in color amentans meet hazel
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"I mean, those are all good points but I'm not sure who exactly you wanted to implement this version of first contact, because it couldn't feasibly have been Amenta. I guess you can get it by driving us away and I'll, uh, be sure to not have any kids, with that in mind?"


"It kind of sucks if the only way we can get it is driving you away, but - it's a thing that sucks about Amenta, and that Amentans don't seem to be asserting they can change, and it's humans who'd be - sacrificing things we have a right to, if our choices are this and making you leave and we were to not make you leave."


"Does it factor in that we wouldn't have come if we'd expected you to do that? And then no trains and no world government."


"I'm, like, inclined to reason like that to a point, but not when you'd be softly driving my species extinct if there weren't wizards. In a hundred years there wouldn't be humans to enjoy the trains or world government."


"Well, we'd be trying the crossbreeds thing either way."


"Also won't work without wizards. Or at least I wouldn't expect it to, the species aren't that similar and in particular there are a bunch of distinct things about how we reproduce."


"They'd be trying it with genetic engineering rather than with sexual congress but perhaps it wouldn't work."


"We are working on potions to let people skip springs."


"That'd be good."


"Sounds it, yeah."


"And it'll make not having kids in anticipation of a barely survivable economic crash and overcrowding problem easier. Should I swap abroad, I hear it's real easy to swap from Anitam these days. Only my poor swapmate."


"Maybe Cene'll have their planet with conveniently nobody on it by then."


"Maybe it'll be three percent ocean and have a huge natural cave system and a habitable moon, and they'll take unswapped immigrants."


"I don't think humans, once they've had a chance to get used to it being safe to have goals beyond 'keep your head down', will begrudge you all the uninhabited planets there are."


"I was not suggesting a likely scenario. So far this is the only one with air, let alone air and some people able to season here."


"Maybe scouts can take Felix while picking destinations or something."




"Luck potion but I think warp travel takes too long."


" - oh, yeah, probably. It's great but it doesn't affect things that won't happen until after your dose has run out and being on it for a week straight is both outrageously expensive and a very bad idea."


"Why a bad idea?"


"It's addictive, and after a while starts suggesting you lucky ways to get more of it, and supposedly awful to come down from. I've never taken more than a sip, this is thirdhand and it's possible someone has found a safe way to use it regularly. - we're not offering that one to Amentans because luck is more - zero-sum - than, say, Veritaserum, which benefits justice and so on."


"I was gonna say I did learn to fly a ship but okay that's two reasons I can't just find a few hundred empty planets."


"It's possible it would cooperate with looking at a map but I wouldn't bet on it, yeah. Sorry."

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