Yvette is dropped in Beacon Hills
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"Maybe, but he's smart enough not to take it out on their daughter, and Kate is already dead, which was always his big problem."


"So I could potentially offer peace. Maybe. Do you know what he wants, long term? If the Argents weren't here."


"I don't know. I think he wants to be an alpha, but only because there aren't any other Hales to do it. I don't think he really likes power that much. And he doesn't really want to have betas to look after, but he wants a pack. Maybe you could teach him to be a better alpha, he might take advice from a magical human from another world."


"I... am not sure I could teach a werewolf how to be a better alpha, when I am not a werewolf myself. It depends on what's required for it. But, okay. I'll keep it in mind, certainly. Betas are specifically werewolves he has turned? You're not his beta?"


"I was Peter's beta. Derek killed him and became alpha. Derek thought it would transfer, but it didn't. The only reason I couldn't reject Peter completely was that he scratched me. He could make me do things while I was asleep." 


"... I'm sorry," says Yvette, softly.


"It's fine. Peter's gone, he can't hurt anyone now. You should talk to Derek, and Jackson. I can probably get Stiles to give us a ride. You prefer the jeep to my bike, right?"


"Yes. Yes I do. I'm still trying to figure out order and my plan of action, I think I should first call the Argents and let them know about how to get Matt to potentially not become a kanima, and test out how they feel about peace with Derek and his pack."


"Mr. Argent will listen to you and Allison if you both push peace. Mrs. Argent won't sabotage her family, if she's outvoted. Allison wants peace as much as we do. Since her grandpa isn't involved anymore, it shouldn't be too hard for an outsider human like you to talk them into a truce. You already got them to leave us alone."


"If he really seems on the fence, mention how much Kate hurt the Hales. Mention the fire. He won't like you as much if you do, but he'll fold."


"All right," says Yvette. He's apparently thought a lot about this subject. She'll at least not ignore his advice, but whether or not she follows it is a bit more up in the air. "Is there a way I could just talk to Allison, without her family?"


"You can probably do that. Just call them and ask for her. They'll both be willing to let her talk to you, and you can arrange something."


"Tell her not to be too obvious about what you're saying to her, though. Allison can be a good liar but she might not realize right away that she should hide this from them."


Scott, her default is not 'hide things from family members' why is it your default. She hadn't mentioned that at all. She maybe wants to talk with Allison about how to handle things, but 'lie to your family' is not a thing Yvette thinks she wants to ask of people casually.

"What are you thinking I'll need to hide?" she wonders. "I was planning to be very up-front with how I would like for everyone to not be trying to kill each other. I perhaps don't want Allison to shout how I plan to play diplomacy at the top of her lungs, and maybe not tell me what tactics she recommends using on her parents in front of them, but 'hide' is a bit strong."


"If her parents think you want them to make peace with Derek's pack, they'll probably take Allison out of town and come back with more hunters."  


"Charming people. All right. So I have to blindside them with it."


"Allison can handle them, but if you just let her listen to you without reminding her first, she might not be very discreet. She's never hidden anything from her parents, besides me."


"Okay." She decides not to waste time bemoaning the fact that she has to systematically lie to people now, because that's not useful and she can have a proper vacation when people are not going to start killing each other at the drop of a hat.

"So, vague plan - I call the Argents, tell them the idea of how to potentially stop Matt from lizarding, then ask to talk to Allison, possibly with the excuse of wanting to know how she talks to werewolves so I can go talk to Derek? I don't know how that excuse would go over, I could possibly play up some racism but that rubs me the wrong way..."


"Ask her how how to interact safely with Derek's pack. You've heard a lot of bad things about them but you have to know the full story. She'll lean on what her parents have told her and her general attitude towards strangers, and she won't say anything that makes it sound like you want a truce. She'll figure out that you want one, but by then she'll already be thinking from the right perspective."


"Okay, better plan, thank you. ... I need paper, I've got a lot to do today and need to keep it straight..." She starts looking for paper and a pen.


"Uh, I have some in my room. Be right back."

That gives her two minutes to think, at most. 


She will spend it getting cereal to eat, because she wants paper to plan this out, and because if she doesn't take the time to take care of herself she'll be even more of a wreck than she is right now. While that would be an achievement, certainly, she'd rather not. She notes that she needs to have a shower and change, too; she's still in what she was wearing last night, which does happen to have a bit of blood on it where she was trying to keep Gerard from bleeding out.


"Here's some paper, pencils, pens...I wasn't sure what your preferred? I can get you a notebook or a folder if you want something more permanent. I don't really know what your long-term plans are but we can help you find something, after the stuff with the Argents is over." 


"This is fine," she assures. "I don't really know what my long-term plans are either, yet." And thinking about them right now would completely ruin my productivity and I'd probably need to go cry for a bit, she doesn't say. "I'll let you know when I have some, but don't expect any until after all of the crises are dealt with."

She starts writing out her plan.

Talk to the Argents

  • De-lizarding Matt -> talk to Derek's pack for clarification -> talk to Allison about how to talk to him safely

  • Talk to Derek
  • De-lizarding Matt.
  • Talk to Jackson about Matt, verify story.
  • Peace with Argents.
  • Find out what the werewolves want besides 'not death.'
  • Get Derek to stop being a pressuring fuckwit to Scott.
  • Possible advice on how-to-alpha (???).
  • ... Okay that seems like an actual plan. She has an actual plan. Good. She's glad, she feels better for having one.

    "Right then," she says, after this is done. "I'm going to finish my cereal, then take a shower and call the Argents. Do you have any advice for how I handle the Gerard situation? Give condolences, not bring it up...?"


    Scott is reading a book on the couch, but looks up when she starts talking to him.

    "It should probably be safe for you. Tell Allison to give them your condolences, they'll all like that-especially since they'll believe that you actually mean it."

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