in color amentans meet hazel
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"We don't actually know. It's ambiguous for several and some are more or less clearly existent. At least a dozen."


"There are definitely goblins and centaurs and merpeople and trolls and giants and acromantulae and veela and Kneazles and house-elves and werewolves and hags ...there are going to stop being Dementors once Aitim figures out how to arrange for us to drag them off and once I'm sure they won't fuck up the ships doing it..."


"I'm not sure werewolves or ghosts should be considered nonhuman species and I'm not sure Dementors are sapient. Jarveys might be. You forgot leprechauns and banshees and manticores."


"Uh, wow."


"All these entities have smaller populations than wizards and ours stands at a couple million."


"Oh, yeah, fun fact, human populations with access to birth control average just under two kids."


" there much heritable variance?"


"Hala said that too. Not, like, none, but if you tried to do your system you'd drive us extinct before we had any time to evolve vaguely replacement-level inclinations to have kids."


"Wow. Okay. Well, we're implausibly similar, is anybody trying to see about crossfertile yet?"


"Wizards can have kids with species way more different from us than Amentans are but we don't want Aitim to have Amentan wizards. He did ask."




"Balance of power reasons. Optimistically they'd be figured out before the kids were usefully magical, but..."




"We are not okay with the imposition of population controls on Earth and not super okay with it becoming dominant-Amentan and not all involved parties are even okay with any Amentans staying a minute longer than it takes to get Mars to a state that won't kill them and he's being very cooperative about all that but he would probably stop if he could."


"Well, I guess you know the guy better than I do. I'm glad we got Mars as a package deal with Earth, if it had started habitable it'd be someone else on one or the other, Cene I guess."


"Have any other planets gotten found yet?"


"Some that are Mars-y but less seasonable."


"Well I'm glad it's not more sapients - you guys are so rich you could do so much better -"


"I can see how we look that way but we've been balancing for decades - our decades - on a knife edge between misery and famine, you realize that, right? It's not fun. Yes, we can now play video games while we cry about not having babies, but we don't have an attitude of abundance."


"Do you spring bad?"


"Nah, not really, not on either front, but enough that I have a better idea than you of what the deal with it is."


"They come in here and they want to impose controls and execute people for fighting them and take peoples' kids away...and they sterilized Kitty for no reason -"


"- who?"


"My sister-in-law - she gets disoriented and freezes up, and she went to the dentist and forgot how to move and just stood there, so they dragged her off to an institution with no indication to anyone of what they'd done, and they sterilized her, and Aaron had to break her out with magic."

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