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SithDusk's story continues
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"...Very carefully.  Some of my measures I cannot discuss.  But part of it is carefully constructed and entirely misleading truths.  For instance, that any right-thinking Sith would not stoop to being anything less than their whole self at all times, or that the 'false Light' technique is utterly beneath me.  I give the impression that I am a person who should hate to be tasked to dealing with Jedi, and most do not look beyond those preconceptions."



"I see how something like that could work but I'm hesitant to trust my safety to it, not knowing the details." She sighs, and continues apologetically: "This was much easier when I thought I didn't actually have a choice."


"Unfortunately so many things are easier when the choice to do them is taken from us, but I refuse to be a hypocrite and bind another thinking being.  As best as I'm aware, the very Code the Sith follow to this day was made by slaves who wanted to be freed from tyrannically apostate Dark 'Jedi', no matter how absurdly the situation turned around after the revolution hit."  There's a twist of wry self-deprecation to the humor in her Force presence.


"...I would not wish to trust that my methods would suffice to cover for you, regardless, in my professional opinion.  They weren't planned for hiding others under.  It requires far more constant public scrutiny than you'd like, in any case."


"Which is to say, it works because I draw attention, but shape it in very specific ways.  Whereas for yourself...

"I don't purport to know you, but my instinct is that we would be better off hiding you behind a different role if your presence is even to become known."


"Absolutely," she nods.

"My droids have manumission papers, by the way, if something does happen to me. I don't know what they'll want to do in that case but I intend them to be able to make their own choice about it."


"Of course.  Ideally it won't get to that point, for a good long while or perhaps ever, but it's good that you've prepared for it."


"...As best you can, at least.  There's no good structure for protecting a specific droid's independent choice short of putting them in armor and calling them Mandalorian - very few people will call that bluff, at least.  ...If it even is one; I'm fairly sure I've met someone using that strategy that sincerely practices their Resol'nare, though how sure I can be of that is 'not, without first, myself, converting'."


"An interesting strategy, but I don't think it would work for either of mine."


"...Unfortunate.  If you do die in my service, it's the least I could do for their loss to protect them, but even my power has limits.  ...And of course while they're nominally serving here our repair shops are open to them.  Maybe speak with Elsie about security measures; I rather intentionally keep myself sequestered from that information so I can't give it up."


Interesting. "I'll do that. But we've gotten distracted - it sounded like you've been thinking about how it'd work best for me to stay here in the longer run?"


"I have given it some thought, though I need input from you, at this point, to refine plans from those thoughts."


"Primarily, the question is whether my little trip planetside was related to Force business at all."



"Not that I know of. It seemed wise to meet first on neutral ground, that's all."


"Oh - no, no.  Not in terms of its significance for us.  I'm talking about what the wider galaxy hears about it."


"Ah. My servant handled our arrangements using a pseudonym and paid in cash, and there should be even fewer records of her than there are of me."


"Yes, the question is what record we want there to be if and when someone looks."


"You are an artist; I do try to patronize the arts when my budget is not hard-pressed to do much more needful things."  And sometimes as part of funneling credits where they're needed, not that she'll say that out loud just yet.


"I certainly wouldn't mind having that on my record."


"It will rather keep anyone who might look into a Sith from paying much attention to what you're doing here, if instead it is...  A 'civilian' artist who is present."


She nods. "There's a chance someone will recognize my style, I've been in the public eye for my art before, but I didn't have that much of a following and I've had enough thematic drift in the last ten years that I don't think it's a significant risk. Maybe avoid showing my work off to other Sith if you can help it, though."


"Of course.  It's a cover story, anyway; it doesn't even have to be your art.  Though I'll admit I have been finding myself trying to figure out whether you take commissions without causing a panic."


"Sure, it seems like I'll have time for something."


"I really quite like what you've done with your robes, to be honest.  And you will be fairly compensated for your work."

(All her work.  Including the healing.  But she's not going to bring that up.)


"As you like. I can send you some pictures of my other work, if you want to see more of what I can do."


"If you'd like to.  I'd certainly like to see more of your work, given the option."

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