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SithDusk's story continues
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"Oh, of course. I use telekinesis in my embroidery," she holds up her arm to show off the planets and tiny, intricately detailed spaceships stitched around the cuff of her sleeve, "and - I mean, I can do it in all kinds of conditions, it wouldn't be useful practice if I couldn't, but it's definitely easier the calmer I am."


She seems to be rather distracted admiring the artwork, before her brain catches up.

"...Then I expect that's all I have to teach you on this particular bit of Force-work.  You've already got the state of mind; the rest is just...perspective."


"And practice," she nods, and when she speaks again it's in the Sith language. "The Light is something else again, though; you won't fool a Jedi if this is all you have."


She replies in the same tongue - "Who says that it is all I have?"  And then her Force presence...  Does something best analogized to rotating a hypercube along its previously invisible fourth dimension, bringing an entire other facet of itself - and thereby herself - to the surface.

(Kalbetis may not be the sort to pilot a ship herself, but she's a dab hand at astrogation out of sheer necessity of having to understand what she's doing.)


Bringing just the slightest glimmer of Light to life in an outstretched hand afterwards is, perhaps, needlessly dramatic.  Lord Pradnakt is a sensor.  But she is a rather inherently dramatic creature.  (It's why she took to the philosophy of passion surpassing all things and liberating like a duck to water, or a ship to the sky.)


Pradnakt has already taken a step back by the time Kalbetis manifests the Light, and begun gathering the Force around herself in a clearly Sithy way; she's not manifesting a detectable Dark aura, yet, or the lightning she's mentioned she's able to, but it's obviously a fairly near thing. Instead she peers at Kalbetis, tense and cautious.

"I see."


Oddly, Darth Kalbetis' presence is yet like a Sith's in some - perhaps even many or most - ways, despite being nominally Light-aspected.  Where a Jedi's Force presence, if and as Lord Pradnakt has ever seen one, is perhaps something that could be analogized to a truly placid lake, this Light-facing Darth Kalbetis is like a deceptively calm riptide, or, perhaps, the coruscating corona of a black hole.

A moment passes, Darth Kalbetis withdrawing her hand.  She speaks, still in the Sith tongue.  "Peace is a lie; there is only passion.  Through serenity I gain strength.  Through knowledge I gain power.  Through harmony I gain victory.  There is no death; the Force will free me."

Then she actually comes to her senses, the seeming of laminar flow starting to ripple with thoughts and emotions once more.  "Blasted...  the Force is perhaps more dramatic than I am.  What just happened?  Beyond the obvious."


The Light is an asshole, she signs. It - "it showed off what you can do and had you recite a variant of the Code - " peace is a lie there's only passion, serenity brings strength, knowledge brings power, harmony brings victory, there is no death the Force will free me. She leaves all poetry out of her movements, snapping out the signs like they've offended her, which isn't far from the truth.


"I did rather decide to show off on my own initiative, I believe.  Though I can't speak to the rest."

...Interesting, she signs, with a very deliberately drawn-out contemplativity.  (So it is, perhaps, better represented as Iiiiiiiiin-ter-est-ing.)  I was not quite aware that I was - would have - will be - putting that much thought into this, as to synthesize a whole novel Code that could define an Order or an Empire.'s perhaps wrong to ascribe this to The Light Side.  These things...  They happen in these in-between moments, in both directions.  I obviously can only speculate as to the etiology of them because looking too closely draws me back in, but...

I keep rather much of myself packed tightly away.  It's a survival strategy; it's one I suspect I'd have had to pursue no matter where I was born.  But in those moments between...

I think that's as close as I get to holistic immersion in the Force, and no matter how I think about that I can't decide if I should be terrified of it, or terrifying with it.


Won't catch me chasing that. It's the worst part, the way it happens for me. She shakes her head and lets the built-up Dark dissipate. "Anyway, I doubt that's what a Jedi looks like either, but it's far enough from Sith that I bet it'll give them pause. Not that I've met one."


"I've utilized more traditional Force stealth to get a closer look at them in the past, and I can confirm that they don't look like this whatsoever.  I mean, aside from the..."

"They do also have calm surfaces, if that makes sense as a sensory metaphor.  It's just that they also have calm everything else - they don't dig out hidden depths so much as spread themselves across more shallows."


"That tracks," she nods. "I expect that's what I look like, when -" yeah she's not going to say it.


"Mm.  When, if.  If the Force is really trying this hard, and it's not something you want to be involved in...

"It will probably be a very pointed headache if I try to get it to cough up what I'd need to do what was asked of you, but blast it all, this is not what it's supposed to be doing.  The Force shall free me.

"...What kind of Darth would I be if I didn't occasionally twist its arm, anyway?"



...wait, she actually meant that she wasn't going to force the issue?


"It's more complicated than that," she settles on, after a slightly-too-long pause, and winces internally at the vulnerability.


She's going to Force at the issue, not force the issue.

"Well, I rather imagine you don't want to talk about it with me.  But if that changes, you have my comm."


"I do, yes."

She's halfway back to her quarters before it occurs to her that just because the Darth is acting very strange doesn't mean she's being truthful; it's still entirely possible that she's lying, just in a more complex way - the Force effect would be hard to fake, but it doesn't necessarily mean what she implied it does. And she's definitely been away from Sith society for too long if it took her this long to realize that.

She summons Daisy and Nine back to the privacy of the Nightfall Spectrum and lays it out for them, and for the new astromech as well on principle. In many ways the simplest explanation would be that Kalbetis is what she's presenting herself as, some sort of vigilante half-Jedi operating under the banner of the Sith. In other ways that doesn't actually make sense - who does she answer to in the Sith hierarchy, and if she doesn't, how has noone noticed that yet? where does her funding come from? - and none of that answers the real question, which is how dangerous it is to be here, doing this.

Daisy points out that whatever else Kalbetis is she is a Darth, and they discuss the implications of that for a few minutes before Pradnakt observes that the whole topic is a red herring. She wasn't lying - or, not really - when she said that the question of whether to go along and contribute her skills here is more complicated than just a question of whether she's able to leave. Coming back to the Dark afterward may be unpleasant, but there's something about healing that speaks to her soul, and if she could do it safely - she wouldn't want to be coerced, of course, but she'd take the freedom to do it, if it was offered. And it may be being offered; leaving aside what Kalbetis is or what her motives may be, she does seem to have figured out how to do something along the lines of that. (Unless this is some kind of trap for heterodox Sith, but that truly doesn't make sense as a theory, there's no reason to go to this length when they could have killed her before even writing the first letter.)

She's not going to ask about this over the comm, but she can find Kalbetis in person.


Kalbetis is, in fact, findable rather easily, for a sensor of Pradnakt's caliber.  Well, when she's within the same planetary orbit.


Is Pradnakt actually willing to approach her in her office?


If she doesn't seem especially busy and doesn't have another visitor, yep.


She doesn't seem to be radiating an aura of busyness or anything, no.  The protocol droid at the door looks her up and down, presses a button, and directs her inside after the door opens, silently.


She may be bold enough to come but she's less inclined to directly interrupt a Darth; she'll wait to be acknowledged, at least to the degree of being looked at, before saying anything or moving away from the door.


"Thank goodness you're here; you've offered me a reprieve from getting buried in yet more flimsiwork.  Please, do come in."


"Anytime," she chuckles. "I had some questions I didn't think you'd appreciate getting over the comm."


"Right.  I imagined you might.  One moment..."

Lord Pradnakt can probably almost feel the process of Darth Kalbetis mustering her full attention - and certainly see the sequestration of any physical distractions.

"Alright, whenever you're ready, then."


'Almost'? lol.

"I'm mostly wondering how you're keeping yourself - us - safe, from other Sith. With the" - she gestures vaguely - "dangerous secrets."

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