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Throw the bookholder at them
Yvette is dropped in Beacon Hills
Permalink Mark Unread

Yvette has finished her latest novel a bit earlier than she expected (she ended up skimming it because the author spent far too many words on purple prose for the love interest), and there's nothing good on TV to fill the gap, wasting time arguing with people on the internet doesn't appeal, and she actually still really wants to spend time with a story, okay. Just - a better one. One that does not have a meandering mess of a plot and a romantic plot tumor that's completely devoid of personality in either member, or literally any chemistry between them whatsoever. She needs to wash away the icky book with a better one.

She has a bike route to the nearest library memorized for exactly this reason. She calls to her mom where she's going, and then out she goes, to return this waste of a perfectly good tree and see if she can replace it with something that's actually interesting.

While browsing the shelves, something catches her eye. She turns, and thinks she spots a book that has some kind of strange shimmery cover that changes when the viewer moves. Huh. Okay, bit gimmicky for her taste, but she has to at least look at it to scoff at it properly. Her fingers only brush the spine of the book for half a heartbeat before they pass through the book entirely. It, and everything else, fades to black, and the part of Yvette's mind that is not devoted to wondering whether or not this means she has to be admitted to the emergency room notices that the inky black is lit with stars. Something - twists, like someone has reached into her chest and grabbed hold of her heart and twisted, pulling it in a direction it wasn't meant to go. It doesn't hurt, though maybe it should.

The only sensible reaction to this is to open her mouth to scream. So she starts on that. As she does, the stars fade and the black lightens and gravity twists. She has the comfort of managing to get out a scream before she hits the ground. The same observational part of her mind that noted the stars discerns that the ground feels like concrete instead of cheap, easy-to-clean carpet. What?

She pushes herself up, and tries to figure out where she fell and if anyone is nearby to maybe get her to a hospital, because this is not okay.

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The boy strapped to the table seems to agree that this is not okay.

He is screaming in pain.

He also seems to be making a face.


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It's a very disturbing face.

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The woman standing above him lifts her gaze sharply.

"Honestly, you'd think Allison could pick better friends," she says, sighing.


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"What," says Yvette. "Are you doing to him?!"

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"Don't worry, dear. I'll get to you in a minute. Lydia, wasn't it?"

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"Don't touch her!"

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She is briefly distracted from going to her phone by 'Lydia.'

"What? No. Who's Lydia?"

But not very distracted. Phone: dial 911...?

"Did I just get kidnapped by a crazy serial killer, I feel very much like I just got kidnapped by a crazy serial killer."

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"I didn't know you were such a good actress. Appearing out of thin air just screams supernatural, which means you are a threat to this town. And that means it falls to me to deal with you."

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C'mon, 911. Be dialed already. She couldn't have dialed it wrong, surely? She tries again.

"... Okay, explain to me what you saw, because what I know is I was at the library and poked a book and had a, a, dizzy spell of some sort, blacked out, and then I am falling out of the air here and I am terrible confused and very alarmed by the guy you have strapped to the table!"

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The guy strapped to the table seems to be feeling quiet.

Now that she's less disoriented, Yvette can see that the metal walls, the lamp behind the crazy serial killer, and the vaporizer, resting on a small table next to the chair that Ms. Serial Killer may have been using. Or she was trying to murder it. Who knows.

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"This guy is a werewolf. He will kill you and me if given the chance. You also look remarkably like one of my daughter's only friends in this godforsaken town, and I don't believe in coincidences."

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"A werewolf," says Yvette blankly.

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A werewolf, apparently.

A very drowsy one.

"Vapor..." he mumbles.

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"Yes, a werewolf. I understand that you are new here, but now is not the time to explain this to you. I am a hunter. I protect people from these monsters. Any more questions?"

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"You seem awfully sure he's a monster, when earlier, when you threatened to hurt me, he said, quote, 'don't touch her.' Doesn't seem super monstrous to me, even if he's a bit fluffy."

Vapor, okay. So the vapor thing is some kind of drug that's hurting the - apparent werewolf? If this were - she doesn't know, some kind of fiction, she is talking to a misguided werewolf hunter that has the good-but-misunderstood werewolf at her mercy. So she needs to get the vapor thing away from the werewolf, and, what? Run away into the sunset? ... She'll figure something out that's better than that, surely.

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"He has been taking advantage of my daughter for months!"

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The boy isn't doing much talking, or moving, now.

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Okay. Noted. Also noted: her cellphone is not able to dial 911. What the hell, cellphone, she trusted you. Clearly she has to do something that is not the sensible thing, because the apparently-werewolf seems to be having some trouble. So far, he has displayed more good character traits in two sentences than this woman has managed in all of her monologuing, and seems to be dying or at least isn't the aggressor. She'll fall on his side.

"Taking advantage in what sort of -"

And then, because no one expects someone to interrupt themselves, she throws her useless cellphone at the woman's face and lunges for the vapor thingy that she would surely be able to name if she did literally any drugs.

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The woman reacts gracefully, but she's not as fast as the werewolf.

By the time the drug paraphernalia hits the floor, he's ripping apart the bindings around his hands and feet. 

His eyes flash yellow, though his face has returned to a more human state.


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"Yep!" she agrees, and she turns and bolts.

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The woman stays behind, clutching her hair.

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"Scott! What's going on? Derek and his pack are circling the building, we have to go!"

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"Oh, hey Lydia! Hi, I'm just here, hanging out. What's up?"

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She shoots him a brief confused look, before the sensible part of her head says that asking the universe why people keep calling her Lydia is Not Helpful.

"Werewolf hunter had your friend strapped to a table with a depowering smoke thingy, I broke it, and now we are running - who is Derek and how scared should I be of him, I am out of cellphones to throw at people -"

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"Okay. You are not Lydia, so I want to know who you are, but that's probably not what's first. Scott, scale of Peter to Deaton?"

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"We can trust her long enough to protect her from the hunters and the pack, Stiles. Derek is the alpha of a werewolf pack that wants to kill Jackson, a classmate of ours. Lydia's ex-boyfriend. Hopefully he doesn't try anything after we rescue him."

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"Awesome. Okay. Uh. I think I am worse than useless in any sort of - fighting thing, so unless you need me to impersonate his ex is there a place I can go hide and maybe freak out a little because what is going on?!"

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"We couldn't ask you to impersonate Lydia! Just, stay with Stiles while I get Jackson. Everything is being taken care of."

He rushes to another section of the warehouse.

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"Yeah, I was totally not thinking of asking you to impersonate Lydia. Uh, I'm Stiles. You're new around here?"

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"Yes. Yes I am. Hi, I'm Yvette. Do people ordinarily get removed from libraries and dropped in the middle of dramatic young-adult fiction-esque moments around here?"

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"If we're in any fiction it's definitely a schlocky horror movie. And this doesn't usually happen to us, it's mostly wolf packs and hunters here."

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"Great. Schlocky horror movie. If I showed up to die in the first half hour I am going to be really pissed."

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"Yeah, someone already killed Laura Palmer. You're probably safe."

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Scott returns at a run, with an unconscious boy over his shoulder.

"Stiles, start the car!"

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"Hop in, we're skipping this fight."

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"Yay, let's hope this isn't about to be a quick time event filled chase sequence," she mutters, because snark is about her only coping mechanism, okay.

Into the car she goes!

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"Press 'X' to not get murdered in a warehouse."

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"The Sheriff. On your scale."

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"What, really? Already? You barely know her!"

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"Thank you?" she says, blinking. "I - think?"

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"He trusts you. Your judgment, your intent. He just doesn't want you to know all our secrets. That is way too much trust, Scott! She could be a sleeper agent sent by the Argents! She could be a mermaid who wants to steal your soul! She could be a god from beyond the veil who plans to destroy reality from the inside!"

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"I was in danger, she saved me. She's in danger, we're saving her."

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"Well, thank you for that. I am very glad I broke the smoke thingy." Pause. "Also, if I were a god from beyond the veil, I would have picked a better entrance than that, I would want to be at least a little bit theatrical. Come on now."

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"Hear that, Scott? She's theatrical. Good plan."


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"Stiles, we don't let people die. That's Derek."

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Yvette - giggles a little.

And then it turns slightly hysterical and she carefully tips forward to bury her head in her hands and giggle.

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Stiles drives.

His eyes are staying on the road, and not on the girl who looks like his childhood crush.

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Scott turns from the passenger seat towards Yvette.

"Hey, we're going to figure this out. I know you're far from home, even if I don't know how far, but we can figure it out together. You'll have support here as long as you need it."

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"Thanks," she mumbles. "I'm. I'll be okay, really, I just need a minute. Thank you. You are good at being a friendly neighborhood werewolf, five stars."

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"You and what cash, Scott? Where are you going to put her?"

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"Stiles, not now."

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"No, really, you and what job? I know Deaton doesn't pay you enough, and the hospital isn't going to hire you."

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"I can find a way, just let me think."

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"You realize we still have Jackson in the trunk of our car? Do you realize that, Yvette? We have a body in our trunk."

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"I do, in fact, realize that." She sighs, and sits up. "You could just let me borrow a cellphone and we can all see if 'calling my parents' works."

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"How did you teleport here, anyway? Why is nobody asking that?"

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"Stiles, drop it!"

His eyes flash yellow and his voice drops to a growl.

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"Scott, it's okay. I'm fine. He does deserve to know." Deep breath. "I touched a book in the public library that looked odd," she sighs. "I had a weird - thing. Happen. Like passing out or falling into space for a brief instant. And then, poof, teleportation, welcome to the warehouse, press X to throw cellphone."

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"Why does she get to be the protagonist?"

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"Shut up and drive."

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"You owe me."

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"We can save Star Wars for something bigger."

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"Movies you haven't seen?"

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"You try talking sense into this one, I've given up."

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"I might be busy putting food on the table. Since I now have two strays to take in."

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"Listen. Star Wars has Han Solo. I can stand to go without a meal once or twice if it means you get to see Han Solo."

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"Han shot first."

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"Damn straight he did."

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"Wait, wasn't Luke the one you had a crush on?"

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"I did not have a crush!"

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"Yeah, okay. Focusing on the road now, since it actually loves and respects me."

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Yvette snickers a perfectly not-hysterical giggle.

"Seriously though. Can I borrow a cellphone? And see if I can just call my parents?"

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"Here, go ahead."

Scott hands her a flip phone.

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She makes a mild 'what is this' expression at the flip phone, but doesn't comment on it otherwise.

She opens the flip phone, and frowns. That was not the date it was before.

"... Hey, quick question. What year is it?"

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"2009, anno Domini. Are you from a cheesy science-fiction show instead of a schlocky horror thriller?"

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"Nope, ten minutes into the future adventure movie. As in, 2016." She returns the phone to Scott. "In retrospect I shouldn't have thrown my cellphone. Shoe, maybe."

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"Where are you from? Will there be a younger Yvette somewhere?"

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"Lancaster, Pennsylvania. And, I don't know, maybe. But she would be about ten." Pause. "Where are we?"

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"Beacon Hills, California. Try not to die! That's the town slogan."

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"How incredibly cheering, I am incredibly cheered."

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"Scott, where am I steering this thing?"

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"Who would take Jackson's body off us no questions asked, and would be willing to let us put mountain ash around his house?"

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"No, we are not telling Danny."

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"Yes, Danny. Now that that's settled, I need to call my mom and ask if Yvette can stay with us until we can book a hotel and find her parents."

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"Thanks. Before we actually book anything anywhere strange I should look them up to see if they, uh, exist. You have Google in 2009, right?"

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"What kind of awful time wouldn't have Google?"

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"Most of human history. Okay, we're here. I'm going to talk to Danny. Be right back."

He gets out of the car.

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"You might have gained werewolves through a dark ritual that sacrificed Google to the fluff god. I don't know, I just got here."

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"I don't know about fluff gods. I've been checking periodically for Minerva and Freyr and Sarasvati. We probably have mermaids and gnomes too. Big world."

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"Is there a line of mythology the - big world tends to follow so far? Or is it just. All of them?"

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"So far we've seen werewolves and not much else, but there's definitely more out there. Lately there's a weird reptile monster. Probably Jackson. I think we should kill him before he turns again. And the werewolves don't fit any specific myths we have. A little French, a little Germanic."

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"... Wait, back up. 'Should kill him'? Is he very dangerous, and are you very sure it's Jackson?"

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"Well, I'm not Derek. We did make sure it wasn't Lydia, and we're working on making sure it's Jackson."

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"I just can't believe Scott is trying this hard to protect him."

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She can. Friendly neighborhood werewolf: definitely the Designated Hero of this story.

"Why?" she wonders.

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"He blackmailed Derek into biting him and now he's ungrateful because thanks to his personality flaws he's turning into something else. And now he's a serial killer. With scales."

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"Does he intend to be a serial killer, or is it. 'Oh no my dark side is too strong and now I murder people'?"

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"Unclear. Ask again later." 

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"Unbelievable! He's flirting with him!"

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"... What?"

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Scott jogs back to the car, knocking on the window.

Stiles roils it down.  

"Okay, he says he'll do it. I'll get Jackson inside, you get started on the mountain ash. Yvette, you can stay in the car, come inside, or watch Stiles make the circle."

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She considers. If this were a horror movie, what option would not get her killed?

She is not liking any of her options.

"Circle, I guess. Is it going to - delizard him?"

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"What, no! It's going to keep him trapped in the house with Danny and keep Derek and his pack trapped outside." 

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Scott opens the trunk and hoists Jackson's limp body over his shoulder. 

It seems to be developing scales.


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"Oh," says Yvette. "Right. Okay. Is there a way to delizard him?"

She gets out of the car to follow, assumingly, Stiles.

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Stiles, eyes firmly ahead, is dropping some kind of greyish powder in a circle around the house. 

He seems excited.


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"We haven't found a way yet. We'll get there."

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"All right. And he won't kill Danny while in there with him?"

Following: she is not very useful to what Stiles is doing, but she is not going to be in the car when the werewolves show up, thanks.

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"No. Whatever is going on is part of some revenge plot. Jackson has someone telling him who to target, so Danny will be safe."

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There is a howl, coming from a nearby rooftop. 

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"Stiles, move faster."


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Stiles: moves faster.

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"No way to split the work...?" she asks, nervously.

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"I am not teaching you how to do this right now!"

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Scott, now fully transformed, stands in front of the door.

Two more howls join in, from across the street. 

Yvette can see a boy and a girl, about the same age as Scott and Stiles. 

They are fully transformed as well.

Everyone who has claws has them out.

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"Fine," she says, and then she shuts up because aaaaaaa.

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Stiles has circled the house.

He seems quite pleased with himself. Scott steps out of the way.

The circle is complete.

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Awesome. Yvette will watch the new werewolves and see if they are going to jump at her to maul her or something. This does not require talking.

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No mauling. They're already gone.


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"Yvette, are you alright?"

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"She'll be fine. Want to learn how to keep out werewolves?"

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"I'm fine," she agrees. She turns to Stiles. "Yes."

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"First things first. You need a place to stay tonight. Is my house alright? Stiles, can you lend me your laptop?"

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"Sure. You realize I could just give her my phone? She can use Google on that."

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"Your house is fine. My dad should be Googleable if he exists, it shouldn't take very long."

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Yvette, phone. Phone, Yvette.

There is Google! There is also a 3GS iPhone. 

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Gosh, what will she do with this computing power.


After a few minutes of searching, she sighs and hands the phone back.

"Nope. No parents. I checked them both. No me, either, but that's less of a surprise."

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"I'm sorry. You can stay with me until we turn something better."

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"Good. This isn't the best world to exist in."

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She... glances at Stiles but doesn't have a reply to that statement.

"Thanks, Scott. I appreciate it. Um. You mentioned your mom? Is she okay with it, too?"

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"I can talk to her. We can say that you need a place to stay until you can convince your parents to let you come home again."

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"Are you going to tell your mom she's a lesbian?"

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"... I mean. If that seems the best way to get me a place to stay, sure? I can be a lesbian. But - we can't just tell your mom 'Hey this girl dropped out of nowhere'...?"

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"My mom doesn't know about any of this. It would be a long night. If there's another reason you love your parents but they won't let you stay with them, we can use that."

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"I'm concerned about the girl that I look like and how whatever lies we tell will affect her."

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"Oh. Yeah. I kind of forgot about Lydia."

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"Kind of a recurring pattern with you."

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"Thanks for that. Maybe Dr. Deaton has a place for you?" 

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"Scott. We're not storing a girl in the vet clinic."

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"I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I had a place to sleep and shower. ... Why does your mom not know about all of this, exactly?"

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"I can't tell her that I turned into a monster last fall!"

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"Clinic it is!"

Stiles starts driving.

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"Why not?" wonders Yvette. "Do you not trust her to keep your secret too?"

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"Of course I trust her. I just don't know what she would do."

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"Well, do you know what she would do if you turned up at home with several lizard bites in you...? Or if the person in control of the lizard got them out of the circle, and decided that since you are not breakable your family is filled with better targets?"

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"If she kicks you out you can always come live with us."

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"You think I should explain everything?"

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"If you think she won't freak out and toss you to the government to be experimented on, or throw you out, or fall into a deep suicidal depression? Yes. She has resources you don't have, she has every reason to help you, and I get the impression that she loves you and would want to help keep you as safe as possible while doing dangerous things, which she can't do if she's in the dark."

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"Scott, think this through. Just because an admittedly cute girl tells you to do something-"

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Scott pulls out his phone.

He dials. 

"Mom? I'm bringing someone over, she needs a place to stay tonight. I know, but I'll tell you as soon as we get there. I have something important to tell you. I know, I know. Love you too. Bye."

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"Okay then, I wasn't expecting you to do that right then, uh. For the record, I am definitely up for you thinking things through, that wasn't a 'do it right now because I have good arguments' kind of deal, but. Okay."

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"Scott, you just told Danny and your mom. We are not doing my dad next. If anyone, we should tell Lydia."

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"Yes, probably, but is she trustworthy or do you just think she's hot?"

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"Lydia is a brilliant mathematician, strategic thinker, and knows more mythology, science and history  than you do. We're bringing her in."

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"You think she's cute. She's also something, we don't know what it is, and it could be dangerous. You were the one who brought up sleeper agents. And anyway, Danny already knew."

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"You just think he's cute. And whatever's going on with Lydia, she needs our help."

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"Does she need our help literally right now?" wonders Yvette.

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"No, alright, I get it. I'm just the driver. We'll be at his house soon."

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"Oh, thanks. I forgot to tell you to change course."

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Yvette would normally try to say that she is not dismissing Stiles's idea, or even Lydia, but actually they should stagger their dramatic moments a bit, break it up for their sanity instead of having everything happen in a cascade after a very stressful night.

But she kind of doesn't want to talk to Stiles right now. She needs to save some social energy for Scott's mom, and he's been unceasingly rude. She'll handle Stiles later.

If no one is going to talk, she's going to lean back in her chair and close her eyes and wonder why her.

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She can wonder in relative peace.

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Scott seems to have fallen silent as well.

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Excellent. She can just. Have a moment to think, then.

What even was that book, it looked - no, it felt important in some way. She needs to figure out what it was so she can see about getting home, or -

She sees a hint of something, behind her eyelids. A flash of shining gold and starry blue, swirling and shifting just like a book she saw. It solidifies in front of her as if she were sitting in darkness and it was the only light in the room.

Her eyes snap open and she inhales in a gasp.

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Stiles glances in the mirror but doesn't say anything.

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"Everything okay back there?"

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"I," she begins, and then she stops. "Nothing is currently going wrong, but I think the book is in my head. Or at the very least hiding behind my eyelids, augh."

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"You really one know how to pick 'em, Scott. 'The Sheriff', sure."

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"What book?"

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"The, teleporty book that I touched. That dropped me in front of you."

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"What's your universe like? Mostly like this one?"

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"It's in your head?"

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"Or something! I closed my eyes and it just - appeared. Like I was looking at it in front of me and could reach out and touch it." Pause. "And - yes, mostly like this one so far, though if there were werewolves I didn't know of them."

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"We're here. You guys can talk inside. Good night, Yvette." 

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"Uh, yeah. Yvette, knock on the door and I'll be there in a minute. I need to talk to Stiles."

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"Right. Okay. Good night, Stiles, thank you for the ride." But not the commentary.

Out she gets, and to the door she walks.

She hesitates (What will she say?) and then knocks.

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"Hi! You must be Scott's friend. Come on, sit down. Do you want something, water, coffee, anything?"

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"Hi," she says, smiling gratefully. Look! An adult! Not an angsty teenager! She is so relieved. "Thank you so much. I, um, just water please?"

In she goes, to sit down. Excellent. Parenting. She needs to be parented at right now.

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"Would you tell me about yourself? All I know is that you're looking for somewhere to stay."

She hands Yvette a glass of water. 

"Scott didn't explain much over the phone. I swear, that boy- I don't know where his kindness comes from, but he's as tight-lipped his dad."

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Little smile.

"I'm Yvette, I'm, uh. From Pennsylvania. It's nice to meet you." She sounds so incredibly inane, why does she sound so inane. "I nagged Scott into deciding to explain more things to you, actually."

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"I think I probably appreciate that very much."

She glances at the door. 

"What's keeping him?"

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"He's talking with Stiles about... something. I'm not sure what." Maybe Stiles is getting yelled at for being excessively rude, that would be wonderful.

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Scott comes in, slamming the door. 

He startles slightly, glancing at it.

"Hey mom, Yvette. Sorry about the delay."

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"It's okay," says Yvette. Do not say 'Did you yell at Stiles,' that is not helpful. "Your mom's really nice, I like her."

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"Hear that? She thinks I'm cool."

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"Yeah, I heard her."

He sits down.

"Yvette, did you want anything to eat?"

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"No, I'm all right. Thank you though." Pause. "... Should I go, I don't know. Watch TV while you talk with your mom?"

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"If you'll be more comfortable, yeah."

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"Mom, there's something I've been keeping from you. Since late fall."

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Yvette thinks she needs to hear this too, but uh. She will give them some privacy, it's kind of a family thing. Up she gets, with a reassuring smile to Scott's mom.

She finds a television and turns it on and is briefly delighted at how the SciFi channel does not have the stupid name! Aaaaaaa she is so excited, this was the best idea ever. In honor of this, she will watch the SciFi channel. Not Syfy yaaaaay!

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The conversation in the kitchen is hushed.

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Until it isn't. 

"Scott, how many lies have you told me the past few months? Where did this girl even come from?" 

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Nnnnngh she is so sorry, Scott's cool mom.

Focus on the bad science fiction, it will be okay. Probably. She turns up the volume a tad, but doesn't expect it to help.

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She can't hear whatever Scott says in response.

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"Of course not, you're still my son. Who else would take care of you, your father?"

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"I just need some time to think." 

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See, look. Moms: if they're good ones, they get it.

Also lalalala SciFi channel lalalala.

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Melissa walks in.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to know if you want Scott's bed or mine."

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Television can go off now. She was not invested.

"I'll be fine with the couch," she assures. "Really, it's fine, I don't want to turn either of you out of your beds."

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"If you're sure. I'm guessing you don't have any clothes with you?"

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"Only what I'm wearing. I have my wallet and my keys, too, but nothing else. "

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"Okay. Tomorrow we can buy something for you. How old are you?"

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"Oh, good. I suppose I'm technically obligated to enroll you in high school. How do you feel about that?"

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"Me and what identity?" she wonders. "I mean, I'm not against it, I went to high school before, but. I am not sure how to actually explain myself to anyone, let alone an unfeeling bureaucracy."

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"That part shouldn't be hard, if you want to go that way. We apparently have magic on our side."

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Scott peeks in tentatively.

"Hey, how are you settling in?"

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"Hi. I'm all right." She hums thoughtfully. "I think if I go to high school I need to have a, a - cover identity that makes sense, and for that I think I'd need to talk to Lydia. Or get some kind of magic thing that'll make me not look a lot like her."

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"She has a birthday party tomorrow. You probably shouldn't come there, since people might see you, but we can bring you to her after it's over."

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"... Is there likely to be a problem with the - hunter? She thought I was Lydia. She might cause her some problems."

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"...The hunter is just worried about her daughter. Mom, let's do this upstairs."

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"'Let's do this upstairs?' You didn't mention any hunters, Scott, we'll do this wherever I want to do this!"

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... Oh. Um. Oops.

Yvette winces.

"Uh," she says. "Scott, do you want me to help - explain things?"

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"That might be nice."

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The phone rings.

Melissa glares at Scott and goes to pick it up.

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"So what have you told her so far?"

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"I told her what I am, showed her what we look like, tilde about the kanima and about Lydia's immunity and about Derek and his pack."

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"Hello? Yeah, I'm his mom, what's this about? Oh, you're Allison's mom! I've heard a lot about your daughter!"

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"... Is the kanima the lizard thing, and what is Lydia immune to?"

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"Put me on the phone."

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Yvette gives him a confused look. Especially with that expression of his.

"... The lady I hit with the cellphone?" she guesses, because damn she is confused.

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"I'm sure. He says he wants to talk to you too."

Melissa gives her son the phone. 

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"Yeah, this would be her. Jackson is the kanima, Lydia is immune to werewolf bites. Give us a few minutes alone, mom?"

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"Yvette, stay or go. If you stay, I put it on speakerphone and you stay quiet."

He takes the phone. 

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Melissa scowls, clearly not happy with this, but heads upstairs.

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She resists asking the question How did you find out Lydia was immune to werewolf bites because that is not relevant right now. She shuts her mouth and she nods.

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"Hello, Mrs. Argent. I'm sorry I had to leave so suddenly, I know you would have liked to have some more time with me."

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Now, of course, everyone can hear each other quite clearly. 

"How does your mother feel about your eavesdropping habit, Mr. McCall? You must have heard everything I said to her."

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"My mother has been very supportive through the recent changes in my life. I hope Allison feels the same way about you." 

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Well, style points to Scott, Yvette approves.

She stays shushed, but she listens.

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"Just because you are a slavering beast does not mean you have to bring my child down to your depths! You know my family cannot abide by your kind in our town. We will kill every werewolf in Beacon Hills."

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"Are you a hunter or a mother first? You might have to choose, someday soon."

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"Is that a threat?"

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"I don't take life when I can avoid it. There are other werewolves in town who want an excuse to fight, and you killing the local omega gives them the pretext to strike." 

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Eyebrow raise. Of course he's the local omega, Stiles was wrong, this isn't a schlocky horror movie, it's a teen drama.

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"What did you do with the girl? How long until the police turn up her body?"

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"She's alive, and safe. Far away from you and yours. What are you going to do next?"

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"I am going to talk to my daughter, and after tomorrow's party, any truce in this town is over. Sleep well, Scott."

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She waits until after Mrs. Argent has definitely hung up, then:

"Charming woman. It wouldn't help if I were to wave at her and say 'hello, I'm safe'?"

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"No. If I haven't hurt you yet, it's because you're a monster too. It's better she thinks I sent you out of the action. She knows you can't be Lydia, so she's wondering what you are."

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"All right, fair enough. And the truce being over means just what it sounds like, open war in - whatever this town is?"

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"Beacon Hills. Enjoy your stay, sorry about all the arson and monsters."

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"What's her daughter's opinion about all of this?"

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"Allison loves her family. She could never reject them."

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"... That's not really an answer, especially when paired with how Mrs. Attempted Murder mentioned that you were - taking advantage of her daughter?" Pause. "I don't think you are, I think she's a crazy zealot, but it seems like there is more to this than just that."

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"Allison and I were dating. She found out I was a werewolf. She wanted to keep dating. She found out her parents were hunting werewolves, which I hadn't told her about since she thought he was a barely legal arms dealer and she was doing something in fashion. Then she wanted to keep dating in secret. Then she decided that me trying to set her up on dates with other guys was too secret, so she wanted to kind of break up."

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"Today her mom, who became principal to watch us at school, saw us kissing and tried to kill me. Any more questions?"

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"... I beg your pardon, you did what?"

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"What? Which part?"

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"You set her up on dates with other guys?"

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"Just to convince her parents! That was why we were at the warehouse party, to make sure it was going okay. It was only this one, with Matt, he seemed like a cool guy who could handle rejection. And then we got distracted by Isaac and Erica and Jackson and then I went outside to confront Derek. That's when Mrs. argent hit me with her car."

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"Okay, that's, less awful, if she was in on it, it's fine, just - I had a visual of you just randomly setting her up with other guys and - anyway. She hit you with her car."

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"Yeah. It can be harder to knock us down."

He probably has not noticed that his eyes have gone yellow.

Maybe she should point it out. 

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"... Your eyes are yellow again, does that mean I should stop talking about this?"

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Maybe she shouldn't be pointed it out. 

"No, I should probably get some rest. I've had to do a lot of arguing tonight, so we should just skip this one. You can take my bed, I've already put on fresh blankets." 

He wanders to the couch and lies down. 

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When the hell did he get time to -

"No, shoo. Couch is mine, we bonded over SciFi. Go to bed, you've had a long day."

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"Thanks. Sleep well, Yvette."

He heads upstairs. 


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"Good night."

She sits on the couch, and - is distinctly not tired. It was the afternoon, when she was teleported. Trying to sleep seems like it wouldn't get very far. Especially with the book that hides behind her eyelids. So she has - time to kill, before she can attempt sleep. Maybe Scott's mom is still awake? Or something. But she doesn't feel she has the right to just spill all of Scott's secrets for him, and she doesn't really want to play secret dodgeball.

What she wants to do is investigate the book in her head. But that would be unsafe; she doesn't have any supervision, she doesn't have any idea what it is. It could all explode horribly. She should try to find experts, ask what to do with a book that may or may not be in her head. Maybe she needs to be put in the magic circle and kept apart from everyone around her. One thing she doesn't want to be is a danger to those around her. With a magic teleporting book... Who knows what could happen. It could explode, kill Scott and his mom and her, too.

But then again, she is really curious. And really, if the experts on this sort of thing are a couple of teenagers -

Augh. No. She refuses to talk herself into doing something stupid. She'll just have to watch bad science fiction movies until she's so exhausted that she doesn't even care about the book. That is obviously the best solution to this problem.

It takes a while. The book is there, haunting her out of the darkness every time she shuts her eyes for too long. But exhaustion eventually wins out against haunting, and three and a half movies later, she is out like a light.

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The next day, Yvette wakes up to the smell of eggs. 

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"...and at least that finally explains why it avoided the swimming pool! What kind of weaksauce weakness is that!"

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Whyyyyy is the first thing she hears this morning Stiles's voice, what did she do to deserve this.

She sits up groggily and rubs her face. Is there a clock around that she can peer at for the time?

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"Good morning! Sorry we didn't wake you up sooner, I thought you should rest. It's almost 10 now."

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"Oh, hey. Scott made some breakfast, you'll love it."

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"S'fine, I didn't get to sleep until late anyway." Yaaawn. "Breakfast? Thank you, s'very nice of you."

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"It is very nice of him to feed the sleeper agent, yeah."

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"Okay, okay! I'm sorry for treating you like you're the horrible magical serial killer you're inevitably going to turn out to be!" 

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"Whatever. I'm a dick. Sorry." 

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"Yes," she agrees, sagely. "You know you can like, mistrust me and be suspicious of me without being actively antagonistic, right?"

Up she gets, taking her blanket with her. It was summer, when she was teleported away, and now it is not and she is cold and cranky. Her blanket is staying with her.

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"Stiles will be at Lydia's party until it's over, and then we can take you to meet her. I might just skip it, Allison is going to be there and I think she's mad at me about last night. Plus that way I can drive you."

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"All right. Works for me. Want to supervise while I try to peer at the book again in the interim?" Pause. Glance at Stiles. "Or put me alone in a spot where if it explodes horribly no one else will be hurt. I wasn't going to mess with it while I was here, but I really want to try and figure out what the hell."

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"Yeah, if you want to look at your brain parasite magic book you can do it outside of Scott's house."

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"I'm going to get Lydia's present ready. See you at the party, or not."

He punches Scott's arm in what might be an affectionate gesture, for any other boys their age.


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Scott silently watches him leave.

"Okay, so do you want me to let you think?"

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"... What, right now?"

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"Well, if you think it's dangerous I can leave you alone as soon as you finish breakfast. Otherwise, we can find something to do until the party's over. Or I can go, let you work on it then?"

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Breakfast is eggs and waffles, with maple syrup for anyone who wants some.

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Nyom. Food.

"I think," she says, musingly, "I want to take a shower, brush my teeth, then go get some new clothes and general living supplies. Then, we find a spot that's out of the way and I see about poking the book?" Pause. "Also, thank you so much for feeding me, this is delicious."

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"Thanks. I like taking care of people."

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"There's a towel and some of my mom's clothes ready for you. I'll leave the bathroom and you can figure it out from there. Then we can go out and buy you something."

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"Works for me. You supervising me while I shower would be too weird for me, sorry."

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"Um, I didn't- I mean, uh. Yeah. Have fun."


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Do not tease the friendly neighborhood currently involved with someone else werewolf, Yvette. Bad.

"Mhm. ... Sorry, filter's a bit broken, Stiles is a bad wake up greeting."

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"Stiles is a good friend. I've relied on him all my life. We fit together. I'm sorry he's been unforgivably rude to you, but this isn't his best."

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"He did seem like he was under a lot of stress," she agrees.

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"Yeah. Anyway, hopefully my mom's clothes don't fit you too badly. Then you'll look presentable enough to buy ones that fit better."

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Smile. "Yeah. I can just wear these again if they don't, it's just not what I'd prefer."

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"Okay. I'm going to wash the dishes, you can shower when I'm done. In the meantime, we have some magazines if you want to try to find out what's different about current events here?"

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"I'm not sure I'd remember everything from seven years ago, specifically - I can name some future disasters that happened in my world, but."

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"No, don't. We won't be able to get anyone to take us seriously any time soon, and they might not even happen. If we're lucky."


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"... Some of them are more preventable, if I were in the right place at the right time, but - yes." Sigh. "I'll look. My first prediction, as honorary possible future person, is the the SciFi channel will change its name. The new name will be spelled S-Y-F-Y, and it will be terrible."

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"Oh! That's awful, I bet."

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"So awful," she agrees. She finishes the last bit of breakfast, and then goes to read magazines to see if the current events sound familiar.

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They do!

Most of the world seems oddly unconcerned with werewolves and kanimas.

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Scott washes dishes, humming.

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"Is there a - particular reason why all of this magic stuff hasn't gotten out? It seems. Rather obvious?"

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"Most people who grow up in this town never find out about any of it."

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"... Okay," she says. "Well, most of the stuff I recognize checks out, though I admit I cannot tell the accuracy of," she peers at a magazine, "how many times Lindsay Lohan has broken up with Samantha Ronson."

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"Yeah, that's fair. You can always do deeper research later to make sure science looks how you remember it too, though. Anyway, I'll let you go. I'll still be downstairs when you finish."

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And then: showering. She doesn't fit too badly in Scott's mom's clothing, so she'll go with that for the shopping trip.

Once that's done, she goes downstairs and says, "Hey, ready to go have the most low key shopping montage of all time?"

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"Sure. I'll drive, since you don't exist and everything. Your world has drivers' licenses, right?"

Scott goes outside.

And hops on his motorcycle.

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... Um. Okay. Right. Of course he has a motorcycle.

"Yes, it has drivers' licenses, I even have one. Uh. Do. You have a passenger helmet?"

Because if she dies on a fucking motorcycle in a land of werewolves and magic she will be pissed.

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"Uh, yeah, sorry, it's in the garage. Stiles never rides along, so I haven't used it much."

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Nod. She fetches the helmet, puts it on, and then. ... Looks at the motorcycle with trepidation.

It's just a motorcycle. The werewolf driving it is probably more dangerous.


She stiffly gets on.

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Scott glances back at her before they leave.

"It's probably best if you put your arms around my waist."

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"Please tell me this will not turn into a horrible misunderstanding with your girlfriend," she mutters, but there goeth the arms. "I am allergic to teen drama."

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"Um. Maybe I should go to the party and apologize? But she won't be jealous, I don't think."


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"Okay, awesome. Then. Away..?"

Do not whimper. Do not whimper. Do not. (Aaaaa.)

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Eventually, after much wind blowing through everyone's hair, they arrive.

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It is awful and Yvette is relieved to be off of it. She never thought she'd be so grateful to see a Target sign, and here they are.

"Right," she says, once she is off of the speedy metal unshielded deathtrap and free of having to tip sideways while turning. "Shopping. Yes. Follow me please."

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Scott follows...willingly?

He seems quite happy to hold anything she needs him to hold, though.

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She has a cart for that, but he can push it if he likes.

Yvette is not the type of shopper that meanders. She knows her size, knows what colors and cuts look good on her, picks things out, and then it is off to the changing room. She tries things on, she hands the ones she looks terrible in to the clerk that is in charge of collecting rejected clothes, and then considers and decides that she requires more clothes. So she does it again. This time, with a better idea of where to find things, and then tries those on. Then they're done, Scott is free.

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Once he's finished buying Yvette's new clothes, they head home.

On his motorcycle.

"Hey, do you need my help with anything else? I was thinking I should go to the party since Stiles and Allison both are."

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Augh motorcycle noooooooooooo.

"Uh, I might need you to point me at your washer and dryer so I can wash these, but laundry's easy. I am not sure you'd get much out of me staring at the book? Is there something you could help with there if something goes wrong?"

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"Maybe? I heal faster, if that helps, and I can take away your pain."

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"Not proper healing, though?"

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"No, sorry. Should I go then?"

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"Yeah, s-" and the stop light they were at has gone from red to green and they are moving and she has to quiet a perfectly justified eep. "... Sure. Yes. That."

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Scott stays quiet for the rest of the trip.

When they get home, he offers his arms should she need help getting off the bike.

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Nnngh no she will get off of this awful metal deathtrap on her own power she has beaten it.

She takes a deep breath and composes herself, once she is away from the monstrosity and then says, "Thanks for this, it was very helpful. Have fun at the party!"

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attends the party.


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And Yvette goes and starts on laundry, then picks a quiet spot outside to sit and peer at her book. She closes her eyes and tries not to feel too anxious.

The book appears, shining from the darkness. She - could have sworn she remembered the front cover having some kind of symbol on it, but no such symbol is there that she can see. Only shifting and swirling star-filled blue. The edges of the pages are gilded with gold. Yvette had thought of maybe trying to draw the book, seeing if she could look it up somewhere that way, but its sheer lack of distinguishing marks makes it near impossible. 'I am looking for a starry blue book with gold edges'?

She stares at it for a little while, feeling like she is missing something. It gets really old, really quickly. Is it just going to sit there, stalking her? Can she - she can't see her hands, but it's as clear to her eyes as if it were in front of her. Maybe something will happen if she reaches out and touches it. Her hands brush against something and oh no did this actually work it seemed insane. But she continues on anyway, because look book she was on a motorcycle today, you have no power here. As soon as she has a firm grip on the book, she opens an eye.

There is the book. Definitely in her actual vision instead of hiding behind her eyelids. She wonders if only she can see it. This might have been a good use for Scott, but... Well. Bit late now, isn't it. She might be the only one seeing this, or she might not. If she had her cellphone, she'd take a picture and see if other people could see it, but - nope. But it's still worth studying, even if it's just in her head. Now, she can open it, and see if it unleashes an explosion or not.

It opens with a faint burst of light, and for half a second Yvette fears that she did unleash an explosion. But the light fades to something more manageable. The pages are black and almost seem to eat light, but the shining writing is perfectly visible. It - doesn't have words in it. It has twisting, glittering white symbols and swirling arcs and a thousand stars. If she saw it in another context, she'd think that it belonged to some master artist that was trying to make some kind of inscrutable statement. It would be worthy of lots of rich people wandering by and pretending to know what it meant, surely.

Unlike them, though - Yvette actually knows. She's not sure how, but she can tell that the swirl on the left side of the first page is a statement of introduction, and the twists that branch off of it say that this book is hers. And then the multi-circled design thing on the right is -

She slams the book shut and backs away.

What the hell. How the fuck can she read that. When did it shove the ability to read its insane swirly art gibberish in her head? When it dropped her into this insane werewolf world? ... When it reached and grabbed something-like-her-heart and twisted? What else is this book that promises to be hers planning to do to her? Because she knows how this goes, the mysterious magical artifact promises to belong to someone while twisting them into something they're not, and bam. Then you have Sauron. She does not want to be anything like Sauron. Even if she wants power to protect herself, to stop whatever weird werewolf drama's going on so badly she feels like she might scream.

She hesitates, then decides that she should not leave the eldritch book outside where anyone could get it, and tentatively picks it up to put inside. She'll get a sticky note or something. 'Do not touch, is probably evil.'

Sticky note goes onto the book, and then she goes to have herself a perfectly sensible freakout in the living room. There is no crying involved, thankfully, but there's a lot of fear and worry about what it wants from her. Then, because someone can only do that for so long, there is channel surfing to have some kind of noise that is not coming from her own head to distract her from the book. She finds something tasteful on the history channel. She moves the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer, then sits down and wonders if it'll screw her sleep schedule up even more if she napped...

The book is there, behind her eyes.

She sits up with a whimper, and goes to the kitchen where she left it. No book. Just the sticky note. She rips it up and throws it away, because she has to rip something up to make herself feel better, and she's not pissing off the eldritch book.

Is Scott or his mom coming home soon? Please? She is feeling very alone with the terrifying book, she would like someone to tell her that everything is going to be okay. She'd even take Stiles.

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"Hey, I hope Scott didn't make it too hard to find clothes you wanted. I know how boys can be, I practically raised two of them."


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Oh thank god a normal person to talk to. She jumps a little, anyway, at the sudden introduction, but she composes herself and manages a smile.

"Hi. He was very nice, he volunteered to push the cart."

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"Good. Everything okay around here? I hope you're feeling comfortable."

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"I am, your house is very comfy." Augh she is so bad at pretending to be okay when she's not. "... I, um. Was waiting on Scott to explain his side of things, he knows it better than I do, but I can explain my weirdness to you, if you'd like to know it."

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"I would really appreciate that."

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Smile. "All right. So, uh, I am very new to this, too. Yesterday, I was visiting a library in Pennsylvania, in the year 2016. And I touched a book at this library, and it teleported me here." Pause. "And we checked, my parents don't seem to exist here, so I can't go find them."

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"You're welcome to stay with us however long you need. I'm sorry you're so far from home."

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"Thank you very much," she says. "There is a bit more than just that, though. The - book that I touched, when I close my eyes it - shows up. Like I'm seeing it floating in front of me in total darkness." She takes a deep breath. "And, as I discovered a few hours ago, I can. Summon it."

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"Do you think you should summon it? I mean, do you want to, or does it...want you to- I'm not big on this whole magic thing, are you sure it's safe?"

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"I did summon it, earlier, by - well, accident, actually. I don't know if it's safe at all, I know about as much about magic as you do. But it was, um. I opened it to see if anything was inside, because the outside was really completely empty of distinguishing characteristics and it might be my best chance of figuring out what's going on? And the writing was. Not in a language I should be able to understand. But I did anyway. And that is when I shut the book and fled."

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"A book that is not only inside your head all the time, waiting for you to close your eyes, but can make you understand new languages, seems like a really invasive book. I'll tell Scott when he gets here, he'll be able to find a way to deal with."

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"Until then, let's get you something to eat. We have ice cream, chips, leftover quesadillas, some casserole...I'm sure there are other snacks around here."

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"Um. Thanks. Casserole sounds fine to me. I haven't asked, uh - are there any things you'd like me to help out with around the house? Or things I shouldn't scavenge when I'm hungry?"

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"Don't worry about it. I have to feed Stiles anyway, and he certainly doesn't help. Besides, you're our guest."

She starts heating up the casserole.

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"All right. Thank you, then. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Cleaning, maybe."

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When it's ready, Melissa takes three plates, leaving one on the counter, and brings the other two to the table.

"Here, dig in. Scott made it, so you won't need to pretend to like it."

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Snort, but one with a smile.

"Thanks again." Nom.

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By the time they're halfway through the meal, Scott staggers in.

He looks a bit worse for the wear.

He grabs the plate and sits down quietly.

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"... Are you okay?" asks Yvette, concerned.

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"Yeah, do you need anything from us?"

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"Just some magic stuff, mom."

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"Uh huh. Is everyone safe?"

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"Everyone's safe! Thanks for having dinner ready."

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"I think I'm going to turn in for the night. Good night, Yvette. Good night, Scott." 

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"Good night," echoes Yvette.

She stays right where she is. She looks at Scott expectantly.

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"Matt, the guy I told you about? He's been controlling the kanima. He's the kanima master."

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"Oh. Have - what's happened to him, is he contained...?"

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"Not yet."

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"How did it go with the book, do you think you'll be able to help?"

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"I, um. Can summon it. And read it, actually. Except it's not in any language I should know how to read, so, I stopped reading after 'this is the introduction, this book is yours.' And, I don't know. Maybe?"

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"Oh. You're worried because it's affecting your mind? Okay, I can't ask you to use something that could hurt you. Do you think...I don't know what the Argents plan to do next, do you think you could help mediate between us? I know that's asking a lot."

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"I'm fine with attempting to mediate, if I'd be - uh, safe, but I'm not sure how I'd do as a candidate. Mrs. Argent likely doesn't remember me fondly. And - I - should check to see if you can see the book, or read it. If it's just affecting me, that's one thing, if it's affecting everyone else too, that's another."

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"Well, we might not have much time for anything. Things are coming to a head fast. I'll look at the book now, and call the Argents afterwards."

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"In case it does affect my mind, I should probably write that down."

He does.

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"... If, it's that much of an emergency, my book can wait, what do you need me to do?"

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"I don't want to put this off if it's important, I just...Matt knows we know, he's going to do something now. And the Argents are preparing for war. I can spend a night on this if I have tomorrow."

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Augh she is going to spend longer arguing with him than it would take to just summon the book and see if he can see it and read the first page -

So she sighs, and closes her eyes, and waits for it to show up.

Then she reaches out and retrieves it.

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As her hand stretches out, it darkens, as if being thrust into the most oppressive of shadows. Her hand closes over nothing, and then the shadow covering her hand swirls, moves up her hand and coalesces at the nothing she's holding. From there, it bubbles out into an impossibly black book shape. Then, little faint sparks ignite in the darkness, and brighten - burning brighter and brighter and brighter until a blinding golden-white light fills the room for an instant.

And then it fades. In Yvette's hand, there is nothing but a blue book, with shining tiny stars on the cover and gold gilding on the edges of its pages. But the blue swirls, and the stars almost twinkle.

She opens her eyes and sets it down on the table as if nothing impressive had happened at all.

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She opens her eyes to a furry, fangy, golden-eyed face.

"What was that? You didn't tell me it would do that!"

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"... Do what?" she asks, blinking. "Did. That look weird in some way?"

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"There were...there were shadow tentacles and bright, golden light and it looked very, very magic and I was worried enough when you said it was in your head, you're telling me it can keep you from noticing that?"

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"My eyes were closed? That was part of the summoning. But - it's strange I didn't see any light through my eyelids, that's. Well. Yes, apparently it can keep me from noticing that."

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"I don't like the book, Yvette. Stiles might be wrong about you, but I don't think we can trust what brought you here."

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"I don't trust it either. After I summoned it I freaked out and tried to get away from it, but it disappeared and went back to following me. It is highly disturbing, we are definitely in agreement on that front."

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He sighs.

"I guess I'm not telling you anything you don't know. Sorry. I was hoping even if it was a little dangerous, maybe we could still use it. But it's too unpredictable for something so short notice."

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"I'll call the hunters. This time, talk all you want."

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"All right," she agrees. She looks at her book, and makes a face. Looking at it out of the corner of her eye sounds like the opposite of a good idea. She scoots it away from her on the table, then moves plates so that they are between her and it. So she doesn't have to look at it.

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Bye creepy book! Nobody misses you!

Scott dials the Argents.

The phone rings. No one picks up.


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He dials again.

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"... If they don't pick up, what happens?"

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"I don't know. I'm not the one who declared war."

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That's all he has time for.

"Scott, so glad to hear from you again. Is there anything you'd like to say? Pleas for mercy? Last words?"

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Right, Scott does not look like he's going to start things off well with how he's death glaring the phone, Yvette is going to try to not have this turn to something awful.

"Hello Mrs. Argent, my name is Yvette Lane, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Scott's asked me to mediate between the two of you while you talk about the future of Beacon Hills and its residents."

It would be have been so helpful if Scott had told her what he wanted from this conversation, but nooo. She had to neglect to ask. Because she's not good at this. Whatever, she'll - just - attempt to negotiate. With a grievous lack of information. And barely any experience. Why her.

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"Well, Miss Lane. I am surprised to hear from you again. I hope you haven't been mistreated. Werewolves aren't the best hosts."

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Okay she's trying to see where your loyalties are while sounding sympathetic. How to word this to sound neutral, without potentially condemning Scott, and how does she say she's human...

"I've definitely not been mistreated, but thank you for worrying. Scott promised me safety and he gave it, I'm happy to assuage any fears you have for the treatment of another human being."

Was that too stilted? That might have been too stilted. She has no practice weaving this kind of information into sentences, augh.

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"I wouldn't worry too much about anyone under my care, Principal Argent. McCalls take care of our own."

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There is a brief sound of shouting in the background.

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"A son first and an animal second. How long can you keep up the act?"

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"... Ma'am, I think focusing on what-ifs is a bad idea, everyone can potentially become a danger to the people around them. There are real, actual monsters running around, definitely hurting people. Do you know about the kanima?"

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Scott flinches, but says nothing.

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"Oh, we've heard. The Hale alpha insisted on recruiting, which is why this a concern to begin with. If he could have left humans alone, old rivalries could stay where they belong. Instead, he bit the most vulnerable teenagers he could find, and now they're violent, unstable killers."

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Oh god damn it, how much is going on that she doesn't fucking know about, there were other bite victims? Scott would it kill you to talk about literally anything important. Augh, no, this is her fault for not asking enough questions, she'll have to do better.

"As I understand it, the Hale alpha was forced to bite the individual that became the kanima, and it isn't even actively going out and killing people by itself. It's being controlled by someone else, and we know who, and want to stop them."

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"Give me the phone!"

There's a sound of a slight struggle, and a girl's voice, panting.

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"Scott? What's going on over there? Is she okay, the girl?"

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"Hey, Allison. You can talk to her yourself."

He gestures at Yvette to talk.

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"Hello! Yes, I'm quite all right. I'm Yvette, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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"Oh. She's there. Uh, hi, Yvette. I'm Allison. That was, that was my mom. She's currently going insane, so me and dad are trying to talk her down."

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"Yep, I was trying to do that too, I have barely any idea what I'm doing. My method was trying to get her pointed at the guy controlling the kanima, what's yours?"

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"Have her husband talk to her."

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"Wait, you know who the kanima master is?"

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"Uh, yeah, sorry I didn't mention this sooner, I should have called as soon as I knew. It's Matt."

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"...Yvette, do you think stopping the kanima master is the right tactic here? We don't know much about how kanimas work, just that they get attached to someone nearby and do what they want. If you can think of anything we haven't, it could be a big help."

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"Yes, if possible. We can see if we can get the kanima attached to Scott or you or something? As long as no one is giving it people to kill, it won't be killing anyone, is my understanding. And it'll buy us time to find a cure of some kind."

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Allison doesn't answer.

Yvette and Scott can hear heated whispers.

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A man takes the phone.

"Scott. Yvette. We might need to achieve a peace sooner than I expected. My father knows the family bestiary almost as well as I do, and he just left to kill the kanima master. That's how it's allegiance changes. I've been worried since he came to town that he would take things too far- I swear neither I nor my daughter will touch a hair on your heads. We need to work together."

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"Fine. A truce. Do you know where he's headed?"

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"I don't know where Matt lives, but it wouldn't surprise me if it took him minutes to find out. He'll be headed there, to kill him in his sleep."

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"Scott, do you know where he lives...?"

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"No. Allison, you've been there, right?"

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"Recently. I can take my dad there. Can you track us down?"

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"If that's alright."

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"Lives are kind of at stake, Scott, it's fine."

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"If you need a ride, I can stop by."

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"...My motorcycle should be faster, but thanks."

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Oh god, no. No no no no no she was on that abomination twice today that is more than enough for a lifetime she does not want to -

"Faster would be better, yes," she says anyway. Why.

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So they hang up.

Scott drives.

He seems to enjoy the experience more than she does.

He sniffs the air.

"Okay, it's harder to smell her while she's in the car but I think I have their trail," he shouts over the engine. 

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"Awesome," Yvette says, wondering why she is even here. All she can do is summon an eldritch book this is not worth the torture why has Scott chosen her to be his adventure buddy she does not think she is cut out for this kind of work if it involves motorcycles why.

But she's coming along anyway, because sitting at home wringing her hands and trying to avoid her book doesn't appeal. And maybe she can help.

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When they arrive, Mr. Argent and Mrs. Argent have guns pointed at an older man- presumably his father. 

Their daughter has a bow at the ready, aiming for his chest.  

Gerard has a knife to the throat of a kneeling boy their age.

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These people. Why.

"Hello!" says Yvette, aggressively faking good cheer because that seems likeliest to get this knife person off-guard. "Can I call a brief truce to talk before anyone does anything rash and permanent?"

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"I'm only interested in permanent. All I want in exchange for peace, is the bite. Scott, I think you'll have to be the one to administer it. Sorry about that little disagreement we had- I'm sure we can move past that for Allison, and for the town." 

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"You want the bite? I suppose we finally  see which of us deserves the Argent name."

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"I'd rather live a werewolf than die a human; this illness isn't getting any better. Now, let's make this simple. Bite me, everyone lives."

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"I can take the shot, but he'll slit Matt's throat. Your call," she says to Scott. 

And Yvette.

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Oh god damn it do any of these people know of the concept of looking for other options before escalating?! At all? In any way?!

"Would you like to live as a murderous puppet of someone else, screaming from the inside of your head as you're forced to kill, unable to control your own actions as the rest of your family hunts you down to kill you for your own good and the good of those around you?" wonders Yvette. "Because there is a chance of that," a high one, with how idiotic he's being, "and at best you'll estrange your entire family, it sounds like. You know your options aren't 'die' or 'become a werewolf,' right? Magic exists, who says it can't be used to cure illness?"

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"If magic had any solutions for me, do you think I'd even consider this? The power boost is hardly nothing, but it's not worth turning my back on humanity. Health and longevity are. Really, you've forced my hand. I can kill two birds with one stone. Eliminate the clear and present danger, and save myself in the process. The Argents will hardly declare war against the town's savior."

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"The bite is not a gift. I will not put an albatross around your neck so you can hang yourself."

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... Does Scott have some downsides to werewolfhood that Yvette isn't aware of? Or is he just being angsty because his girlfriend's parents kill them? Could go either way, really. Also, Scott, what kind of mixed metaphor was that? Yvette is mildly ashamed to be associated with you right now.

"I'm not as sure as you are that magic has no solutions for you. Do you know of all branches of magic ever? Have you, for example, heard of a blue book with stars on it and gold edging?"

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"Dad, magic isn't the answer. We can find a way to fix this, I know the latest regimen isn't working but we can find something. You have time."

"I'm not getting any younger, Chris, and you must have noticed how frequent the coughing fits are getting. Even the McCall boy noticed. Your sister was always better at doing what was necessary. I made you too soft, expecting that you would follow her. Too bad you got her killed."

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"Grandpa, please listen to her! Yvette might have something you're never heard of, no matter how much you've read."

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Yvette has a brief internal debate over whether or not she should reveal her terrifying eldritch book in front of these people. ... They all seem kind of batshit insane. The trouble with using another bad guy as a hostage is that Yvette is really starting to see the appeal of just getting them both killed. It would be tidier. But it would kill her social credit. But then, so would being the bookholder of a terrifying eldritch book of possible apocalypse, so, she's kind of in a lose-lose situation here.

Except she sort of also did reveal her hand, didn't she. Hm.

"That is a distinct possibility. Ever heard of quantum theory? Multiple universes? I'm from 2016, when I popped up in front of your daughter-in-law I was rudely transported out of my home, to here. Heard of that before?"

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"Not until today. I suppose you want me to put the weapon down."

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"Yep. I try to keep my motivations pretty straightforward, putting the weapon down would be fantastic."

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"No! Don't! We don't know how the kanima master controls it, it could attack if he has a chance to order it."

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"If you'd ever bothered to read a book, you would know that the kanima can sense the thoughts of its master. A moment of wishing someone dead is enough to destroy your enemies. I just trust my speed with this knife more than the speed of his thoughts. Teenagers in this town aren't very bright."

"I had higher hopes for the next leader of our family," he says, inclining his head to Allison.

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"... I was under the impression it was still trapped? Is it not?"

God damn it Scott if it is out of its cage and you didn't tell her she will dutifully restrain herself from strangling you, but she'll really, really want to!

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"How would any of us have trapped a kanima? No, the best thing is to kill it before it transforms, which we can do tomorrow, instead of standing around in the middle of the night betraying each other left and right."

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This is the part of the show where Yvette looks at the camera, exactly like she's in the Office. Audience, maybe you understand Yvette's pain, because these people.

She looks at Scott, and raises her eyebrows slightly. It is still trapped, right?

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"Lydia. Remember when I said you didn't have to pretend? I changed my mind. Show him how much you feel for him."

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"Lydia," she says through gritted teeth.

"Tell Jackson, your boyfriend, your true feelings. Since humans becomes kanimas due to feeling unloved."

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Yvette is briefly at a complete loss for words. The lizard is out? The lizard is here?

She is momentarily filled with screaming and then she shuts down that part of her head and gets to work, because she's the only one present who can pull this off.

"I," she begins, and stops. How the fuck is she going to do this.

"I-I'm sorry," she continues, finding her angle, "I've been getting by not focusing on how it's him." Can she manage a sniffle? No not quite, too much burning rage. Scott you took her shopping today and went to a fucking party and you maybe could have mentioned the lizard monster was free! She settles for wrapping her arms around herself and looking down and attempting to look destitute and lost. "I, I don't want to imagine a world without him, it seems - wrong, and, and, and." Fucking hell, c'mon woman. Sob. Sob like you mean it. No? No sobs? Fine, declarations of love it is. "And I think I love him, I can't lose him now."

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The lizard, making its debut on a stage, decides to drop in.

It circles the others, hanging on her every word.

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Some seem amused by this turn of events.

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Others, cautious and watchful.

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The kanima master seems confused and angry.

Probably a good sign.

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Okay, awesome. She'll just. Keep this up. How much romantic drivel can she manage before she vomits? Let's find out!

She 'spots' Jackson and lets herself inhale sharply. Then she takes a few tentative steps forward.

"Jackson?" she says, and oh look there are her tears, fucking finally. God. You'd think she hadn't had a shitty couple of days. "I, please. Come back to me."

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'Jackson'...jumps over.

The kanima twists and turns sinuously around her, like it can't quite find a good opening to attack.

Or like it misses its girlfriend.

Who knows, really.

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A gun changes its target.

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So do the bow and arrow.

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Yvette has backup.

If she needs it.

If they get there in time.

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Oh god oh god oh god why.

Well she has chosen this route, let's play it through to the end and hope she doesn't die.

She reaches out and touches the kanima's face.

"I love you."

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"Hold on. I need help. If you know so much about this stuff, if you have all these books lying around, why couldn't I find anyway? When I wanted to know why wishing someone dead meant seeing their corpse? What good are any of you?"

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The kanima...is no more.

Jackson howls, for the first time.

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Chekov's gun finds its target.

Gerard falls.

The knife clatters to the ground.

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Yvette flinches at the gunshot and immediately ducks.

Also oh god what the hell did she just do, does she have to pretend to be in love with this person to keep them from murdering people? Does she have to kiss him? She hopes she doesn't have to kiss him.

She might be tempted to say something snappy here but what the hell aaaaaaaa.

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"What the hell? Aaaaa!"

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"Victoria, what did you do."

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"Right, no this is good! This is great! Let's ignore the part where I'm turning into a snake monster, great. Publish your books, give them to the masses, maybe we won't go on murder sprees! A little knowledge never killed anybody!"

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"Matt, one wrong move and you're on your knees again."

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"Sure. Shutting up about impeding kanimas."

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"Maybe if you weren't a stalker and a serial killer we'd let you talk."

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"Mr. Argent, we're going to need to take a nice, long look at your bestiary. Before tomorrow."

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -

Okay someone just got shot how is he doing is he like, salvagable, sometimes people don't immediately die upon being shot, Yvette must check. She checks for a pulse and puts pressure on the gunshot wound, because blood loss: big deal.

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Nobody stops her.

He's not dead, just angry.

In a laughing kind of way.

"Get used to it, girl. This is Beacon Hills."

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He is bleeding awfully fast, though.

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"I can carry him to the hospital faster than most cars. I might need another werewolf's help."

He looks at Jackson.

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"Sounds fun."

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"...Let's go."

They pick up Gerard together. And run.

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Yvette takes a moment to adjust, and then whirls on Mrs. Argent.

"What the fuck," she hisses.

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Serial killer sits down on the ground.

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Hunter continues aiming.

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"He would have taken the next opportunity he found to blackmail, extort, or threaten a werewolf to bite him.

I don't have to explain myself."

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"Yes! You do! That is what happens when you try to kill someone, you have to go and explain yourself! Have you fucking heard of the idea of, oh, I don't know. Not jumping immediately to murder whenever you're confronted with a problem that involves werewolves!"

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"Victoria. As the new leader, it's your responsibility to declare a truce. She's the closest to an emissary we're going to get."

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"A truce, then. Yvette, if Scott swears to do his best to keep the Hale pack away from us, we won't go after him and his pack for crimes they didn't commit."

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Huff. God damn it she has to put her very justified anger on hold to be responsible what is with these fucking people.

"Okay, what is defined as his pack, am I included? Is his mother? Is Stiles?"

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"There isn't much precedence for humans in a pack. As the emissary, you are included, and I imagine Jackson won't return to Derek."

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Oh right, he exists, doesn't he.

"Stiles, and everyone's parents and immediate family also get included under this blanket protection," says Yvette, not sounding like she's negotiating on it. "If one of us fucks up, you will come to me about a problem before you dispense with your justice, understand? And we will find an alternate solution that makes everyone happy."

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"Since you're the new emissary, that's what we'll do."

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"Right, mommy?"

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"Right. We'll come to talk with you first."

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"Excellent. Thank you." Huff. "Now, what non murder solutions do we have for mister 'I think using sentient beings as murder weapons is fun'?"

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"I'm not a serial killer!"

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"We'll leave that to the cops."

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"Gerard may have been right about that. We should check the bestiary. If this boy is becoming another kanima, we shouldn't give him to an unprepared police force."

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"Agreed, but I think we should also hear his side of the story too. ... And can the police force even handle 'I used a kanima to kill people'?"

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"You don't get it, none of you get it."

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"Hunters usually deal with this sort of thing ourselves."

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Eyebrow raise.

"I see."

She turns and looks at Matt.

"What don't we get?"

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"It gets in your head. It can tell who you want to hurt, who hurt you. Then it punishes them."

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"... Okay, noted. We'll check the beastiary to corroborate your story."

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That seems to be that.

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"Well. You girls take care of him for now. I'll be at the hospital."

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"Hey, Yvette, are you going to be okay? This must have been a lot."

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"No kidding. Yeah. I'll be fine." She considers. "You might want to worry for Scott, though. I'm going to be shouting at him."

She says this in a very matter-of-fact tone.

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"Yeah, Scott has some explaining to do. I wasn't even interested in going on a date, I can fake being broken up with Scott just fine without dating! And he set me up with Matt!"

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She shakes her head. "When he mentioned that I called him out on it, but he made it sound like it was your choice too. You can help me yell at him too, if you like."

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"I didn't say no when Matt asked me, but Scott shoved us together. Anyway, neither of us knew about the pictures. That's not his fault."

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"What do you want to do with him for tonight? I can probably tie him up pretty well, if that's necessary."

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"Hm. Tie him up, take him with us while we go read your bestiary? Decide from there, depending on what it says. Sound good?"

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"I'll drive."

She gets into the car.

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Allison sighs.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills. Try not to hate the locals too obviously; most of them can kill you."

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"I am definitely getting that impression." She considers, then looks up thoughtfully at the sky.

"Oi. Anything else bizarre and badly explained you want to throw at me today? Because so help me, if there is anything else I am going to start screaming."

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"Something weird is going on with my friend Lydia, but I don't know what.

Everyone at the party tonight hallucinated thanks to some wolfsbane in the punch. Matt is definitely a stalker, and he might not be totally responsible for all the deaths, but he definitely caused lots of them.

Lydia was attacked by Peter Hale, but she didn't turn or die. That doesn't usually happen, and we thought she might be the kanima but now we just don't know what's happening to her.

Derek and his pack have been trying to kill Jackson but they should be done. He turned them by finding kids who weren't happy with their lives, I don't know why besides to build a bigger pack.

If I think of more, I'll tell you."

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"Also, the bestiary is written in French."

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"Of course it is," she sighs. She gets in the car; she doesn't try for the passenger seat, she doesn't want to make Allison sit next to her stalker.

She looks at Allison. "Thank you. Do you have any guesses about who was responsible for the - wolfsbane? Innocent prank, or something more sinister? And I'll see about talking to Derek, and we'll have to check on Lydia, I need to talk to her anyway..."

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"We shouldn't go to her house in the middle of the night. Her mother will want an explanation, and without Lydia's permission, we have no right to give it."

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"I am not saying tonight, I am talking to myself out loud because it has been a long day for me."

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"...Yes. I'm sorry."

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Eyes on the road.

Drive, drive, drive.

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"It could have been Matt, he was there. Or Jackson, but that's the same thing. I don't know who could find wolfsbane if they weren't looking for it."

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"Matt, if it was you, tell us now before we make you tell."

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"Apology accepted," says Yvette of Mrs. Argent.

She glances at Matt, and raises her eyebrows slightly.

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"Allison, Allison, Allison. Have you ever heard the story of Narcissus and Echo?"

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"Well, how about we say that I didn't spike any punch. But I know who did. And say I don't really like bondage all that much, outside the bedroom."

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"Sure. Let's say that we aren't getting any answers from you because you're a total creep who just wants to needle me. I think we're done."

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"No sexual harassment in the car please," Yvette says. "Or anywhere else. I know I've been acting grumpy at you, but I will actually try to treat you fairly before throwing you to any cops, or letting you be thrown anywhere. And you're making it pretty difficult to feel sympathy by being a prick."

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"It's not- I'm not harassing her."

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"She's feeling a bit harassed. Maybe you should cut it out before I make you."

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"Mom, please drive safely. No threats."

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Drive drive drive.

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"Now if you are having a problem with circulation, I can help you out, but you're not getting untied while we're in the car. I am however going to ask very nicely. Could you please tell us who spiked the punch?"

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"...I don't know. I think it was the girl, Lydia, but I didn't see anything for sure. Sorry."

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"All right. We'll look into it. Thanks, Matt."

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"Right. Thanks."

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They're at the Argent house. It's nice and suburban. Fairly big.

You wouldn't think killers lived here.

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"Okay, I'll go find the bestiary, you stay here with my mom and Matt."

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"Sure." She glances at Matt. "Would you like me to untie you now? I was mostly worried about you doing something crazy while Mrs. Argent was driving."

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"I'm not crazy. Just- well, no, I am crazy. I'm not evil, or violent, naturally. You've never had a kanima."

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"I'll make tea."

She goes to the kitchen, her boots stomping loudly.

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"No arsenic, please."

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Snort. "Thank you, Mrs. Argent."

She unties him, because of course she does. She's that kind of person. Besides, Mrs. Argent is terrifying, and now they are in her lair. Matt would have a bad time if he tried anything.

"So, hello, I'm Yvette. I'm new around here."

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"...Hey. I'm Matt. I'm old around here. Local boy, been here since I was born."

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"I come from another dimension, you might have heard."

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"Yeah, visitor from the future. Sure you're from another universe? They're good at hiding."

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"I checked for my parents, and they did not exist."

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"That must have been hard."

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She shrugs, and looks away. Damn, why did she mention that, now she recalls that she has feelings and they are inconvenient feelings and she does not particularly want to start crying now.

"Anyway. You mentioned you thought you were turning into a kanima?"

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"I started growing scales on my torso."

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"Oh." Blink. "That's alarming, I'm sorry. I'll try to help, if I can."

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"You'll try, yeah. Good luck. I don't think anyone involved wants to help. Maybe the Argents get a new family pet."

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"Tea, for anyone who wants some."

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"Yes, please." ... As long as it's not poisoned. It isn't poisoned, right? Mrs. Argent seems too directly murdery to jump to poisoning people. Hm. Or is she? It's served out of the same teapot, yes? And she can watch Mrs. Argent drink first.

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She sips.

She smiles at Matt.

She sips.

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Matt was not actually handed tea, but there's some on the kitchen counter.

He does not partake.

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Yvette was just making sure, okay, she is perfectly justified in her paranoia of the woman who shot someone half an hour ago.


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Allison loves her mother's tea. 

Well, she doesn't hate it.

Here she is, with a heavy book. She heaves it onto the table.

"Okay, so this is the bestiary. It's all in French, so you might have some trouble with it. I'm not that fluent, but my mom can translate."

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"Should we trust your mom to translate?"

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As Yvette learned from her googling of her parents, Google Translate existed in 2009. Or, well, exists in 2009.

"Google Translate is awful for direct translation on its own, but it seems like it could be used for checking. It'll butcher the translation, but get the words sort of right. That's likely enough. Don't trust Allison to check, too?"

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"I'll trust you using Google Translate."

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"Great. Mom, can you get the laptop while I read?"

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She gets.

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"Most of the entry is devoted to the kanima's natural weapons, and a bit describing the relationship between it and its...companion. We eventually settled on 'master' as the translation when 'friend' turned out to be a little lacking."

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"Counterpart seems more neutral," offers Yvette.

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"Counterpart, then. The kanima takes on the weakness of its counterpart, it seeks the same enemies and destroys the traitors. There's nothing in here about turning into a kanima, unless you get bitten or scratched by a werewolf."

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"Hm. And no bites or scratches, Matt?"

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"Just the scales. I would show off the scales but I'm pretty sure that falls under harassment."

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"It depends very highly on how you went about taking off your shirt," says Yvette, distracted. "Is there anything else in this bestiary that he could be turning into?"

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"Not really. Other scaly things, but none that are contagious."

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"The scales are the same color!"

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"I've actually been tied very closely to a kanima lately, I'm not surprised it's happening to me if it's anyone."

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"If it's because you were tied very closely to a kanima, it might start reversing now that you're not. But - yes, we'll have to keep an eye on it."

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Here's the laptop, if anyone wants Google translate. 

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"Is there anything else we should discuss before turning in for the night?"

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Yvette idly starts checking translations via Google translate.

"We should figure out how much a kanima's bond affects its counterpart. Matt might be turning into a kanima but we're not certain of it and it could reverse itself, so we should not throw him to the police regardless."

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"Yes, we can take care of him here."

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"I hope he's not turning, we don't need another one." 

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The translations are about what Allison said.

The kanima looks like this, it can kill you like this, it has a friend and that works like so. The kanima is an instrument of punishment (?) that can turn on its wielder, as the guillotine did its inventor 

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"We definitely don't, I doubt I can love confession us to safety a second time. And what do you mean by 'we can take care of him here,' Mrs. Argent?"

Does her shitty Google translate enlighten her on how it can turn on its wielder?

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"The Argents are hunters. If he stays human, the legal system can have him. If not, we kill it."

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Apparently, the kanima has ethical rules for use. This is why it rarely attacks innocents and is considered a lesser threat, except to hunters. 

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God damn it why does Yvette have to work with this woman. Mrs. Argent is clearly completely fucking insane.

"Except clearly there are non murder solutions available. As demonstrated, by me, oh. Half an hour ago. How 'if not, then we capture it, find its master, and then try to help it, before jumping to murder.' I am all for containing threats to lives here but that does not mean murder is a hammer and everything else is a nail."

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"The fact that your storybook ploy worked does not mean we can replicate it." 

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"Mom? Maybe cool it with the murder talk? This is why I was seeing Scott behind your back, I didn't want my first boyfriend to end up drinking poison dramatically over my unconscious body."

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"I agree that the 'storybook ploy' is not necessarily replicable. It was insane, badly planned, and far too dependent on sheer dumb luck. But it took us, what. A little bit of research beforehand, and five minutes of some acting for it to work? That is not a very hefty price to pay here, murder is not your only solution, and it's not even the best one. How much trouble would you have had with the kanima if I hadn't of waxed lyrical at it? Not 'if you had the ideal situation,' I meant if it had attacked you, right then, instead of focusing on me."

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"Obviously I would have shot him then, become the master myself." 

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"And then what?" wonders Yvette. "Especially if the kanima could twist your mind to make you want to send it to kill people?"

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"If you believe that this boy wasn't already twisted, you should pay more attention."

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"Humor me, anyway. What if it did?"

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"Mom, please!"

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"I suppose then I would kill those who have wronged me, and they deserve it."

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"Do they. And how long's the list?"

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"Can we decide if I'm being arrested, murdered, or rationally handled, please?"

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"Matt, shut up! Nobody needs your input!"

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Augh, Yvette is getting nowhere by poking the psycho to see how psychotic she is. Bad Yvette. You're supposed to be competent, act like it.

She takes a deep breath.

"It's fine. We're off topic, anyway. Matt, what's the situation with your parents like?"

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"What do you mean, situation? They're nice people. Well-meaning. They don't think their son is a magically assisted serial killer."

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"I'm wondering how we would explain any of this to them and how to come to an end result we can all accept." She considers. "I think it might be smart to talk to Jackson about his side of the story, too."

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"Tell them I had a nervous breakdown, and committed a felony."

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"What felony are you suggesting we tell everyone you committed?" She supposes that they have the shooting up for grabs, but she'd really rather the definite psychopath go to jail for that one.

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"Carrying a concealed reptile."

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"Tough crowd. Try aggravated assault until you can prove all the murders to your satisfaction."

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"We can get you for stalking. Which you actually did," observes Yvette.

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"Is stalking a felony? We should get him arrested for it either way."

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"It wasn't stalking! I'm not- honestly, just because I took a couple of pictures, she wants a public flaying."

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Right across his face.

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God damn it woman could you stop.

"Mrs. Argent, while I understand where you're coming from, violence is not the answer here."

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Allison seems of two minds.


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"Mom, she's right. You should probably head upstairs, take a break for a while.

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Yvette very carefully does not make any expression and leaves this to Allison. Allison, please solve your mom, Yvette doesn't know how to.

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"Oh, alright dear. See you in the morning. Make sure not to mess up."

She kisses Allison on the forehead, and goes upstairs.

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"Okay, Matt, I'm running out of patience. Do we want to arrest him and risk him turning into a kanima in the police station? Or do we try to hold him ourselves even though we don't know how long it could take to happen, if it ever does?"

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"How likely is it that your mom will just kill him when she gets the chance?" wonders Yvette.

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"I don't think she will. I know my parents."

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"You don't care either way. Whether I get arrested or murdered, it's still justice to you."

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"I'm not a killer."

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"Yvette, if you think I can't stop my mom from hurting him we have to turn him in. If you think that's too dangerous to the town, he has to stay."

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"... Stay with you until he either becomes a kanima or de-scales, and we talk to Jackson. If Jackson corroborates his story, we turn him in for the stalking but otherwise leave him be? And depending on what happens with the scale situation, we work from there."

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"Okay. He stays here until we talk to Jackson. How do you feel about that, Matt?"

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"I don't care. Have a good night."

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"Are you going to need a ride to Scott's house?"

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"Yes, please."

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And so there is a ride to Scott's house.

There is no wind blowing through her hair.

It's all very tame.

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Melissa is awake!

And concerned.

"Yvette, what's going on? I woke up and no one was home, just a voicemail from Scott telling me not to worry."

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Yvette is too exhausted to be glad she's not on a motorcycle.

"Of course that's all he told you," she sighs. "Right, uh. Thanks for the ride, Allison. Have a good night." She looks at Melissa. "To the couch, I'll explain."

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"I think the whole story can wait until the morning. You should rest. As long as- is Scott okay? He's not hurt?"

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"Totally fine." Yawn. "Not hurt at all. He did take someone to the hospital, but. Uh. I'm hoping that guy will be fine and honestly if he dies it's not a huge loss, he was holding a knife to a teenager's neck trying to blackmail Scott." Pause. "The explanation for tonight sounds very insane if I try to explain it."

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"Yeah. I think we should both sleep. Good night, Yvette."

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"Mhmm. Good night."

Tonight, she does not have to exhaust herself to avoid book stalking. She collapses onto the couch, fully clothed, and only has the presence of mind to toe off her shoes before she's out.

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The McCalls seem to have let her sleep partly through breakfast.

Today they're having cereal.

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McCall the younger seems quite comfortable, joking with his mom.

Neither of them have noticed Yvette yet.

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She does not immediately get up. She did so many things yesterday, and if she moves she'll have to do more, because obviously she's the most competent person in this town. Surely she can put it off a little, pretend to be asleep still? Yes. Good plan.


Augh, damn it. Things will go horribly wrong if she doesn't fix them.

"So I dunno if you heard," she says from the couch when there's a lull in conversation, "but you have a truce with the hunters now. Also a pack, I'm your emissary, which seems to be diplomat person. I got protection for you, me, Jackson, Stiles, and all immediate family because I'm awesome."

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"Uh. That's nice. While I was at the hospital, you did all that?"

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"Yes. And Matt is with the Argents, possibly turning into a kanima, but we're waiting to see if it'll undo itself now that he's not attached to one anymore, and for Jackson's side of the whole, mind bond thing."

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"I talked to Derek. His theory is that Matt broke the "rules" of the kanima and so now he's turning into one."

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"The lizard monster has rules?"

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"Apparently. Is there a way to reverse the turning-into-kanima thing?"

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"Well, Derek mostly...tells himself stories about how we work. I guess that's how their mom handled things with him, since he was never supposed to be alpha. He's all about legends and meaningful explanations. So I don't really know. But if he's right, Matt could try un-breaking the rule, somehow? Derek thinks if it was that, it had to be that he forced the kanima to kill someone who was innocent."

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"... I'm not sure how that could be un-broken, if someone died. Unless we have resurrection somewhere hiding under the bed?"

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"No. But if the kanima is all about justice and revenge, if he shows remorse, that might do it. If you're thinking like Derek, anyway. If he's even close with this."

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"Worth a shot. Was he your source for the kanima love thing?"

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"Yeah. Derek was the one who said that's why someone would become a kanima instead of a werewolf."

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"So he's a somewhat verifiable source," she mutters. "... By the way, Scott. Tell me more things."

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"Yeah. Allison and I already had this talk. She really chewed me out for leaving you out of the loop. Sorry."

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"No! Kidding! You didn't think to maybe tell me that the kanima could get out of its prison?! I thought that was solved, at least temporarily, not that it would last about a day!"

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"I'll have to talk to Danny. I gave him pretty clear instructions, but something went wrong."

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"You put me on the phone to be your mediator and I didn't know what they knew, or what you didn't want them to know, or even actually what you wanted to accomplish! You didn't mention that while you were at the party you got drugged! You didn't mention the love thing with the kanima until the kanima showed up and you wanted me to declare love to it, no warning whatsoever, figure it out on the fly, oh by the way if you don't people here might die! None of this is okay!"

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"Declare love to it?"

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"Yeah, I was getting to that. After the kanima escaped, I realized that if we could convince it that she was Lydia, it would probably change back."

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"If Derek was right, which you didn't know for sure."

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"Yvette, I'm so sorry about all this."

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Thank you, Only Sane Adult. Yvette with cherish you forever. And she is so sorry you have this person as a child.

"Thank you," she says, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "God damn it Scott, you cannot pretend everything is fine and then drop a situation on me without any explanation. If things are not fine, tell me, because I am on day three of my magical werewolf adventure and so far I have saved your life, cured the kanima, negotiated a truce, and made sure that the Argent matriarch of crazy didn't knife Matt for giggles. I cannot solve problems if I do not have information to do so!"

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"I thought you'd want to be included in the peace talk. Everything else was just...I kind of lost control of the situation."

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Yes, well, Yvette doesn't think he ever had any control of it.

"Right. Okay. Is there anything else at all that might, perhaps, come up."

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"Derek will probably try something to make me join his pack. His betas might do something on their own or with him. Lydia got scratched by Peter, I don't know what's happening there. Other werewolves could visit town any time. I don't know what other weird things are out there."

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"Awesome. Okay."

She closes her eyes and tries to think. ... And then the book shows up. Because of course it fucking does.

She growls, opens her eyes, and stares at a spot on the ceiling instead.

"So. Agenda for today for fixing the everything. Tell Matt the potential kanima cure, talk to Derek about specifics of that and also about trying to make you join his pack. Talk to Jackson, get his statement on kanima-hood and whether the kanima did or did not force Matt into giving it people to kill. Figure out what to do with Matt. Figure out what the hell with Lydia, maybe actually meet her, because honestly, I think it's past time I did. Anything else? Am I missing anything?"

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"Gerard died last night. I don't know how Allison and VIctoria are doing, but Chris didn't take it well. Jackson went to Derek." 

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Yvette grits her teeth.

"You could have mention-" Nevermind, it's a waste of time to just expect that he'll tell her things on his own, isn't it. "Jackson went to Derek, pack wise? Because when I was negotiating things I worded it as if he would be part of your pack. Okay. Fine. No protection for him. Two birds with one stone, I can talk to Derek when I talk to Jackson."

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"Okay. What do you want to do first."

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"How did Jackson's pack move - work, was there any reason or was it just an arbitrary insane decision like just about every single one that is made in this deranged town."

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"Arbitrary and insane, I guess. He was always supposed to be Derek's beta, since he turned him. The kanima thing just threw things off course. As soon as he became a werewolf he felt the call of an alpha."

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"Fantastic." More information she didn't know. "Enforced werewolf mind control. So I'll mark that down as a lost cause and not worry about seeming weak in front of the Argents for playing the wish-wash game, and just tell them he's Derek's problem. How do pack dynamics work."

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"It's not...mind control, exactly. Not this time, not with Derek. It's just...being an omega hurts. It's scary."

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"Enforced werewolf mind fuckery, then," she mutters. "How do werewolves work."

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"Do you just want me to tell you everything I know about how we work? It's not much."

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Melissa, by this point, has decided to quietly leave for work. 

She has to get there sooner or later, and sooner will probably help that growing headache.

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No, she wanted you to fucking dodge the question for a third time that sounds fun -

"Yes," she sighs. "That is exactly what I want."

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"So. The major things. Some are born, like Derek and his family, most of us are turned. If something weird happens, kanima. Derek's theory is not having enough love. Wolves have better senses, strength and speed than humans. We can transfer the pain of others to ourselves. Alphas are weird, they can scratch people and implant or erase memories. Also they can sort of mind control their betas if they scratched them, but I don't think they can if they bit them. There might be other stuff but it's probably better if you ask about the confusing parts."

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"Is there a difference between born werewolves and made werewolves, can a werewolf evolve into a kanima if they feel abandoned or unloved, are alpha and beta just arbitrary words assigned to the dominant wolf in the pack and their lieutenant, or is it a specific species thing?"

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"Any differences seem mostly about being raised as one. A little better with the senses, a little more comfortable with violence. Derek didn't mention any stories about evolution like that and it's not in the bestiary, so that's all I know. And I don't know how alphas start, but any beta who kills an alpha becomes one. Derek killed his uncle, who killed his sister, who was alpha."

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"Okay. Implant and erase memories, is that in anyone, or just werewolves? Is there a range requirement for it?"

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"The last alpha we knew was Peter, Derek only tells me cryptic things to get me to join his pack, so he hasn't told me anything." 

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"Not to worry," says Yvette, "I'm going to be interrogating him, too. I'll ask."

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"Sure. Do you need me to do anything other than introduce you?"

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Possibly, but she hasn't gotten that far yet.

"Do you have school today?" she asks. Pause. "What day is it, even."

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"It's spring break. We still have lacrosse practice, but not today."

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"All right." So clearly you are free to drive me around as I solve all of your problems for you, she doesn't say. "What's Derek like?"

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"Derek thinks of humans as being liabilities to work around. Other werewolves are threats unless they're part of his pack. He grew up as his mother's beta, and then his sister's. Kate Argent, Allison's aunt, started the house fire that killed most of the Hales. That's why Peter turned me, to get revenge on everyone he blamed for it. That's Peter Hale, Derek's uncle. Derek has three betas he turned to deal with the Argents being in town again. He doesn't trust easily."

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"... So it sounds like I need to have something to offer him before I can get anywhere of note," she muses. "Does Derek want revenge on the Argents?"

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"Maybe, but he's smart enough not to take it out on their daughter, and Kate is already dead, which was always his big problem."

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"So I could potentially offer peace. Maybe. Do you know what he wants, long term? If the Argents weren't here."

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"I don't know. I think he wants to be an alpha, but only because there aren't any other Hales to do it. I don't think he really likes power that much. And he doesn't really want to have betas to look after, but he wants a pack. Maybe you could teach him to be a better alpha, he might take advice from a magical human from another world."

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"I... am not sure I could teach a werewolf how to be a better alpha, when I am not a werewolf myself. It depends on what's required for it. But, okay. I'll keep it in mind, certainly. Betas are specifically werewolves he has turned? You're not his beta?"

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"I was Peter's beta. Derek killed him and became alpha. Derek thought it would transfer, but it didn't. The only reason I couldn't reject Peter completely was that he scratched me. He could make me do things while I was asleep." 

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"... I'm sorry," says Yvette, softly.

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"It's fine. Peter's gone, he can't hurt anyone now. You should talk to Derek, and Jackson. I can probably get Stiles to give us a ride. You prefer the jeep to my bike, right?"

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"Yes. Yes I do. I'm still trying to figure out order and my plan of action, I think I should first call the Argents and let them know about how to get Matt to potentially not become a kanima, and test out how they feel about peace with Derek and his pack."

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"Mr. Argent will listen to you and Allison if you both push peace. Mrs. Argent won't sabotage her family, if she's outvoted. Allison wants peace as much as we do. Since her grandpa isn't involved anymore, it shouldn't be too hard for an outsider human like you to talk them into a truce. You already got them to leave us alone."

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"If he really seems on the fence, mention how much Kate hurt the Hales. Mention the fire. He won't like you as much if you do, but he'll fold."

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"All right," says Yvette. He's apparently thought a lot about this subject. She'll at least not ignore his advice, but whether or not she follows it is a bit more up in the air. "Is there a way I could just talk to Allison, without her family?"

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"You can probably do that. Just call them and ask for her. They'll both be willing to let her talk to you, and you can arrange something."

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"Tell her not to be too obvious about what you're saying to her, though. Allison can be a good liar but she might not realize right away that she should hide this from them."

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Scott, her default is not 'hide things from family members' why is it your default. She hadn't mentioned that at all. She maybe wants to talk with Allison about how to handle things, but 'lie to your family' is not a thing Yvette thinks she wants to ask of people casually.

"What are you thinking I'll need to hide?" she wonders. "I was planning to be very up-front with how I would like for everyone to not be trying to kill each other. I perhaps don't want Allison to shout how I plan to play diplomacy at the top of her lungs, and maybe not tell me what tactics she recommends using on her parents in front of them, but 'hide' is a bit strong."

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"If her parents think you want them to make peace with Derek's pack, they'll probably take Allison out of town and come back with more hunters."  

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"Charming people. All right. So I have to blindside them with it."

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"Allison can handle them, but if you just let her listen to you without reminding her first, she might not be very discreet. She's never hidden anything from her parents, besides me."

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"Okay." She decides not to waste time bemoaning the fact that she has to systematically lie to people now, because that's not useful and she can have a proper vacation when people are not going to start killing each other at the drop of a hat.

"So, vague plan - I call the Argents, tell them the idea of how to potentially stop Matt from lizarding, then ask to talk to Allison, possibly with the excuse of wanting to know how she talks to werewolves so I can go talk to Derek? I don't know how that excuse would go over, I could possibly play up some racism but that rubs me the wrong way..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ask her how how to interact safely with Derek's pack. You've heard a lot of bad things about them but you have to know the full story. She'll lean on what her parents have told her and her general attitude towards strangers, and she won't say anything that makes it sound like you want a truce. She'll figure out that you want one, but by then she'll already be thinking from the right perspective."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, better plan, thank you. ... I need paper, I've got a lot to do today and need to keep it straight..." She starts looking for paper and a pen.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I have some in my room. Be right back."

That gives her two minutes to think, at most. 

Permalink Mark Unread

She will spend it getting cereal to eat, because she wants paper to plan this out, and because if she doesn't take the time to take care of herself she'll be even more of a wreck than she is right now. While that would be an achievement, certainly, she'd rather not. She notes that she needs to have a shower and change, too; she's still in what she was wearing last night, which does happen to have a bit of blood on it where she was trying to keep Gerard from bleeding out.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here's some paper, pencils, pens...I wasn't sure what your preferred? I can get you a notebook or a folder if you want something more permanent. I don't really know what your long-term plans are but we can help you find something, after the stuff with the Argents is over." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is fine," she assures. "I don't really know what my long-term plans are either, yet." And thinking about them right now would completely ruin my productivity and I'd probably need to go cry for a bit, she doesn't say. "I'll let you know when I have some, but don't expect any until after all of the crises are dealt with."

She starts writing out her plan.

Talk to the Argents

  • De-lizarding Matt -> talk to Derek's pack for clarification -> talk to Allison about how to talk to him safely

  • Talk to Derek
  • De-lizarding Matt.
  • Talk to Jackson about Matt, verify story.
  • Peace with Argents.
  • Find out what the werewolves want besides 'not death.'
  • Get Derek to stop being a pressuring fuckwit to Scott.
  • Possible advice on how-to-alpha (???).
  • ... Okay that seems like an actual plan. She has an actual plan. Good. She's glad, she feels better for having one.

    "Right then," she says, after this is done. "I'm going to finish my cereal, then take a shower and call the Argents. Do you have any advice for how I handle the Gerard situation? Give condolences, not bring it up...?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott is reading a book on the couch, but looks up when she starts talking to him.

    "It should probably be safe for you. Tell Allison to give them your condolences, they'll all like that-especially since they'll believe that you actually mean it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay," she agrees. Then: cereal, and some absent notes on what to do about Lydia. (Figure out meeting, figure out wtf, possibly get her under pack protection)

    And then she has a shower. ... Then writes up a list of things she needs besides clothes. Like a toothbrush. She needs a toothbrush of her very own.

    But first, let's make sure that people are not going to get killed, by calling the Argents. Ring, ring.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hello? Chris here, who is this?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hello, it's Yvette. ... I heard about Gerard. My deepest condolences."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Yvette, right. Thank you. I appreciate that, coming from you. I suppose you want to arrange some kind of meeting between us and Scott?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No. I actually learned from Scott how we might prevent Matt from transforming into a kanima."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Go on."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The idea was that kanima have a set of rules, and that Matt broke one of them. That he forced the kanima to kill an innocent. And the way to fix that is to - show remorse, apparently. But Scott got this from Derek, so I'll need to talk to him to learn more."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's possible. I suppose you couldn't get what you needed from the family bestiary?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No. Scott mentioned the love thing came from Derek, so I have reason to believe there's something to it, just. I think I need some advice on how to talk to him safely, I've heard a lot of things about him and most of them haven't been good."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek Hale is probably the least vicious member of his family. We spend most of our time hoping he doesn't start killing townsfolk left and right, but we don't talk to him."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, I think it's my best chance to keep Matt from joining the lizard legions, plus I'm an emissary. I think it's worth the risk, I just want to be safe while doing it. Would you or Allison have good advice for a teenage girl talking to werewolves?"

    Let him think that she doesn't want to talk to Mrs. Argent. He probably doesn't want to talk to Mrs. Argent. She did just recently kill his father.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Emissary. Right. The best way to talk to Derek Hale is to threaten him; he doesn't respond to anything else. I'll put on Allison on the line."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yvette, dad said something about Derek? You want my advice?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hi, Allison. I was planning to talk to Derek and his pack, do you know how to interact with them safely?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Um, you can mostly just be human? Derek isn't that violent towards humans."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh, well. All right then. You're not on speakerphone, right?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No, my parents don't need to hear this. They're working through some things. Ask away."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Scott said to warn you not to be too obvious about what I'm about to say to you. So, warning you, I am about to say some things your parents probably won't like."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. Go ahead, tell me the situation."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I would like to negotiate peace between the Argents and Derek's pack."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...My family is very traditional about some things. I don't think that will be easy. If you can talk some sense into...him, then I can reintroduce him to my parents. Try talking to him about his family, I think it should help." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. Any family topic in particular I should aim for? Or should I just ask Scott there?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Ask him to explain how he picks his friends. And it's always good to get a second opinion! Just mention what I told you and you should be fine."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. I can do that. Anything else I should know?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Your friend can probably take it from here. I hope this helps, Yvette."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I think it will. Thank you very much."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    That's that, then. 


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What happened? It seemed like it went well."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It did. She said to mention Derek's family to him, and to ask him how he picks his friends."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. She probably wants you to talk to him about his mom and sister. They were both his alphas and he respected them a lot. And I guess to ask him why he bit Isaac, Erica, and Boyd specifically? That's pretty much because they were vulnerable to wanting the change. Isaac had his dad, Erica had epilepsy, and Boyd was lonely."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Nod. "What do you mean, 'Isaac had his dad'?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't know all the details. His dad was abusing him for years."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Ah. I see," murmurs Yvette. "All right." She writes down her new topics to help herself remember. "Then I suppose I'm ready to talk to Derek."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    There's a loud thump upstairs.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette looks up, sharply.

    "... Um?" she says.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll check it out. It's probably Stiles, sneaking in through the window."

    He goes upstairs, hiding claws in his fists.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He comes down a minute later, arguing with Stiles.

    "You can't do that now that we have a guest. You might scare her."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh, I think she can handle it. I've been hearing some pretty wild rumors lately."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, because I told you what happened. You were asleep, and you don't have other friends."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Just because I can handle alarming things doesn't mean I necessarily want to."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fair. Congrats on solving the Argents."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That means he thinks you're probably not even a little bit evil."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Blink. That. Was a compliment? Uh. Okay.

    "Thank you," she says, a little surprised.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Are you going after Derek's pack next? I've got some suggestions."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What? I'm just talking, we're getting along fine so far."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. I'll be over there, reading. Try not to make any enemies."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Going after? Uh, yes. I think I need to keep Derek's pack and the Argents from killing each other first but after that I'll see if I can get them to stop being assholes."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's all posturing. Mutually-assured destruction, you know? Derek needs betas as long as there's a local family of hunters. The reason the Argents are all trigger-happy is because Derek kept biting humans. All you need is to get him to stop growing his pack and you're golden."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, that was the impression I got. Does Derek really want anything? Besides having a pack and not being dead."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The guy is kind of a creep. If Scott joined his pack, he might agree to leave the Argents alone. But then he wouldn't do what he said he would, and also Scott would have to be his beta. Which, see the part where he's a creep."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm going to be a magical outsider human at the problem and see if that'll get him to back off."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That might do it. Scott, can I be Batman if she's Wonder Woman?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No one is Batman, Stiles."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, yeah. I think the best way for you to handle Derek is act like you're his sister. He's been in the market for another one for a while."

    Permalink Mark Unread



    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Act like I'm his sister how, exactly?"

    She attempts to distill her relationship with her sister into a set of actions to be conducted at a relative stranger, and doesn't get much of anywhere.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, I guess his sister was his alpha, so it's a little different, but. Just kind of ask him what he wants as if you're concerned about him and then sort of order him to do follow your advice on getting it. That's how I think Derek and his sister were. I don't know if other siblings do that, all I have is Scott."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I can do that, I suppose. I don't really order my sister to do things, though, so I can't really associate this with 'being sisterly.'"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You don't have to, he does. Act like you're a teacher and he needs a lecture on how to behave in class. Be less disruptive, that kind of thing."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Oh, I can definitely do that," snorts Yvette.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Finally, someone with sense, and good taste in movies. This town has been needing someone like you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She snorts, and smiles a complicated, slightly strained smile. Yeah, clearly, she was needed. Maybe a bit of a touchy subject, Stiles, good job.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stiles, can you get my laptop? I should get started on our essays."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, sure, be right back."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Are you okay?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, fine. I'm not made out of paper, just." She waves a hand. "It did touch on a sore subject immediately after another sore subject. I'm fine."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. I'm sorry for...well, I guess an apology doesn't help much, but I'm sorry for getting you in this mess and for not doing more to handle it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Thanks. I'll be okay. I'd - really just rather focus on solving the thing with Derek right now, though."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay, got it. I can't believe you're putting homework first."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Not first, we're just not in the middle of crisis right now, even if we will be tomorrow."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Not if I have anything to say about it we won't," mutters Yvette. "I'm not stopping until the genre of this movie's romantic comedy."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yvette, do you want me with you when you talk to Derek?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Don't mind either way."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Go. If he thinks he still has a shot with you, he might actually stick around to talk to her."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fair. All right. When are we leaving?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Now that the kanima is out of the picture, we should act before Derek tries making more betas. The Argents won't forgive him if there's no outside threat anymore."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Nod. "Then let's go."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stiles, can we take the jeep?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What, why? I don't really need to see Derek Hale again."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "She doesn't like the bike."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course she doesn't. Alright, let's go."


    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette will not defend her completely rational dislike of motorcycles, backed up by perfectly reasonable terror. She is justified and comfortable with her boundaries, and her boundaries include not going on the dangerous excessively fast explosion fueled vehicle that relies on careful balance and coordination from its user(s) while giving shit for protection while playing in the same area as giant reinforced metal monsters that for the most part don't particularly mind squishing the glorified bike rider.

    This is not a sore point for her at all.

    On to see Derek!

    Permalink Mark Unread

    On to Derek they go.


    Permalink Mark Unread

    They drive for a while, until they pull up to the abandoned train station. 

    Derek is already waiting for them outside. 

    "Hey, just thought you should know our otherworldly visitor wanted to meet you."


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hello," says Yvette, as she gets out of the jeep. "It's nice to meet you."

    Being polite is maybe not the best opener, but she doesn't have a better idea, so she'll be polite.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "....Is this some kind of practical joke?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We don't really know why she looks like Lydia."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Oh. Right. That thing. Sigh. "We really don't. I'm very sorry for the confusion."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek, Yvette wanted to meet all the big players in town. That's why we're here, not to bother you or your groupies."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure," he says dryly.  

    "Let's just drink some tea and talk about boys all night."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    This is such a charming person to talk to, Yvette is so glad to see that the trend of wonderful, personable people in this town continues.

    "I actually wanted to hear more of your information about the kanima, and how to prevent someone from turning into one."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We don't-"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We kill them."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We don't kill people!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette holds up a hand to Scott to signal please shut up I have questions.

    "No better way to fix them that you know of?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The only way someone would become a kanima is if they broke its code. The kanima is dangerous and violent, but it's not evil, not the way people are. Whoever its master was has given up on being saved."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Clearly it's her job to save the people that have given up on being saved. That's just obvious.

    "You make it sound like giving up on being saved is important to becoming a kanima."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Those who empty their lives of love become kanimas. The kanima master breaks this rule when he breaks the moral code the kanima abides by, forcing it to kill innocents. The master becomes a kanima regardless of how much love has been shown him, because killing an innocent is a complete rejection of love."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    What kind of questionable bullshit logic is this? She has to remind herself that the love thing demonstrably worked. That makes this, however bullshit it might be, probably her best bet.

    "No repentance for it available?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Come on, you're just guessing based on some bedtime stories. You don't know anymore than we do."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Why can it happen without a bite or scratch from one of us? Humans don't usually change like this without help."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Okay, fair enough, decent question Scott.

    "Something to do with the connection to the kanima, I presume?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Maybe I don't know that much, but I obviously know more than you do, or you might have handled the problem by now."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The relationship between the kanima and its master is a contract. In exchange for its power, the kanima demands deserving victims. It has anger and hate, but it needs appropriate targets. When the master betrays its trust, the kanima punishes the master, by sharing its blessing and curse."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sounds familiar. 'The bite is a gift', right, Derek?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott gets a look from Yvette, and then she tries to get this back on track because clearly she is the most mature person here.

    "When you say sharing of its blessing and curse, do you mean in the typical bitey way, or in a magic kind of way? If he were cured in some way, would be then become a werewolf?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He could become a werewolf, yes. He would need someone to convince him of their love."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Oh damn it if she has to confess love to another fucking lizard monster -

    "Romantic love only?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. I think any kind of love that the kanima believes is real should be fine. If the kanima master prioritizes some kinds of love, they might work better."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... The kanima master," because Yvette doesn't know if Derek knows that it's Matt or not, "didn't seem like he had proper healthy relationships in his life. Do you think the kanima was drawn to that? One lonely soul finding another?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It probably helps. But the kanima would find the first angry or vengeful person near it, and once they locked eyes, it was over."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Would it feed its master's angry and vindictive emotions to get targets?" wonders Yvette. Because it does sound like it's in character, and like Matt wasn't lying after all.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The kanima is just a weapon. It finds someone who can use it to enact justice."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You said it demands deserving victims, though. And it doesn't switch to a new master if its old one is out of targets for it?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "This is the first kanima I've seen, I only know what I've heard. You asked me to share, I'm sharing."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... You're right. Sorry. Thank you very much, you're being very helpful. I'm just - thinking out loud, there is a logic to this and I'm trying to grasp it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Maybe we should talk to Jackson. He might know something useful. Derek?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's waiting inside. Do you want him out here, Yvette?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If he wouldn't mind. How's he adjusting to his new situation?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's adjusting."

    Without turning his head, he shouts,

    "Jackson! Get out here."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Jackson gets.

    He runs out, shifting to human as he approaches Derek

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Hey. Lydia seemed a little shaken up when I called this morning, I'm heading to check up on her after this."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Someone probably should."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah. We'll make sure she's okay." Pause. "Hello, by the way. I'm Yvette."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, I can see that. Lydia moves differently. I...don't really remember what I was thinking when I was all lizardy. Any of it, really. I know that's not what you want to hear, sorry."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's all right," she assures. "... I hate to ask this, but how long did it take for you to, er, transform into a full kanima? From being bitten."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The first full moon after I was bitten, I transformed."

    He runs a hand through his hair.

    "Maybe if he doesn't see anyone the first night, it happens differently."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. I'll keep that in mind, if I can't find a solution before the next full moon. Thank you." So, at minimum, by the next full moon she needs to have Matt away from Mrs. Argent. A month to convince a guy he's loved? Well. She's going to need to look up some therapy lessons via the internet, and push the friendship angle if she can.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If that's all, I should get back to my pack."

    He puts a hand on Jackson's shoulder.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Tell Lydia I'm alright."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yes, of course, but -" she looks at Derek. "Hold on a minute, please?"

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    And she thought she was being grumpy. Being polite seems to piss him off, she'll have to figure out how to speak in a more direct fashion.

    "I'm trying to figure out a way to get the Argents to back off. To get them to back off enough I need to know what you want. For yourself, and for your pack. So - what is that?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I want to be left alone. Hunters killed most of my family, and wolves finished the job. I want to be safe. If the Argents can offer peace, I won't ask for anything else. There's work to do."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They won't like if you keep biting people, even if you are justified," she points out. "Is your pack large enough to defend itself? If they don't escalate?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...It's not the Argents I'm worried about."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Okay. So what are you worried about, and can I help with it?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I doubt it. Focus on the girl, and the hunters."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Telling me what the problem is means I won't be blindsided by it later, even if I can't help. And I would rather not be blindsided," she says, a little tartly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There's another pack coming to town."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What time do you expect them to arrive, do you know them very well?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How do you know they're coming?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't know for sure which pack or when they'll get here, but someone will come to fill the vacuum if there's no other pack in the way."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There wasn't a pack here while you were on your road trip! We were fine without any pack to protect us."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... So this is supposition, not a certain thing," she says. She carefully keeps her voice free of annoyance, but she is a little annoyed. "Is a pack of - five, I think, enough?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The Hale pack never had less than five werewolves, and we had humans to round us out."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What is required to make a human count as a pack member?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Blood. Marriage. Trust, friendship. I don't really want to trust the humans of Beacon Hills again, which is why I've been turning so many. I know I can trust my betas."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So you turn them into something that you can mind control, she doesn't say.

    "... Would a pack be likely to show up if there were two packs in town?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Maybe not. Maybe it would just attract the attention of a more powerful one, instead of one desperate for turf."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is there a way to avoid getting the attention of a pack entirely?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Some kind of magic, maybe? The best way is probably to not have an omega who's managing to live this long."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Guess I'll try dying, if that helps."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette considers ways to teach Scott a valuable lesson on how silence is golden, and duct tape is silver.

    "Do they like novelties, or would they want to try their hand at recruiting?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Omegas don't make it without a pack. They'll want to know how he did it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... And if we say the answer is 'he went and got a new non-werewolf pack'? Will that just send them on their way without any issue?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They won't believe an omega has managed to form a pack of humans. I'm getting a bit tired of you pretending like you understand anything that's going on here."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I am a quick study," she snaps. "I'm sorry, have you negotiated any truces yet? Cured any kanima? Saved any lives with just a well-aimed cellphone and some quick thinking?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek, maybe-"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'd like you to leave my property now."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette stares him down, wondering if she can actually burst into flames from fury on the spot or not. Spontaneous combustion isn't a thing, right? Surely not. She counts to five lightning quick in her head and recalls that she has to be the mature one with these idiots. She can't just expect them to grow up and get over themselves at any point in time. So she has to.

    "I apologize," she says, in a much clearer voice than she could have ever hoped from herself. Oh god, she's adjusting. Someone, send help. This is going to be her new normal. "I've been in a very convenient position since I got here, but it's been a bit stressful." Understatement. "But I can and will help you, I can get you peace with the Argents and I can try to get you peace with other werewolves but I need your help to do it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No. We're done. I have no interest in you or whatever mind games you want to play with these kids. Good luck."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Looking up anger management techniques is definitely getting higher priority now.

    "Fine. But do not bite anyone else. You have enough of a pack without Scott to avoid getting pack attention, by your own admission. Don't start an actual war over preventing a possible one."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We'll see what I decide in the morning. It'll be a surprise for both of us. Give my regards to the Argents."

    He strolls back inside, Jackson following close behind him.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette stays where she is, watching him leave silently.

    Her hands are shaking slightly. It isn't from fear.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well. That went better than expected. He agreed not to bite anyone else, kind of. Good job, buddy."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott ignores him.

    "Yvette, are you okay? He's gone now, he can't hurt you."

    He doesn't seem to have noticed that it's not fear yet.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fear is the last thing on my mind right now," she says, in that remarkably even diplomatic tone she seems to have stuck on. "Was that actually agreement, Stiles? It was hard to tell. I see what you mean about him."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He'll at least consider it. He's afraid of you and thinks you have better judgment than him, but he also thinks you want him to suffer."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek might bite more betas, regardless of what he said tonight. I don't think the Argents will go back on their word if he does, but it's something we should look out for."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Afraid of me," repeats Yvette, a trace of amused. ... A trace of satisfied, actually. Why yes, she is terrifying, he should be afraid. Along with everyone else in this fucking town. "Well. Is there a way to make it clear I don't want him to suffer?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...I don't know. Derek doesn't trust people generally, it won't matter that you've done a lot while you're here if he decides he can't trust you. We might still be able to stop him from making more betas. I'll think about it, and talk to Dr. Deaton tonight. First, I want to go see Lydia."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yes, but Scott, you're an idiot, so what you want doesn't matter very much.

    "Does Dr. Deaton have a useful perspective on the situation?" wonders Yvette.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Uh. I thought so?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If he does then I would like to speak to him." Can she manage to turn off the even, no-nonsense tone? ... Ahahaha, no. No, that is how she starts shouting. Let's not. "What's your relationship with him?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's my boss at the vet clinic. He knows about magic and werewolves, though he keeps a lot of secrets."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is all of his knowledge from you, or..?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No. He and Derek are where I get most of my knowledge about all of this stuff. And Allison."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Then you should have fucking told Yvette about him sooner, shouldn't you.

    Yvette bites back the rage, again. She will work through it later, with some sort of healthy outlet of some kind. Martial arts. Kickboxing. Pyromania. She'll figure it out.

    "Okay," she says, instead. In the same even tone. "Then yeah, I'd like to talk to him. But Lydia first, you're right, if something's going on with her now we need to know."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. Let's go."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    Eventually, they arrive.

    Her house is a standard suburban home, with a coat of, if not fresh, not faded paint. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Well, if Yvette were surrounded by sane, intelligent people, she'd just let them do the talking. But she is not, she is clearly the smartest person in this town, so she'll need to verify that they have intelligent things to say before she lets them talk to people.

    "How well do either of you know her parents?" she asks, not getting out of the car just yet.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Her dad doesn't live with them, and we're not really friends." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay, so we don't know if we can trust her mom to accept the weird shit in stride. So - is there some sort of way you could talk to Lydia and get her to meet me out here? Sans parents until we know anything about them?" She doesn't want to play cloak and dagger, but she wants to deal with 'and the government would like to study and dissect werewolves' even less.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We could call Allison, she and Lydia are actually friends."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And Allison has been entirely reasonable -

    "That works. I should possibly plan better before we actually get to places, we're going to seem like strange creepers..." That last part was mostly to herself.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, Lydia knows us, we're all friends with Allison."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stiles was there when she was attacked. He called the ambulence. And there was what happened at the party. He could just be showing concern." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Do you think it's very likely that she'll want to meet me based on your say so?" This is addressed to Stiles.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Maybe Scott should ask her." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She looks between Scott and Stiles, and measures dealing with the fallout of Scott inevitably fucking it up versus the trouble of calling Allison to tell Lydia to come meet her.

    "All right. I'll - be out here, then," she says, a trace of hesitant. They can't fuck it up that badly, can they? Stiles is present, he's a bit of an asshole but he was downright helpful when talking to Derek.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And so she waits. 

    Scott knocks.  

    Permalink Mark Unread

    A woman with red hair who could have a daughter that looks like Yvette answers.

    "Hello? Oh, I remember you. Stiles, wasn't it? Are you looking for Lydia?"  

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Could you tell her Scott and Stiles are here to see her? It's about the party last night. We just wanted to check up on her." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course. Come in, I'll make tea." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We don't want to stay long, we just want to make sure she's okay. We can sit while we wait, but don't go out of your way or anything." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you're sure. Lydia, your friends are here to see you!" 

    They all head inside. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Lydia comes downstairs. 

    "Scott, Stiles. I guess my mom was misled, since she said my friends were here."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We wanted to make sure you were okay after last night. Things got pretty intense."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Amateurs. Just because some idiot brought beer to my party you all decide to lose your self control. Try not to get so wasted next time, McCall."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Stiles looks around nervously, confirming that Lydia's mom isn't within earshot.

    "Lydia, someone spiked the punch. Everyone there was hallucinating, and some people were hit harder." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I- I don't really remember how bad it got." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Lydia, there's something we have tell you. A few things, well, maybe several things." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Could we go outside for a minute and talk?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fine. If you've decided to actually explain to me why the three of you have been acting completely insane for weeks, that would be nice."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette can see them coming back out with a familiar face in tow.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Wow, that really is uncanny, what the hell.

    She hadn't really planned what to say, had she. She just sort of - thought she should meet Lydia and make sure she was okay, and solve whatever problem was causing her grief.

    "Um," she says, suddenly shy, "hi."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stiles, is this some sort of really bad joke? Has the past month been an elaborate prank? Does cloning technology exist, does magic exist, why did no one warn before I dug up a grave with my bare hands!"

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Lydia, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And that prods Yvette's desire to have things be done correctly, which neatly assassinates her awkwardness. She focuses on the job that needs to be done and not on how incredibly weird this is.

    "Magic is real," she asserts. "As are a number of other things, including werewolves. It's not an elaborate prank, though to be honest, I really wish it were. I'm Yvette, I'm from another dimension. Nice to meet you."

    Her voice doesn't sound the same. The timbre is different, as is her accent and cadence. Now that Yvette can hear Lydia talk, she's mildly surprised she managed to fool kanima-Jackson into thinking the love confession was genuine. Not that she's complaining.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Magic is real. That neatly explains how I brought someone back to life last night. I'm guessing Scott is a werewolf? And Allison is a witch? Sorceress, whatever."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm a werewolf. Allison is...her parents are hunters. They fight and kill werewolves." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's a bit of a soap opera," says Yvette matter-of-factly. "Jackson is also now a werewolf, but this only happened recently."

    She is definitely going to ask about that resurrect the dead thing, but first Lydia really needs to know what the fuck is going on.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course it did. Have I recently become something? That would explain a lot."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Jackson was a kanima, a kind of lizard monster. Do you remember, when we wouldn't let you leave the study session..." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He was on the roof?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "As for what you are, no one really has a clue. I'm looking into it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You are immune to werewolf bites, though. Apparently. So you're likely a something. You mentioned resurrecting the dead?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Apparently I drugged Derek Hale with a dart and kidnapped him, so he could ressurect his uncle while unconscious. They're having a family reunion in which Derek panics and cries a lot. Peter sent me away."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    "And this is the same Peter that I've heard such wonderful things about," says Yvette, eerily calm. "Right then. Where is this family reunion occurring?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "At their house! I'm not sure I can help there. Thinking about him is making everything fuzzy and I don't want to dissociate again so I think I'll stay here."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh, agreed." She still sounds so calm, where is this even coming from. "We're going to keep you far, far away from him." She considers. "Scott, could you please call the Argents?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Stiles, can you call the Argents. I need to sit in the car for a minute." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Stiles calls the Argents. 

    "Am I just explaining the situation and asking for backup?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yep. Also how best to kill the fucker so that he stays properly dead this time, where he can't mind control anyone else ever again."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sounds like a plan. Hey, Mr. Argent? Yeah, Stiles. Friend of werewolves. Peter Hale didn't stay dead and he's kind of awful. Thoughts, suggestions?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is there anything else you can tell us about him?" Yvette asks Lydia. Stiles probably has this covered. The Argents usually have to be convinced to not jump to murder.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't know. He's not good at hiding how little he cares about people, but he still can be charming. He's interested in you after all, and aren't you special? Unless you're warned, or smarter than that." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's not your fault."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Thanks. I think I might have to blame myself for not saying anything when I started hallucinating, though."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He said they'll meet us there, but not to bring any other werewolves. Just me, Yvette, and you, Lydia." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott returns, looking a bit like he's been crying.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We should keep Lydia away from him, he has some kind of control of her. We're not giving him any more power than he already has, especially since we don't know what Lydia is. So you and me."

    She looks at Scott, and her face softens.

    "Scott, I'm going to make this go away, okay? It will be okay. Promise. He's a bastard, but he hasn't had to deal with me."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah. I trust you." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay, let's go meet the people with guns and knives who think they can kill Peter Hale. Scott, keep Lydia company."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It will be okay," repeats Yvette, and then she gets into the passenger seat to go meet the people with guns and knives.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And they drive.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey, thanks for helping us. These really aren't your problems."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What would I do, just say, 'Not my problem, have fun with that'?" snorts Yvette. "Not really my style. If I can fix it, I'm going to try." She looks out the window, at the scenery passing by.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He lets her enjoy the view.

    Beacon Hills, if nothing else, is teeming with life.

    The trees are green again, with the cold creeping away. She can see them starting to blossom.

    Permalink Mark Unread


    "I'm not being psychotic with the, the - jumping straight to 'let's put him back where he was' thing with Peter, right. I haven't even met the guy, but from the way everyone talks about him, and the way he mind controls people, and how everyone when mentioning his death thought it was an improvement..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Werewolves and hunters tend to think about murder pretty casually. Born werewolves, anyway. Scott thinks about it like a human does, and if you asked him, he would say we find something to contain Peter. Maybe something involving wolfsbane and mountain ash, those are things that weaken werewolves, but. He'll never change. And he's hurt a lot of people. If I thought we could just hold him, maybe."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm not convinced that with the mind control we could," mutters Yvette. "It's - why I jumped aboard the murder train so quickly. There isn't a way to contain someone that will just make other people let him out."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't think he can mind control anybody, until he can scratch them. It could be doable."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Lydia mentioned feeling hazy and losing time."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He scratched her before he died. I think if he can't touch anyone, it might be safe."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "But he could control Lydia, or Scott, or Derek. Any time that he wanted."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Maybe. But maybe not. Depends on how resurrection works, depends on if he ever actually scratched Derek, depends on what Lydia is, because Peter only ever got Scott in his sleep, but he messed with her head so much he got her while she was awake."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Damn it," she hisses. "Can't I just make one of the various problems plaguing this fucking town go away forever, never to darken anyone's door again?" Sigh. "Right. Fine. If we can, we interrogate him first, work it out from there. If it's possible. But if it's a choice between 'dangerously try to talk to him' and 'safely kill him'..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Scott won't like it, but he'll be busy having a panic attack. I'll handle the fallout there, you just focus on diplomacy. You're better at it them me. Neither of us has any patience, but you can at least spoof it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. I - definitely can. And I'll definitely try. Idealism, ho..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If it were up to me, I would just feed the guy wolfsbane and be done with it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm under the impression that would kill him?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Maybe. It might make him hallucinate, it might make him allergic to himself- wolfsbane is bad for werewolves, but the effects can be unpredictable depending on how it gets in their system. If you just put one near it, they just have trouble controlling their shifting and their aggression."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That sounds like way too much of a risk. If I were sincerely trying to make him go away, I'd just shoot him. With wolfsbane covered bullets. Or - whatever is necessary to quickly kill him."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Too obvious. Werewolves panic if humans kill their kind; they tend to want to resolve problems internally. At least with Peter, Derek will support our decision, but it's still risky to make it too much about hunters vs. werewolves."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. Okay." Pause. "I'm - confused. What do you want to happen? Earlier you were arguing for how containing him might be doable, but you seem very. 'Let's make him go away forever.'"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What do I want to happen? I want to slit the guy's throat and give the head to Lydia. Scott wants him to be alive, so that's what I want to want."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Most girls don't like the gift of severed heads," says Yvette, dry. "But, fair enough."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'd give it to Scott but he's straight and even more squeamish than she is."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    ... Yep, teen drama. Not a schlocky horror film. Just look at the love dodecahedron. Classic teen drama.

    "I also suspect that he wouldn't appreciate anyone killing someone in his name."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, that's the main reason I'm trying to come up with containment options. Lydia probably would approve of severed heads, just not me bringing her one. Scott would probably cry and puke and never talk to me again."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Severed heads: not the go-to gift for potential romantic interests. Who knew."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Stiles pouts, but not for long.

    They're outside a house. Or what's left of one, anyway.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    What a lovely place. Are the Argents here already?

    Permalink Mark Unread

    There are two Argents here.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey, Yvette. Sorry about the circumstances, but it's good to see you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey." She attempts a smile. It almost fits. "Good to see you, too. One day I'll stop playing catch up, but for now - how dangerous is Peter?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Peter Hale is the cruelest werewolf I've met. His sister, Talia, once kept peace with us hunters, and the town was safe. Between him and Kate, our own failure, they destabilized everything."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    If she tries to argue for his life she might lose the Argents. She would really prefer he just go and die and stop being her problem, but something still bothers her in the back of her mind about just saying, 'Then by all means, please go and kill him.'

    "How cruel are we talking? I know his modus operandi is 'mind control people around him when it's convenient,' but is there anything else we need to look out for?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't think it's just convenience, it's- he's about power and pain, he's a sadist, and not the harmless kind."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Rather like Kate that way. He wants to hurt others to prove himself, and it's hard to stop people like that from being dangerous."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right." She glances between Stiles, Allison, and Mrs. Argent, and raises her eyebrows slightly. She doesn't say Can we make him go away, but she thinks it very loudly.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We should go inside, so we can-"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, well, well, look at this."

    A man steps onto the porch.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    A familiar face steps out behind him, vaguely glaring at the scenery.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hello," says Yvette, and the eerie calm's back. "Hey, Derek, you all right?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm fine. What do you need me to do so you'll leave us alone."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You? Well, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't start a war with the Argents, but besides that, not very much. Him, though?" She points at Peter. "Why, I need him to stop playing puppeteer with people."

    The last word comes out in a snarl.

    Oh, she thinks. That wasn't calm at all. It was rage. Huh.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He'll stop. He's human now. I want the Argents to not try to get revenge for Kate, and to be allowed to build my own pack. Those are the terms."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek, let's not insist on pretending you can ever be an alpha like your sister. Don't embarrass the family in front of this young lady. I'm afraid I don't recognize you, though you're certainly not Ms. Martin."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm certainly not," she agrees, sugary sweet. She doesn't actually remember being this angry in her entire life, but for some reason she sounds so pleasant and personable. "Yvette Lane. I'm a bit new around here. I don't know, those terms sounded like an excellent start at peace terms to me, I don't feel like he was embarrassing anyone at all."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Stilinski, I hope you've been doing well. Did you know Lydia never once thought about you? She was too distracted trying to keep me entertained."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We're just here to make sure you don't kill anyone for the thrill of it again."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "And let me say, you are not filling me with warm fuzzy feelings about how you're reformed and don't want to hurt anyone now."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course I'm not reformed."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How reassuring. Then I suppose there's not much reason to agree to a treaty, since you'll just kill us in our sleep."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's human now! He's not a threat, and your husband will never forgive this, even if he can forgive you killing his father."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek, you can have your pack if you can keep Peter under control. That's all. The Argents and the Hales can go back to quietly leaving each other alone."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm not really convinced that being human means not being a threat. Listen, Derek, do you like your uncle?"

    Permalink Mark Unread


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You don't get the talking stick!"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's family. I'm not losing any more family."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm of the opinion that family's what you make it. I don't know you very well, but I would say just from talking to you that your pack is your family. The people that care about you, the people that stick by you, the people that love and are loved by you. The people that would do something a little bit crazy to keep you safe and then yell at you for getting yourself into danger. Can you honestly say that that asshole you happen to be related to is your family? Even as he asks you to put yours, your pack, at risk for him? Do you think he cares about them? Or you? Do you think he'd do the same?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course I care about Derek. You think I killed people for no reason? They destroyed my family."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They don't care about me. My betas. They didn't choose this."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Oh god damn it, she miscalculated. Why is this so hard. Why can't she just tell the Argents to shoot the fucker so everybody can move on.

    "Right, you care about Derek, so you belittle him instead of trying to help him do better," says Yvette, a little tartly. "Okay, fine, they're not - to the point where they care about you as a person. That doesn't mean the guy who thinks it's a good idea to mind control and manipulate a teenage girl into drugging you and using you does care."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Derek, I understand what it's like to have family you're not proud of. I think I have a clear advantage understanding what you're thinking. My aunt and I were always so close, when I grew up. She was so much younger than her brother; you were practically siblings, right? She was always a bit, intense, though. She was protective, but just a little too sharp. There was always an edge to him. He would do anything to protect you. And then it went wrong. She changed, got scared, got angry. He wanted revenge."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We just need to know if the town is safe. Can we trust Peter, or not? Maybe he was angry, maybe he's gotten his revenge, maybe he's satisfied. Are we safe?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He can't be trusted, and I don't like him. But he's staying here."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Might I ask why?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "He's pack. Boyd, Erica, and Isaac- they're all leaving. I messed up, I didn't know how to be an alpha. I thought- I needed a pack, so I tried to make one, and it didn't work. But the Hale pack is still here. We're not dead yet. He stays."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette looks at Derek, inscrutably.

    "... Okay," she says. "I - don't think you should give up on that pack of yours just yet, though. Do you want help?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll be fine. Go home, and try not to worry. Consider the war over. Is that alright with you, Argent?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm satisfied. Have a nice life, Mr. Hale. Try to keep your uncle on a leash. Allison, let's go."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. Goodbye, Derek."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Looks like it doesn't end in murder after all. She's so excited, except also she wants to find a quiet place in the woods to begin screaming.

    "Okay," repeats Yvette, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.

    Then she opens them and fixes Peter with a glare.

    "But you," she snarls, pointing at him. "Will stay away from Scott and Lydia. And if you fuck with me or Stiles or Derek or assorted familial units you are going to regret it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Well, I would never want to do something you'd make me regret. Have a good night."

    He puts his arm around Derek's shoulder and they go inside. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You too," she manages to say without snarling.

    That comes after the two of the Hales go inside, when she turns on her heel and stalks back to the jeep.

    "I," she says, "am not sure how the fuck any of that happened, or what I had to do with it, but fuck do I not want that man anywhere near anyone vulnerable, ever."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, he mostly kills people and makes your skin crawl. We should go. Make sure Scott and Lydia are still okay."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette's already ahead of him on the way back to the jeep.

    "Yep. Ugh. And I miscalculated so badly! I thought he was doing the power of friendship thing but instead he was. Not. At all. And now I just want to hug him instead of yell at him. It's annoying."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't want to hug him, but the way he was talking about family and pack...how many kids has Peter Hale messed up?"

    He starts the car. He sighs. 

    "You never met Kate Argent, but trust me when I say that you should be grateful one of them stayed dead."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette gives him a very serious look. "Stiles, I thought you were genre savvy. Why the fuck are you tempting fate like that? It's just asking for her to show up again in a super powered evil form at a dramatic moment, and I won't be having any of it."

    Her tone of voice barely changes. Yvette: still angry. But being angry doesn't mean she doesn't have a sense of humor.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey, if she comes back, one of them will just kill the other again. We'll be fine. That's one less thing to worry about."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure, they might kill the other again, but how much collateral damage would happen in the interim?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can't be worrying about Kate. The Argents can handle their own." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Worrying is not the exact word I want to use. Wary is a better one. I expect that the minute I stop telling it to behave, something in this town is going to cause trouble."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah. I think that's what happens when all the feuding families pack their bags and leave, and then come back five years later. Everyone is a bit wrong-footed."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She makes a face, but doesn't comment further.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He leaves her be.

    They get "home".

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott is waiting on his porch, staring at the wooden floor.

    "How did it go," he says, not looking up.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She doesn't have it in her to say 'it's all right.'

    "He's human now. We left him alive, but I told him to stay away from you and Lydia. Derek's got responsibility of him. Managed to get a peace between him and the Argents over it. He's not allowed to cause any trouble, it would start a war and I think the Argents would kill him for it." She doesn't say if I don't get to him first.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "No, there's been enough death. Thank you, for everything you did for us."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, she was really something. Derek didn't really listen, but you know Derek."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I think I got through to him a little," she muses. "He didn't seem to hate me as much after the impassioned but badly misaimed speech." Sigh. "Anyway. No problem. Allison was more of a help than I was, I was, uh. Not very pleased to meet him, let's go with."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sorry. I probably made it harder for you to handle him. I should have prepared you better."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    ... Yvette peers at Scott.

    "My problem wasn't that I wasn't prepared and was caught off guard. My problem was that I was so furious I was having trouble not spending the entire time shouting at him."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh. Because of what he did to Lydia."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Stiles waits by the car.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "And you. And Derek. And everyone else he's hurt, it sounds like it's a long list."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If he stops now, it's okay. Lydia is tougher than most people. She can decide if this is what he deserves, but she'll live with it if it's all they can get."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette does not understand this person and his incredibly bizarre mental structure. To be honest, she doesn't really want to, because she doesn't really care. But gosh can she look at the results of it and boggle, because what the hell is that shit.

    "All right," she says, because voicing her thoughts right now is the opposite of helpful.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It should be fine. She'll be okay. Nothing to worry about..."

    He tugs at his sleeves.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Me and Scott are going to hang out out here for a while. Good night, Yvette."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure. Good night." Pause. "Thanks for the help, by the way."

    And then she's going to flee to the safety of the couch. Is there a mother that Yvette needs to explain everything to? She feels responsible.

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    Nope. It's pretty late, she's probably asleep.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Well. That means Yvette has nothing obvious to do, and she's too wired to sleep. Instead, it's a parade of concerns and preparations and fears. Thoughts of how to possibly get Derek to stop pushing people away, how exactly she's planning to kill Peter if she decides that he needs to die, weighing what buttons she could push to stop the Argents from going to war with any werewolves... And, more pettily, how Scott got home from Lydia's house, when they left him there with her. Probably got a ride? Probably got a ride.

    She tries, briefly, to watch television, but can't make herself focus. Nothing on the screen is really worth her time, even just as a distraction. Instead, flits from seat to seat, anxious and trying to find somewhere that would be comfortable for the jittery raging beast that seems to have taken home in her gut. She has to be prepared for whatever the hell is going to happen next. Can't let herself die, and can't let herself lose, either. This insane town filled with murderers and monsters does not get to win. It will rue and celebrate the day she showed up and threw a cellphone at someone. Except if she's honest with herself, she doesn't have much to back any of those claims up. She's been here three days and she still has barely any idea what's going on or how these madmen function, and she's - still just an ordinary teenage girl. Human. While she doesn't think 'human' means 'harmless' she also doesn't think that she would have lasted very long if the kanima decided she looked delicious instead of like its girlfriend. What's to say the next thing won't just think her a meal?

    Well. She knows the answer to that, actually. There's something that's been with her since the beginning, she just has to close her eyes, and there it is. Waiting. That fucking book.

    Almost more than she wants to go home, she wants to read it. Finally figure out what the hell is going on with it. If someone asked her, do you want to go home, or do you want to know what's up with the evil book? she'd have to think about it. She'd fall in favor of going home to her family, because she'll be damned if she leaves them heartbroken for an unknown, but maybe the book offers ultimate cosmic power. Maybe it's not an 'or' situation, but an 'and.' Read this book, and be able to save this insane town, and then be able to go home. Or maybe it's the Necronomicon, and will drive her absolutely mad shortly before summoning an eldritch horror from the ninth circle of Hell. She doesn't know. That's the problem.

    Making decisions after having a long, painful day filled with yelling at people is - well. It's not advisable. Especially when it comes to books that may or may not be Cthulhu. So instead of snatching it from behind her eyelids to read, she just - looks at it. Hungrily. The temptation of answers, of power, just within her grasp.

    She does manage to sleep, eventually. After entirely too much time spent staring at a book. She dreams of dark twisted horrors and of helplessness and of a family that can't even hold a funeral, because they don't know whether she's dead or not.

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    They let her sleep as long as she needs. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She's up surprisingly early, for how late she was out and for how exhausted she looks.

    "Hi," she says in a near-monotone, as she fetches cereal.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So how did it go last night?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She considers how to succinctly summarize last night.

    "Nobody died," she says, sagely.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I want to know how you're doing. I got that much from the note."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sorry. I'm. A complicated mess of emotions that I'm having trouble putting into words right now. Proper analysis and explanation pending for after I lock myself in the bathroom to cry for a while." Cereal, mouth. Nom. "Also not dead though, so that's pretty cool."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Alright. If you need anything from me, let me know."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah, of course. Thanks. I'll - explain everything, if another crisis doesn't pop up. Again. Which, I give good odds for." She stares morosely at her cereal, then forces herself to take another bite.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm not in a hurry. I have to get to work eventually. If you need me, call this number, they'll get ahold of me."

    She leaves a sticky note on the table next to her. 

    "The house is yours. Try to enjoy yourself." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Best adult. She needed you.

    "Sure. Thank you very much, um." Pause. "Can I hug you?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Of course."

    Melissa gives good hugs.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Good, because Yvette really, really needed one.

    She spends about three seconds pretending the hug is from her mom, before she stops, because that is probably going to make her start crying - too late, there she goes. Waterworks.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Melissa is less good with crying, but she offers more hug.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    That is the appropriate reaction to having a sobbing Yvette. More hug: good move.

    "S-Sorry," she mumbles into Melissa's shoulder, "if, you need to go to work it's, totally fine, I will binge watch shitty movies and eat all of your ice cream, I'll be okay."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Give me a minute to make a call."

    She calls, and the ensuing argument doesn't last long.

    "Movies and ice cream it is."


    Permalink Mark Unread


    "Oh," says Yvette in a small voice. "Um. Thank you. Okay, yes, movies and ice cream. ... Maybe not ice cream yet, it's early. But yes. Movies. And I can - talk about the everything."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Popcorn then, I'm sure I can scare something up. There are some DVDs in the living room, I'll go hunting."

    She starts to search the pantry.

    Yvette can peruse the selection.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette isn't super picky, honestly. Not right now. Anything that isn't some sort of romance will do fine. Though she supposes she'll aim for 'not awful' for Melissa's account.

    "Okay," she agrees. "Do you have movie preferences?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Comedy or action, something that doesn't require thinking."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sounds good to me."

    She picks one of those for watching, sets it up so they can watch it, and then plops onto the couch with a fluffy blanket wrapped around herself.

    This is already helping. Yeah, maybe there's a crisis going on, but Yvette is a seventeen year old girl in way over her head. She kind of needs to make sure she doesn't become a snarling crazy person.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Melissa is good at vaguely supportive fun mom, if that's what Yvette needs.

    She makes sure to point out which actors she thinks are cute and which scenes don't get the medical details right, but otherwise makes appropriate sounds when exciting or funny things happen.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette would like her own mom, and her dad, and her sister, but 'vaguely supportive fun mom' makes a pretty decent substitute.

    The movie genres picked didn't require a lot of thinking, but Yvette doesn't exactly stop. Instead her thoughts are turned towards things the cast should have done, or questioning their logic when it seems like it's got some holes in it. Occasionally, she'll predict a twist, often correctly, but not always. She's always a bit impressed when something surprises her. Even if it doesn't look like it, she's having fun.

    Pointing out which actors she finds cute doesn't really happen, but she will weigh in on ones Melissa's called attention to. She likes people with a lot of charisma, not just a lot of fine cheekbones and chiseled abdominal muscles.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Melissa is impressed by her predictions, though less so with this sort of movie. She's more impressed with how she picks apart their decisions. 

    Her own tastes do run to cheekbones in general, but she seems to prefer a kind smile to chiseled abs. 

    Yvette is hopefully neither snarling nor crazy when the movie ends. 

    "We should do this again. It'll give you a chance to unwind."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Watching and critiquing a movie does seem to have calmed her down a lot. She's neither snarling nor crazy nor crying at the end of it. In fact, she's smiling faintly.

    "Agreed. Though not, ah - to the point where you miss work again. Some sort of weekend thing, maybe? Does Scott like stupid movies?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure, we can make it a regular thing. Stiles might want to join in sometimes, if that's not a problem."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It should be fine. He's been nicer lately, maybe he's taken pity on my poor soul."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "His family was a big help after the divorce. A lot of people liked my husband, though I still don't get the appeal. Stiles himself...he's smart but not really practical, and kind of obnoxious. I hope he wasn't too awful. I'll talk to him." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Don't worry about it," assures Yvette. "He was actively rude when he thought I was a - magic fraud of some kind, come to betray them at a key moment and attempt to kill everyone. Now he's been enlightened on the subject of my not being evil, and is just sort of himself, which is tolerable."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll talk to him anyway. There are degrees of obnoxious with him, I'll talk him down." 

    She busies herself with cleaning up. 

    "My supervisor won't mind that much, anyway. I'll just work an extra shift this week. It's a bit of extra paper-pushing, that's all." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right," she says, with a touch of hesitation. To both parts, really.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Melissa does, at this point, have to get ready. She can set Yvette up for lunch first. Does she want leftovers or should she leave her with menus? 

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    Leftovers will be absolutely fine. Besides, Yvette is seventeen, she can handle feeding herself. She wishes Melissa a good day at work. And thanks her for - this. It was very helpful.

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    Well, Yvette has the house to herself again.

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    So she does.

    She has some thinking to do, doesn't she. Does she want to open the book while she has the house to herself?


    No, she doesn't. She wants to inform someone of what she's doing before she opens the book, because that is what a responsible person does. She is going to ask Stiles for any knowledge he has about it, and any potential protections that are available in case it's evil, which it probably is. She's not going to open and read it in the house, she's going to open it and read it in a sensible location where if it explodes in horrorterrors, they're not all screwed.

    Instead she starts plotting out how to handle the various problems in the town, because - well. She had her break. If she were to draw it out longer she'd start to just feel horrible, especially under this kind of pressure. So it's back to work for her. While she thinks, she cleans, just to keep busy. To feel like she's making something better. And to sort of - repay the McCalls. She'll avoid moving too many things around, but she can vacuum and dust and wipe down countertops and mop just fine. So she finds the cleaning supplies, and she does that.

    She still needs to learn more about Lydia's - thing. She needs to handle the Matt situation. She needs to talk to Deaton, she needs to keep some kind of handle on Peter, and keep him far, far away from Lydia and Scott. She needs to figure out how to make Scott's pack some resemblance to official, so that if a new pack of werewolves show up they'll be moderately deterred from causing trouble. She needs to - she needs to get some kind of power, so she doesn't stare down monsters while made of paper and a lot of nerve. Whether that be through learning magic from Stiles or officially becoming a werewolf or opening that fucking book, she doesn't entirely care. But she doesn't want to be defenseless anymore.

    Soon enough, she gets hungry, and she has some leftover lasagna nuked in the microwave. She takes a shower. She goes back to cleaning, trying to figure out various ways to approach the insane people in this town.

    Eventually, she won't have the house to herself again.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott is home first.

    "Hey. Are you- how are you holding up? What do you need?"


    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey," she says, looking up from her dusting. "I'm - better. Ish. I've been cleaning. Your mom took some time off work to watch a stupid movie with me, it helped a lot." She considers, then adds, seriously, "And, uh, I probably need more Lysol."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I can get some, sure. You don't have to clean. If you want chores to do, we'll come up with a schedule or something, but you're our guest."

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    "I know I don't have to," she assures. "I mean, granted, it's a bit rude for me to just start cleaning your house, and I'm sorry about that, but your mom seems busy and I know how busy you are too, so. It seemed the thing to do. I put everything back where I found it." She shrugs. "I don't want to just park on the couch all day, I'd go crazy."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We'd understand if just relaxing and entertaining yourself was what you wanted instead. You've been pretty...active since you got here. I just want to make sure you're not over-doing anything. I mean, I'm sure you can take care of yourself, but it must be an adjustment." 

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    Scott means well, but he seriously has no idea what to do with her.

    "It is. I'm - not going to pretend I'm entirely okay with everything. It's - sometimes I react to things affecting me adversely by wanting to fix my surroundings? Like cleaning. Instead of being a thing the world is toying with, I am a person fixing the world. On a very small scale."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If- if you want more things to do, I can keep you updated on what's going on? Or do you want to stay as involved as you've been? That seems dangerous, usually humans don't. Allison has a crossbow and wolfsbane, Stiles has mountain ash if he needs it and mostly does research...do you want to find ways to protect yourself or do you want to the research?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'd like to be kept updated," she agrees, a little wryly. "And stay as involved as I have been, but - yes, I would like - something so I'm not a defenseless human surrounded by people that could hurt me. I," she hesitates, considering her wording. "I think I'd like to get involved with the research at the very least, and try to learn as much about my book companion as possible. But I would like to not be so vulnerable, as well."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll look into getting your magic lessons, but it's not very useful in a fight. Mostly for barriers and defense. If you want self-defense training, the Argents can probably help; weapons too. Do you know how to patch yourself up? I can show you how, or my mom can. And you might not be our best option for research, now that Lydia's involved- she can read Latin. Maybe focus on being our, uh, neutral representative."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I have some extremely basic knowledge of first-aid, but I think I would like my knowledge there double checked and patched up where necessary. I'll - see about asking the Argents for weapons training, I suppose. And - okay, fine, but I would really like to know about my probably evil book as soon as possible, at some point I'm going to be tempted enough to actually read the damn thing and I want to be as safe as possible when I do. But yes. Neutral representative focus was my plan. Just. Book."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. The magic evil book. If you really think it's going to help, and not turn out to be a big mistake. Then yeah, we'll find a way to be safe about it. Are you sure wanting it to be soon is you and not...the book...maybe?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't know if it's going to help or not, but I can't just pretend it doesn't exist. It hides behind my eyelids, recall. And - I'm -" she hesitates. "Maybe 70% sure that it's me and not the book. But I acknowledge that it could be."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Okay. If it is the book, and it's magically powerful, I don't know if we can stop you if something goes wrong. There's a chance that if it changes you somehow, mountain ash could trap...the book...if you want to try it inside a circle, but we really don't have a lot of defenses." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We can test to see if the book will follow me if it's trapped in a circle. Or if I can get trapped in a circle, actually. If mountain ash isn't hard to come by."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Deaton keeps some at the clinic, he knows how to get more. I don't think mountain ash should work on humans normally, but if we're lucky, the book is special. Or if we're really lucky, it's not super creepy and evil." 

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    "If we're really lucky," she agrees wryly. "All right. So I can go talk to him later about it, and see if the test is worth the possible expense. I needed to talk to him anyway, that works out."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sounds good to me. Do you need a ride? I can take the car when my mom gets home, unless you'd rather take the bike."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yes please, and - car. If it's not too much trouble."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure. I know you aren't a big fan of the bike, so after my mom gets home, we can leave. Anything I should do until then? I don't want you to get bored, but I don't think you should do anything about the book until we test the circle..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I decided not to do anything stupid and rash in regards to the book," she assures. "You don't need to convince me. If I'd wanted to read it now, I'd have done it while everyone was gone."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Thanks for not doing that. Um, so do you need something to pass the time? My mom will still be gone a couple of hours." 

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    "You're welcome. I was just going to keep cleaning, if there aren't any impending emergencies? I haven't gotten to the bathrooms yet..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I can do that, now that I'm home, but if you want to keep busy, sure." 

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    Seriously, no idea what to do with her.

    "I'd like to. It's a more mundane problem than all of the others."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He nods.

    "I'll leave you alone." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right."

    Back to cleaning. Mundane problems fall easily to her might. Now it's just the weird ones she'll have trouble with. Scrub, scrub.

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    After a little over an hour, Melissa arrives.

    She stops short when she sees her.

    "Did Scott tell you to clean up? I can talk to him..."

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    "No, he assured me several times that I didn't have to, and offered to do it himself," says Yvette, amused. "I just wanted to."

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    "Alright. Feeling better?" 

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    Scott comes downstairs.

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    "Much, yeah. Thanks, the movie helped a lot."

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    "Hey mom. Can I borrow the car? She wants to visit Dr. Deaton, we think it might help her handle what she's dealing with."

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    "Sure, go ahead. Be back by ten?" 

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    "Yeah. Do you need me to make dinner?" 

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    She waves a menu at him. 

    "I'm good. Go, I'll be fine." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. Thanks. Have a nice night, we shouldn't be doing anything you might need to worry about."

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    So they go.

    Scott is a very careful driver; it takes a bit longer than it needs to. 

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    And they arrive. 

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    "Still sure it's you who wants to look into the book? We can stop now." 

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    "I am definitely just the sort of person to be exactly this bothered by not knowing the specifics of the mysterious book that's stalking me. Besides, even if I don't end up reading it, it's useful to know if there's a way to contain me or it if it's evil and we need to."

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    He knocks. 

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    A man opens the door.

    "Scott, come in. Who's this?" 

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    "The visitor I mentioned, the one who rescued me. Yvette, meet Dr. Deaton."

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    "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you. Has Scott mentioned the - weirdness surrounding me?"

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    "Not in detail. Some kind of unfamiliar magic, and I'm supposed to test how it interacts with the local stuff. Follow me to the back." 

    He walks through the little wooden door that lead to the back room.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm from another dimension, I was moved here when I poked a book at the library. And now the book's following me around in a highly creepy fashion. How difficult is mountain ash to acquire? If it's very difficult to get I might prefer to leave the test and save the stuff for when it's really needed. And maybe save any tests until then."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Not very difficult. I have a few jars in the back. This door actually completes a circle of mountain ash, though; the building is made of it. That's an even cheaper test than depleting my stores." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh, all right then."

    She goes to follow him -

    - and she can't make it past the door.

    "Huh," she says absently, peering at the wooden door.

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    "That answers that. Our magic recognizes you as a...supernatural creature, is the most general term." 

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    "Since it does work, do you want to try looking at the book now? We can make a circle for something this important." 

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    "Right, yeah. And we'll see if we can trap it," she agrees. "And we can see if it's the book hiding behind my eyelids causing me to - be supernatural, or if it's me."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. I don't know why you would be supernatural, most kinds around here you can tell because of the transforming and the violent urges...we should get started." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So he heads to the back, returns with a jar of gray powder, and grabs a handful. 

    He closes his eyes and walks, pouring it slowly. 

    After a few minutes, they have a small circle, only large enough for a book. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What if the book doesn't count as supernatural without a...without an Yvette? Mountain ash only works on people, not things." 

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    "Then I guess I sigh heavily at how I still can't get away from the book that's stalking me. Watch your eyes, I'm going to summon it." And then she closes hers, and reaches out and retrieves it.

    She looks down at it with something like disgust, then puts it in the uncompleted circle.

    "Stay," she orders, sternly. And then she backs off so Dr. Deaton can (hopefully) trap it.

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    Dr. Deaton attempts to close the circle.

    It's never failed before. Mountain ash barriers are the most reliable defense he has. 

    He hopes it works. 

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    The circle closes without a problem.

    "Right, I'm going to first see if I can get through the door while it's over there..." She cannot. She makes a face. "Then I'll just try walking away and see if it disappears and follows me. Let me know what it looks like when it disappears."

    Then she turns and walks away.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    For a few seconds, the book just sits there, looking perfectly innocent.

    Then, when she's far enough away, the book slowly turns an impossible, light-eating, too-black black. If Scott or Dr. Deaton look closely, they can see tiny stars, glowing dimly in the ink.

    And then the darkness fades, and the book with it.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Uh. Yvette? It turned into a gaping space void and disappeared." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Gaping is a good descriptor." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yay," says Yvette without enthusiasm, returning. "Gaping space void. Uh, when you say gaping, I'm not - ripping holes in the universe when the book goes back, am I?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I doubt I have the power to check. I suppose that would be incentive to read it, and it does seem to be pushing you in that direction." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It could just be how creepy space brain books look when they go home. I don't think we should read into it." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Probably not, I'm just being paranoid about it because it hides behind my eyelids and reminds me of Cthulhu," she sighs. "Want to see if I can toss it through the doorframe?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If you think it'll help. I'm increasingly sure this book is not leaving you alone, and the best thing to do is explore it safely, with supervision." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It might be cathartic," she says, attempting levity and sort of missing. "... But yeah, I agree. Safely and with supervision, possibly while I'm in an ash circle? Watch your eyes."

    She summons the book. She tosses it through the doorframe; it sails through without issue. She sighs.

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    He sighs. 

    "Alright. We'll put you in an ash circle with the book; it seems to like you, which hardly guarantees our safety. Or your safety, I suppose, but with powerful magical entities, I find it's better if they like you than if they don't." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She snorts. "Yeah. I'd hate to see what it'd do to me if it didn't like me. Right, well. Any reason it shouldn't be right now?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Unless dangerous occult books are less dangerous when the sun is up, no."

    He takes another handful of powder. He walks around her, slowly, eyes closed.

    He completes the circle.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I doubt it, it seems to be more. Space based. Light and dark, not just dark."

    She sits in the circle, waits for it to be completed, and summons the book again.

    "It glows when I open it too, so, uh. Watch your eyes for that too. ... And maybe tell me if it's different from when I summon it."

    And then she opens it, and begins reading.

    Permalink Mark Unread



    "Huh," she says out-loud, after a moment. "This isn't what I was expecting it would be, exactly."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What is it? Exactly." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's an instruction manual? A surprisingly up front and clear one, actually. Apparently I." She looks down at the book again. "The exact thing it's calling me isn't really translatable. 'Touched by an Other' maybe? But a - a, I don't actually know what it is, but a big powerful extra-dimensional eldritch thing, basically, decided that it liked me and. Gave me the building blocks to build my own magic powers."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Clear and easy to understand Cthulu who wants to help you?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Any reason given for why it likes you so much?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I get the impression it's less 'help me' and more 'wants to see what I'll do with magic powers.' And - no. No reason given."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. Any idea if it's safe for us to read it, or know what it says? I suppose if it's instructions for your powers it won't help us much."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I don't really see why it would be unsafe for me to read it to you, but I don't think you could read it yourselves. I mentioned to Scott that it wasn't in an intelligible language but I understood it anyway? It's meant for me to read, specifically."

    Permalink Mark Unread


    "I'll leave you to the reading, then. Warn me before you try to implement a suggestion, that's more concerning."

    And he sits, and tries to get some work done. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Should I do anything?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Uh. I don't think you need to, I should be all right. Thank you, though."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. I'll check in on the animals." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. I'll be here. Reading my creepy instruction manual."

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    Scott and Dr. Deaton keep themselves busy. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette reads her creepy instruction manual.


    "Um," she says, after a while, eyes widening. "Um."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Deaton is by her side rather quickly.

    (Still outside the circle, though.)

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You found something big?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sort of! It's mostly just weird and creepy! I um. I. You know what, why don't I just read the passage, I am having trouble putting it into words, does everyone want to hear me read the weird passage?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Go ahead." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "'Those bestowed with the gift of an -' I'm going to keep going with Other, the concept's like 'a being outside of and greater than the ordinary multiverse' - 'can, with sufficient effort and intellect aspire to develop and mature, and eventually ascend to the,' uh, let's go with 'Outer Reaches,' that's close enough to its meaning and sounds about right, 'and be, be born with the Others in their unknowable and distant reach, and in so doing, be given the chance to grow and become their peer.'" She pauses. "That was born, specifically, not reborn, with the implication that everything up until then was - development." Another pause.

    "So apparently I am now a Cthulhu embryo, I am alarmed."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Our magic system usually doesn't warn us before we do anything irreversibly self-destructive let's...take that as a positive." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I- you have to stop, right? It's gotta be dangerous, maturing into one of...those things. Not just for you, either." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "There isn't a way to - to cease being a, Cthulhu embryo. According to the book. It's just a thing that I am now, because they are so great at consent. The magic design's the, the 'maturation,' and I don't think I can accidentally become one of them. It's -" she flips a few pages. "Yeah, see, it's going through a very specific step by step instruction on how to, to 'ascend,' and what's required to do it. And - wow that is complicated what even are those concepts. Yeah, no, I won't be able to get near this thing accidentally."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So...you're going to use the scary magic. Okay. Is there anything besides ascending that would be creepy and Other?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I didn't - necessarily say that I was going to use the scary magic, just. I am not going to wake up one day and randomly be Cthulhu. And - there might be, I'm not sure, I haven't read about that yet."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How does this book feel about being kept in physical form? Summoning it every time could have...other effects." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll check, I haven't found it yet, anyway. Hopefully I can at least get it to - stop. Hanging out. Behind my eyelids."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That does seem pretty invasive, but now that we know how you're changing...less surprising."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's. Less that I'm changing and more that I have the capacity to change. Everything here seems to be stuff that I choose to - be able to do. Unless it's lying to me, which it might be."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It could be. Is it safer to assume it is, since alien space gods? Or not. Also because that." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I - don't know. I think traditionally the safest thing to do is to not be noticed by the alien space gods."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We don't have much lore about these beings. It's possible they've interfered before, but not by choosing a champion. It could also be that you're the first to take it seriously. Does the manual mention any previous users?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The book ignored the mountain ash. I think they're pretty different from other magic."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She flips through the book. "The implication I'm getting is that it picked a book form for me in particular? But that's just a guess, it's not directly saying it anywhere. No mention of previous users in any specifics, just the phenomenon of being a Cthulu embryo as something that sometimes happens. And - well, the book did, but I didn't. So. Take that as you will, I suppose."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How open are you to experimenting with the book's properties? Does it seem like the sort of thing that could backfire? It seems responsive to you, but not quite what you want..."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm open to experimenting with it. It - hasn't backfired, exactly. It's intuitive, but in a way that doesn't take into account how I might prefer to be approached to be given power. I worry more that it might decide that it's helping, in a way that's distinctly not, over it driving me mad with eldritch power. Not that I'm not concerned about that, too."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If it starts helping, like that, is there something we can set up to catch that?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Most of the things I can do are to create barriers, taboos, restrictions: things that separate one thing from another. I'm not sure it's safe to try on something this big, given how generally limited the effects are, and how powerful and unfamiliar this seems to be." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What are some possible results of the barriers or restrictions failing, here?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If they fail, they fail gracefully. When there aren't alien intelligences with powerful magic around. I'm not sure I want to try doing anything if it might upset them."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That's pretty reasonable. They - um. From what the book says, they're. Definitely resembling Cthulhu in power, not just aesthetic."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "What I might be able to do is things that don't aim to protect you from these entities, but give you other benefits. Help you heal faster, think more clearly...there are a few things I can offer that could help balance out other effects without seeming antagonistic, assuming that what they want is for you to be more powerful." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She nods. "Are there downsides to the benefits? Including resource cost for you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I haven't historically dipped into my stores often. I'm retired." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That's not really an answer."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "In general, magic is weak or has downsides. I don't think I should use anything more powerful that may have undesirable effects. Don't worry about my resources; I have plenty, and regularly replenish them." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. Then - I mean I would appreciate having an upgraded head if it doesn't come with major downsides. I like thinking clearly, it's nice. It would be a shame if I started babbling madly in dark speech out of nowhere."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How come you never offered this kind of thing before?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I offered to Stiles. He wasn't interested. And it's not quite compatible with you. It may not even work on her- it should, if these beings are as foreign as they seem, but the mountain ash worked, so we could be looking at the system trying to fit Yvette however haphazardly it can."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Why wasn't Stiles interested?" wonders Yvette, blinking. "Extra magical bonuses just. Seems like an obvious thing to have if there aren't any major downsides aside from resource requirements."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You'll need to ask him."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Fair enough. All right, uh - what magical bonuses can I get? They aren't exclusive, are they?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They shouldn't be, no. I can improve memory, attention span, wakefulness...it's about finding the right combination of herbs." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Oh, all right. Then all of the above, if you don't mind."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'll just prepare the ingredients."

    He goes to the back, leaving her with Scott.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Let me see if there's anything in here about making the book be. Less like a stalker that hides behind my eyelids," mutters Yvette, and she gets to looking for instructions on that.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott lets her read. 

    Permalink Mark Unread


    "... There's at least one way to make it less stalky, but I'm not sure I like it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "We keep running into that here. Do I want to hear it?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It involves eldritching my eyes so I can just read the contents of the book whenever I want."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Is that as bad as it sounds? It sounds pretty bad, Yvette." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It doesn't sound like it'd be madness inducing or painful, but. I did describe it in an unfriendly fashion for a reason."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Which seems worse? Changing your eyes permanently is extreme, but how bad will seeing it like that get? Does it feel the same every time?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Do I feel the same thing about it every time, you mean? Because it doesn't feel like anything, I just see it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Right. I guess we won't know if there are long-term effects, since you haven't really been changed by it yet." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And Dr. Deaton returns, with a cart carrying a variety of jars.

    "Alright, let's get started. This should only take a few minutes, Yvette." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure. I'm not going anywhere."

    She is, after all, still in the circle.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So he mixes some ingredients, and after a few minutes, walks towards her. 

    He clears the powder with his foot, and raises his hand, coated in a mottled brown sludge.

    "May I? I can apply it to the forehead. Symbolism doesn't really matter, but it should be easier to wash off, later." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sure, paint away. Just tell me what I need to do."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Nothing at all. Just keep still."

    He applies it to her forehead.

    It's cool, and she feels it begin to warm on her skin. 

    That's all she feels.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... Is it supposed to feel like anything in particular?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "...Yes, yes it is. I hadn't actually considered this, but I should have. I assumed that even though the mountain ash blocked you, this would be fine, but I should have considered it. It's possible none of my usual techniques will work on you. I can try something else, if you'd like to see if it's a broad incompatibility."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm willing to test for it, just as long as you have the resources to spare for it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He nods.

    "There's not much we can try, given that failure. There is something. Temporarily increases mental processing speed. Rarely used because of the abrupt absence when it runs its course." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Sounds fun, let's give it a try. For magical science."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So he mixes a few seeds and some leaves in a glass of water, and passes it to her.

    "Drink that, and if it works, you'll have half an hour."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So she drinks it.

    "... Still nothing. That's disappointing."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I'm sorry. It looks like magic doesn't know what to do with you. I don't suppose this book mentions anything about banshees? We've never understood why they interact the way they do with magic." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I didn't even know banshees were a thing until now," says Yvette, archly. "No. It hasn't mentioned anything about any of that," sort of like everyone in this fucking town, "its focus is just Cthulhu and Cthulhu related powers. What are banshees?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "One of many mythological creatures that seems to actually exist. They're rumored to be immune to magic. I don't know how much of the Irish legend applies. Said to wail when men in an important family die."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Huh. Okay. Can I get something like a, a list of mythological creatures that we know to actually exist? And maybe some guesses as to what Lydia is, if we can make any."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "You can get a few lists, in order of how accurate I think they are. There's some disagreement within the community. There also isn't really a coherent community. Banshee is one of the guesses, fairies insofar as they exist, dragon, if they do...she's something I've never encountered, since very few supernaturals are immune to the specific things that she is immune to." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. Thanks. And - good to know. We'll let her know and ask specifics about her weirdness."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Good luck. Sorry I couldn't do more." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    If that's all, Scott will be happy to convey her elsewhere. 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Not quite -

    "Think it's worth the trouble to have me only read... this..." She motions to the book. "in an ash circle?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It might keep others safe, if you're otherwise likely to have any spillover effects that we can't detect. You'll be trapped in with whatever entity is involved; it seems to keep itself close to you."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I think I'm trapped with it anyway," says Yvette, dryly. "Might as well keep everyone else safe. Is the ash reusable?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It is. I'll have to draw the circle again, but it doesn't use itself up for circles and simple barriers." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Any specific way to draw the circle, or is it just. Pour it out in a circle?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It amounts to the same thing for an observer. The mindset is more complicated. I can get started with short notice, I've been doing this for years." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I thought you were retired." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "If that was ever true, it's certainly not anymore."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Then - yeah, please re-circle me, I've got some reading to do. Scott, you don't have to stick around for it all, you can come pick me up in a few hours or something? And if there is an emergency you call ahead and then we go from there."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He nods. 

    "Good luck." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Scott leaves.

    The doctor makes the circle.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    And Yvette goes back to reading.

    For a book on how to grow up to be an unknowable eldritch entity, it really is very nerdy. And sort of dense. The concepts involved are explained very clearly, if hard to put into typical language, but there are a lot of factors involved. She has a limited supply of what she's going to term 'starting power sources' with which to build the upgrades to herself. If she taps them all dry and doesn't build something to regain the types of power, then she'll just - be stuck. Unable to progress further towards becoming Cthulhu. Which, really, might not be such a bad thing, except for how she'd have to definitely progress in what she's deciding to term the eldritch tech tree. And except for how some of these upgrades look. Healing, invulnerability, teleportation - she can definitely eventually get home, if she plays along to this book. At least, according to the book.

    (But what would she be, when she got home?)

    And none of these changes are reversible.

    "There's a way for me to get home. If I eldritch it up," she says softly. "But anything I do to myself will not be reversible."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Our own magic doesn't seem to work on you, or I'd offer some of our illusions. I suppose the greater fear is the way it will affect your mind, than your body."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Yeah. I mean it'd be bad if I suddenly sprouted some extra tentacles, but - worse would be if I decided that it made more sense for me to harvest the minds of every sentient creature on the planet for power. .... Which by the way is. An option for me. Which is great."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "To use a metaphor, can you pick fruits from minds instead of something completely destructive?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I - think so? Maybe? But I don't precisely need to be touching any minds for harvesting anything at all, if I put my - my starting resources towards making something that will make more of the resources, I can just. Not. I was planning to not."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. I just wanted to make it clear that we can help with resource constraints. If splitting the costs would help." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It would probably have me doing more impressive things faster. I'd be devoting less resources to making them and then could just do whatever I liked. But. That in itself's a little scary."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It could be. You shouldn't need much power to compete with the locals. Would that be enough?" 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "That depends on how powerful the locals are, I know there are werewolves and kanima and banshees, but - doctor, my major sources of explanations for this town have been Scott and Derek. I really, really don't know enough about what's going on."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The only creatures I know of that can do anything to hurt you without being able to touch you are kitsune and druids. I can elaborate on the others, but I would suggest you make restricting the movement or others or something similar a focus." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "... All right. But what are kitsune and druids?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Druids are the local magic user, like me. We can do things like paralyze or poison from a distance. There are some defenses I can give you, and if there are any gaps due to you not interacting like a human would with the magic, then you can try your own. Kitsune are a bit of a mystery. Supposedly, they are fox spirits inhabiting human bodies, and they belong to a number of clans. Their magic tends to be more elemental; fire, water, and wind, but again, I'm working mostly on rumor."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    Yvette nods. "All right. I'd uh, like defenses if I can have them, I'm sort of. Well technically I declared myself emissary of Scott's pack, and also this entire town is just one mythical overly-dramatic trainwreck after another and I will not stand for it. So if there's trouble I will probably be involved, yelling at everyone responsible."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He nods. 

    "I can explain all of the creatures that have visited our town so far, and the ones that tend to be most dangerous to humans. I'm afraid there are quite a few, and my knowledge on them is spotty." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Less spotty than mine," she says, wryly. "I'd appreciate any knowledge you could relay."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    So he explains.

    Werewolves have enhanced senses, strength, and speed when compared with humans, but this isn't unique; they share this with werecoyotes, werejaguars, and kanimas. Werecoyotes, unlike werewolves, are exclusively created through inheritance. Werejaguars and kanimas, generally based in myth and speculation, are those bitten by werewolves that fail to complete the change properly.

    There are also wendigos, which eat humans, and banshees and kitsune, which may exist but he has little detail on.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She thanks him for this knowledge, and then asks, "How does the biting versus scratching thing work with werewolves? Is it everyone an alpha bites will turn into a werewolf or kanima, and they get control, and then for a scratch it's just control, or?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "A bite by an alpha is guaranteed to produce a beta, or a kanima or werejaguar, or other similar unusual cases. Turning someone into a beta grants minor control; other cases don't. A scratch can turn, or it can implant or steal memories. This can, if the alpha is sufficiently experienced with manipulating memories, give the alpha its own kind of influence. The kind of control Peter had over Lydia is unusual, and I'll have to do more research to find out how it was possible."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "All right. And - okay, I'm not entirely clear on how the alpha, beta, omega distinction works. Alpha seems to be its own - thing, but could the other werewolves become alphas somehow? Is the difference between a beta and an omega whether or not they try to fit into the pack?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Alphas turn people into werewolves. These werewolves are betas until and unless they reject their alpha, at which point they are omegas, completely packless. Alphas have powers beyond the standard beta strength and senses, which include the ability to turn more werewolves, manipulating memory, a kind of mental connection, and healing." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Betas and omegas can't turn other people into werewolves?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They can, if they can get close enough for a bite. Alphas can turn even by a scratch, and possibly even more esoteric methods." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Even more esoteric methods?" prompts Yvette.

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Possibly, I've never seen any evidence, but: bleeding, sexual intercourse, and murder have all been claimed as ways to create betas."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    ".... Okay I can understand the other two, but how would murder be used to create a beta?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Killing someone might count as exchanging something essential. Most of our magic operates based on sacrifice, exchanges of power, and mindset."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So. They'd - die, and then come back as a werewolf? Or be a zombie werewolf...?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The bite can kill, or it can turn. It's possible that someone killed in a specific way might, instead of dying, turn. This is all theoretical, and I don't put much stock in it."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She nods.

    This person seems to be about the third sane, sensible person in this town. After Scott's mom and Allison.

    "Scott's kept you updated on Peter's resurrection and apparent re-humaning, right? Any idea what - that's about?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "The fact that Peter Hale tried to safeguard against his inevitable murder is the least surprising news I've had this week. The fact that he succeeded is a bit more surprising, since I hadn't thought resurrection was actually possible." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "This town," says Yvette sagely. She doesn't add any clarifying adjectives, apparently calling the town itself is as much damnation as she wishes to impart.

    "Right. Okay. Are there - other weird things I should probably know about?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "How much do you know about hunters?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "They dislike potentially dangerous non-humans with murderous gusto."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "A good starting point. There's not much else that's practically useful, but other varyingly useful details: hunters exist across the world, with different traditions, some of which sprung up independently. Besides druids, they're the main sub-group of humans that are actually informed about supernatural goings-on. Most hunters call themselves and each other that; they view what they do as a public service. They tend to view emissaries, druids who are part of werewolf packs, as...collaborators. Other druids, who remain neutral, are taken on their own terms, and may easily gain a hunter's trust and respect. Hunting families are very common, and are the most common way new hunters are trained." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "So I'm probably not going to be invited to any hunter slumber parties anytime soon. I suppose they vary too much to really predict how easy it'll be to get them to get along with the friendly neighborhood werewolves. ... How likely are they to be right? That the monsters in the world need killing? I know what it's like here, but I mean - worldwide?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "As a former emissary, I can't give you an unbiased answer. I decided working with a pack wasn't allying myself with hostile, destructive forces, but more aggressive, violent packs have emissaries too."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    She nods.

    "So, in summary, everyone's probably going to want to pick a fight with me, but maybe somewhere there are people that are willing to be friends." She considers. "... Yeah I'm going to need to embrace the terrifying eldritch powers, aren't I."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "It's your choice. If you're asking for my opinion...yes." 

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I appreciate your input, you've easily been one of the most actively reasonable and explanatory people I've met in this town. But mostly I was glumly articulating my fate."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "I can't object to that. Hopefully you won't have to be too glum about it. I'll try my best to assist you with any problems that come up."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "Thanks. I'll - I'll deal. Um, actually - can you get me some paper and a pen? I need to map out my strategy for eldritching."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He retrieves paper and pen.

    "Should I leave you to it?"

    Permalink Mark Unread

    "For now, yeah. I'll let you know before I do anything. Thank you, though."

    Permalink Mark Unread

    He leaves her to her work.