

It's almost like they're aliens or something.

Britain had the death penalty for picking pockets. And for being gay.

"Local laws remain in effect".

I just feel like 'they're so alien they might have had no idea that it was probably illegal to attack soldiers' stands up better in a place that doesn't hang pickpockets. 

We could have been qualitatively better and we're just managing statistically.

Sure, no argument there.

It disappoints me is all. I am glad we are there for the millions of people who were dying of untreated water.

And of their neighbors wanting their land or their stuff, lot of that going on too.

I am only a little glad that we are there for people whose neighbors wanted their land, considering.

How would you have handled people attacking soldiers?

First offense, lock 'em up for I want to say a month but really mean "however long it takes them to calm down, get bored with being hostile in the face of unimpressed supervision, and have it explained to them slowly and carefully and thoroughly that that's not going to fly and the next offense gets them hanged".

That sounds nice.

I don't know what political constraints Aitim's working under, obviously, maybe it was infeasible.

I don't keep track of that either. I don't think the stage where he'd disagree with you would be 'hanging people for simple assault is a bad outcome', if he disagreed with you.

I guess I could construe that as reassuring.

It's funny, around blues I think my family's reputation is for being soft on everything but I guess that sort of thing doesn't filter down at all really.

I mean, a little, but only in a relative sense.

Isel's something even in an absolute sense.


If she does not think so he is determined not to like her.

She's the one Miolee has in their statue garden? I guess she'd have to be.

That is kind of ...noncommittal. Though she did know who was in a Mioleen statue garden.

Yeah, that's her. Sold everything to buy them their decontamination facility when a boat of reds washed up in Calado and no one was sure it was worth dealing with.

Wow, is she okay?

Married ex-red, so, depends what you think of that but she's not broke anymore.

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