Yvette is dropped in Beacon Hills
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"Okay," she agrees. Then: cereal, and some absent notes on what to do about Lydia. (Figure out meeting, figure out wtf, possibly get her under pack protection)

And then she has a shower. ... Then writes up a list of things she needs besides clothes. Like a toothbrush. She needs a toothbrush of her very own.

But first, let's make sure that people are not going to get killed, by calling the Argents. Ring, ring.


"Hello? Chris here, who is this?"


"Hello, it's Yvette. ... I heard about Gerard. My deepest condolences."


"...Yvette, right. Thank you. I appreciate that, coming from you. I suppose you want to arrange some kind of meeting between us and Scott?"


"No. I actually learned from Scott how we might prevent Matt from transforming into a kanima."


"Go on."


"The idea was that kanima have a set of rules, and that Matt broke one of them. That he forced the kanima to kill an innocent. And the way to fix that is to - show remorse, apparently. But Scott got this from Derek, so I'll need to talk to him to learn more."


"It's possible. I suppose you couldn't get what you needed from the family bestiary?"


"No. Scott mentioned the love thing came from Derek, so I have reason to believe there's something to it, just. I think I need some advice on how to talk to him safely, I've heard a lot of things about him and most of them haven't been good."


"Derek Hale is probably the least vicious member of his family. We spend most of our time hoping he doesn't start killing townsfolk left and right, but we don't talk to him."


"Well, I think it's my best chance to keep Matt from joining the lizard legions, plus I'm an emissary. I think it's worth the risk, I just want to be safe while doing it. Would you or Allison have good advice for a teenage girl talking to werewolves?"

Let him think that she doesn't want to talk to Mrs. Argent. He probably doesn't want to talk to Mrs. Argent. She did just recently kill his father.


"Emissary. Right. The best way to talk to Derek Hale is to threaten him; he doesn't respond to anything else. I'll put on Allison on the line."


"Yvette, dad said something about Derek? You want my advice?"


"Hi, Allison. I was planning to talk to Derek and his pack, do you know how to interact with them safely?"


"Um, you can mostly just be human? Derek isn't that violent towards humans."


"Oh, well. All right then. You're not on speakerphone, right?"


"No, my parents don't need to hear this. They're working through some things. Ask away."


"Scott said to warn you not to be too obvious about what I'm about to say to you. So, warning you, I am about to say some things your parents probably won't like."


"Okay. Go ahead, tell me the situation."


"I would like to negotiate peace between the Argents and Derek's pack."


"...My family is very traditional about some things. I don't think that will be easy. If you can talk some sense into...him, then I can reintroduce him to my parents. Try talking to him about his family, I think it should help." 


"All right. Any family topic in particular I should aim for? Or should I just ask Scott there?"


"Ask him to explain how he picks his friends. And it's always good to get a second opinion! Just mention what I told you and you should be fine."


"All right. I can do that. Anything else I should know?"


"Your friend can probably take it from here. I hope this helps, Yvette."

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