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SithDusk's story continues
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"The latter, please," she answers without hesitation.


Then Darth Kalbetis leads the way to an inconspicuous door off of a botanical garden - albeit one that has been seamlessly woven into the functioning of the ship, given that there are (transparisteel-capped) banks of algae where one might normally place benches, and a variety of fruits and vegetables growing from soilless planters.  There's even one, heavily grafted and clearly specifically planned for, fruiting tree, in various stages of bloom.  (Darth Kalbetis eyes it for a moment and plucks an apple.)


She then produces a code cylinder from somewhere in her robes, inserting it into the door console, and tapping away at it for a minute before withdrawing a matching one from the console.  "This is for you - access to this suite, and the various amenities.  You'll also have free access to the central holotank under any condition less than yellow - it gets commandeered for combat planning.  ...There's a hardware lock set up for manual access on the inside, in addition to this one, which is important because during loss of power the electronic ones fail open.  ...I'll have someone run down some spares for the rest of your party; these have specific anti-slicing measures, so it's not dataport compatible.  The 'pad on the desk is for the ship network; there's a surprisingly vibrant collection of clubs and activities that there will be time for you to visit if you wish.  I don't often have the chance, myself; I'm rather busy on my best days."


(Pradnakt makes a bit of a face at the tree; someone who knows her well enough - which is to say Daisy, who's following a step behind her at the moment, and no one else - might guess that she's contemplating throwing some Healing at the poor thing.)

"Thank you," she says of the access cylinder, and then when Kalbetis is done, "will you want me somewhere at any particular time, do you know?"


"Yes, but not for a few days, yet - well, beyond sparring; I do my exercise at 0900 shipboard time in salle 3.  We'll be breaking off from the By Other Means for our mission at some point.  ...I imagine you're not interested in dealing with pirates," she says like it should be a question but isn't.


"Not especially, no. It might be useful for me to see how you operate but I can do that just as well from the reports, if you'll allow it. Salle 3, 0900, I'll be there."


"It would be remiss of me to leave an ally ill-informed.  You'll have the data.  ...In fact, if you wish to observe in real time, I can arrange for that, at least with the pirates."


"It would make things easier, if it's not an inconvenience."


"It's not; there's room in the holotank.  I'll send you the details."


If there's nothing else to be said, she will leave Lord Pradnakt to examining the guest suite, for the moment.


And examine it she does; she of course already had a sense of the layout of the suites in this section from three or four hallways away, but it does take her a few minutes of apparent poking around to determine where nearby amenities like the mess hall are and do a basic sweep for bugs. She chats with Daisy about logistics as she does - she's still not really feeling like going back to eating very much meat, but it's probably easier to come by than alternative proteins here despite the impressive hydroponics setup, so she's fine with her just doing the best she can in that regard - and then checks out the datapad, hoping to arrange to have her things brought from her ship. If she seems to have time when that's done, she'll check out the social scene: Nine wants to join a book club, Daisy might appreciate a cooking club if there is one, and all three are hoping to see a poetry night.


(There is, in fact, a way to use the datapad to get directions, and of course emergency maps.  Not all her guests are Force-sensitives.)


It is simple enough to contact ...a concierge service?  Apparently the Darth has modeled providing for guests rather like a hotel or a cruiseliner - for that delivery, if she so wishes.  A warning pops up that the said service is by order of Darth Kalbetis not to be responsible for various things, including 'transportation of Force artifacts, including holocrons', 'provision of 'comfort staff'', 'transportation of biological samples, whether living, dead, undead, or otherwise', 'transportation of energetically or chemically volatile materials or assemblies' - most having specific other contacts noted - but is otherwise responsible for assuring that the By Other Means' guests' needs are met.  (A further warning says that 'violent interaction with the concierge staff will be responded to with nothing less than revocation of access thereunto, especially if over their declining to assist with attempted violation of policy'.)

While Lord Pradnakt is looking at this, there is a beep from the interior door panel - observation through the door's peephole reveals a mouse droid, concurrent with a message arriving to the datapad.

Lord Pradnakt,

I believe the mouse droid with spare code cylinders should have arrived by now.  Key them to your door by inserting your cylinder into the secondary slot on the side, and the other into the normal access port, then selecting the 'register subordinate' option.

Additionally, it has occurred to me that I do have some free times to spar that are not at 0900 shipboard.  I have attached those blocks to this message, if you would rather use them.  More practice can only be good for me, anyway.

-- Darth Kalbetis

P.S. I realize that if we should pass in the halls it will be rather hard for you to confuse me with anyone else, but should you notice that I am 'dressed down', as was, do do me the favor of not blowing my 'cover'?  I rather suspect that most of the crew suspect or know, but, well.  It helps me stay grounded.


Daisy gets the door as Pradnakt checks the message, and then goes back to key the cylinders while the Sith looks over the sparring schedule, picking out a couple of options that will work with her sleep schedule as she gets used to the By Other Means' day cycle. These aren't maximally convenient for the Darth, but that's ultimately to the good; being deferential is just good sense but she isn't actually angling for her as a patron, here. Similarly she doesn't suggest setting up explicit coordination to allow her to recognize whether Kalbetis is undercover at a distance, as she would if she were intending to work with her in the long term, but just mentions in her reply that she'll be careful about it. (There's a pretty good chance she'll be able to tell, anyway, just from whether and how her lightsaber is carried.)


Oh, she's better at this sort of thing than to need to compromise on access to her lightsaber, even with it being slightly harder to conceal than a simple straight-hilted blade.  Still, it'll be rather obvious, she thinks.  (And it's rather been borne out, she believes.  Why, she's pretty sure that the one time she pulled on tan robes, she spawned rumors of a Jedi - off the ship, she means.  The crew know better than to gossip even if there's a real Jedi aboard.)

...She's trying to avoid treating Lord Pradnakt as someone under her patronage, for that matter.  That's not something one should do unilaterally.  No matter how much she wants to build strong ties with another somewhat reasonable Force-Sensitive in this horrible mess of an Empire.


Perhaps the sparring match she is about to fight will provide an opportunity to test the waters.  Despite knowing that all things come in their due time...  There's a part of her that can hardly wait.


Unfortunately, the only remotely consistent clue for whether a Darth is trying to court an underling is whether they're attempting to kill them, and even that one isn't a guarantee.

At any rate, sparring! Pradnakt has given herself a few hours to settle in, and has time to meditate and warm up before heading to the salle, with Nine tagging along to watch.


...To call this a simple salle was really something of a misnomer on her part, but to be fair to her past self, even with a shocking amount of self-consistency across time, her own actions are hard to account for.  And it is her own actions that have turned what was once a series of smaller practice spaces and a blaster range, to match the similar ones nearer the crew and guest quarters, into almost something of a ship entertainment, with a venue to match, in the self-proclaimed 'danger room'.  The sign welded over the door - which she could surely discover the origin of, but politely refrains from doing - draws wry amusement as she awaits Pradnakt's arrival outside its doors, along with a few Crew that have...rather more zeal for this fight than she.

"Welcome to training salle 3.  ...Please forgive the engineering crew's naming sense, and enthusiasm for what they've done with the place since we got it.  And, for that matter, myself, for enabling them.  We should discuss how we want to handle this fight, incidentally.  Not just which of its features we will be deploying, or not deploying, but -" - and perhaps this pause is slightly longer than normal, as Darth Kalbetis finds a future self ringing an alarm bell at something she might otherwise have said - "I rather prefer my sparring with a standard of not dealing more than superficial damage.  Sensible people in this Empire are rather few and far between, and worth preserving."


"Agreed. - 9P here can shoot nonlethally, if two on one sounds interesting."


"...As much as it would likely be a good or at least not-horrible idea were this a real fight, I can't say I'd want to risk it unless I know more than I expect you'd like to tell me about his hardware situation.  The droids we normally train with in here have specially hardened memory banks to survive me throwing them around, not to mention for protection against Ionize, or Force Lightning.  ...Plus," she seems almost chagrined, if wryly amused, "Elsie would likely surprise me if she wasn't invited to an 'and-staff' sort of spar."


"Not today, then, I'll have to get a little farther along on the upgrades I have planned for him before I subject him to all that. What else did you have in mind?"


"Well, there's the question of whether and what environments we would like to simulate - 'the floor is lava' interesting complication, for example, despite its juvenility - and whether there should be other forces in the field - which, speaking of, you could request the assistance of a friendly droid if you wanted, though they wouldn't be 9P.  I think we have a few similar model chassis in the lot."


"Eh, it wouldn't be the same." She keeps the fondness out of her voice, and mostly manages to keep it out of her Force signature. "If you want to use the terrain to level the field a bit, the obvious thing would be something that breaks up our sightlines and is dynamic enough to distract Force senses."


"I quite understand the sentiment.  And, yes, we do have that setting.  'Spaceship with fluctuating inertaics', perhaps?  Getting a properly dynamic environment out of ground combat is rather difficult, though I suppose there's always the 'factory floor' settings...Or 'Sith Temple', though I could swear that design was more inspired by the Temple of Doom holo."


"All of those sound like fun. How realistic is the spaceship sim, will I be able to predict the fluctuations by sensing the machinery?"


"...Somewhat?  Not entirely like it would work if the machinery were within the spaceship, being as the 'spaceship' is effectively only projected forcefields, but there's still machinery involved, and that has translated well enough for myself."

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