Yvette is dropped in Beacon Hills
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McCall the younger seems quite comfortable, joking with his mom.

Neither of them have noticed Yvette yet.


She does not immediately get up. She did so many things yesterday, and if she moves she'll have to do more, because obviously she's the most competent person in this town. Surely she can put it off a little, pretend to be asleep still? Yes. Good plan.


Augh, damn it. Things will go horribly wrong if she doesn't fix them.

"So I dunno if you heard," she says from the couch when there's a lull in conversation, "but you have a truce with the hunters now. Also a pack, I'm your emissary, which seems to be diplomat person. I got protection for you, me, Jackson, Stiles, and all immediate family because I'm awesome."


"Uh. That's nice. While I was at the hospital, you did all that?"


"Yes. And Matt is with the Argents, possibly turning into a kanima, but we're waiting to see if it'll undo itself now that he's not attached to one anymore, and for Jackson's side of the whole, mind bond thing."


"I talked to Derek. His theory is that Matt broke the "rules" of the kanima and so now he's turning into one."


"The lizard monster has rules?"


"Apparently. Is there a way to reverse the turning-into-kanima thing?"


"Well, Derek mostly...tells himself stories about how we work. I guess that's how their mom handled things with him, since he was never supposed to be alpha. He's all about legends and meaningful explanations. So I don't really know. But if he's right, Matt could try un-breaking the rule, somehow? Derek thinks if it was that, it had to be that he forced the kanima to kill someone who was innocent."


"... I'm not sure how that could be un-broken, if someone died. Unless we have resurrection somewhere hiding under the bed?"


"No. But if the kanima is all about justice and revenge, if he shows remorse, that might do it. If you're thinking like Derek, anyway. If he's even close with this."


"Worth a shot. Was he your source for the kanima love thing?"


"Yeah. Derek was the one who said that's why someone would become a kanima instead of a werewolf."


"So he's a somewhat verifiable source," she mutters. "... By the way, Scott. Tell me more things."


"Yeah. Allison and I already had this talk. She really chewed me out for leaving you out of the loop. Sorry."


"No! Kidding! You didn't think to maybe tell me that the kanima could get out of its prison?! I thought that was solved, at least temporarily, not that it would last about a day!"


"I'll have to talk to Danny. I gave him pretty clear instructions, but something went wrong."


"You put me on the phone to be your mediator and I didn't know what they knew, or what you didn't want them to know, or even actually what you wanted to accomplish! You didn't mention that while you were at the party you got drugged! You didn't mention the love thing with the kanima until the kanima showed up and you wanted me to declare love to it, no warning whatsoever, figure it out on the fly, oh by the way if you don't people here might die! None of this is okay!"


"Declare love to it?"


"Yeah, I was getting to that. After the kanima escaped, I realized that if we could convince it that she was Lydia, it would probably change back."


"If Derek was right, which you didn't know for sure."




"Yvette, I'm so sorry about all this."


Thank you, Only Sane Adult. Yvette with cherish you forever. And she is so sorry you have this person as a child.

"Thank you," she says, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "God damn it Scott, you cannot pretend everything is fine and then drop a situation on me without any explanation. If things are not fine, tell me, because I am on day three of my magical werewolf adventure and so far I have saved your life, cured the kanima, negotiated a truce, and made sure that the Argent matriarch of crazy didn't knife Matt for giggles. I cannot solve problems if I do not have information to do so!"


"I thought you'd want to be included in the peace talk. Everything else was just...I kind of lost control of the situation."


Yes, well, Yvette doesn't think he ever had any control of it.

"Right. Okay. Is there anything else at all that might, perhaps, come up."

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