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SithDusk's story continues
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She takes a quick moment to consider. "I still think I have a better chance with that one than the others."


"Then so shall it be.  ...Ah, would you prefer that this be a private spar?  The crew will be disappointed, but they'll live," she takes a moment to Have An Imposing Presence at the putative audience.


"It'd be another factor in my favor to skip the live audience; I don't care if you broadcast it, though."


"I think that it might be a good idea to be closer to normal environmental conditions, which don't include live audiences, so, go on, shoo," she turns to the no-longer-putative no-longer-audience.  "I'll make the recording available afterwards but we can't have you all watching and throwing everything off."

"...Would you yourself be good enough with systems to fix damaged inertial capacitors and the like?  Because I should explain how that part works, seeing as we don't actually, you know, break them."


"Hm. On one hand I'm not as good at ship maintenance as I'd like to be; on the other hand I wonder if I can't figure it out without the help." Okay, okay, she should probably not be showing off for the Darth she doesn't actually want to catch the eye of, but have you considered that showing off like this is fun.


She knows the feeling.  "Well, if you want, the 'tool rack' is over there; have at it."  (It's basically a series of differently-colored signal wands.)


"Sounds good. Are there any other considerations? I win if I get the capacitors back online, you win if you stop me, live sabers, pull strikes?" She's definitely not going to actually win, and the fact that she's not at all expecting to is obvious in the Force if one is looking, but she's in good spirits about it anyway.


"...Sounds fair.  Hmm.  Are you invading the ship or defending it?"


"Invading sounds like fun."


"So you're engaging in vigilante engineering.  Cute."  (Force, let that not be an overstep, she'd be quite upset with herself if she ruined all this progress with one small...thing she said.)


...yeah see this is why a smart Sith Lord doesn't go interacting with strange Darths. She can beat herself up about it later, though, she has work to do right now. "Let's say I'm getting the capacitors back online so the rest of my team can do their job, whatever that may be."


But she shouldn't!  If anything she's going to be being annoyed at herself over killing the mood - whatever mood it was, it was better than this all-business one - when this is done.

"Mm, that does make more sense, good thinking.  Though, would you rather be 'getting data off the holotank'?  It seems more...  Straightforward a plot."


"Sure. And it sounds like we're ready, then?"


"I suppose it does, unless you want to add additional objectives and/or complications for either of us.  For instance, crew."


Let's go with less rather than more initiative-taking, that's already gotten her into trouble the once. "If you'd like."


"...Mmm...Just a skeleton crew for the moment.  Adding additional hostile forces, even if they didn't like either of us, would be utterly overkill."  She moves to the datapad embedded in the wall, and taps away at it for a minute.  "And there we go."

The door hisses open, and she vanishes inside.  "It'll light up for your turn to enter."


(It takes only a couple minutes for that to happen.)


She stashes a set of signal wands on her belt, stretches out again, and plays her Force senses over the stage as it constructs itself.


The 'stage', as was, is set up in a flash, shields framing the walls of a ship that Pradnakt might recognize from seeing in the hangar bays- it's moving the props, the actors, and, of course, Darth Kalbetis into position - there's rather a lot of droids involved - that takes the rest of the time, though she doesn't seem to be able to sense Darth Kalbetis very well right now.


That's partially because she's drawn in her Force presence, partly because she's blended out her Force presence, and partially because her Force presence is that different when she brings other parts of herself to the fore.

She won't be keeping this image up - she's still wearing Darth Kalbetis' mask, and the crystal set at her breast is still weeping, even if she's switched out her usual black outer robe for a brown-and-tan 'Jedi' version - but the surprise of it is something she wants to introduce in controlled conditions.

At first.


Darth Kalbetis has taken position near the central holotank; it has good sightlines and means that even if the boarding party hits from a direction she can't see she will still know their location.  Lord Pradnakt's entry, meanwhile, is through the back - "taking advantage of blocked external sightlines" - the droid 'pilot' of the 'boarding shuttle' taking to their role of delivering exposition mostly for the camera's sake with aplomb.

(It seems that Darth Kalbetis is not the only competent actress aboard.)

The 'ship' shakes, tractor-pressors flaring in the machinery to do their best attempt at the rattling thump of being boarded.  And then the 'pilot' starts evasive maneuvers -


- even as Darth Kalbetis' lightsaber ignites, and her blaster - an elegant little pistol, but one that does not sacrifice power or precision - thwps into her other hand.


Feeling the presence of Lord Pradnakt below her, she dives for the door that will give her coverage of the lower levels with swiftness, but not haste, an unnerving calm in her aura.  "There you are."


She has to dive, because there's no gravity.  The ship is spinning - clockwise, if the 'head' of it is twelve, and also rotating around its axis - but that's not gravity in the ways that matter.  (The tractor-pressor system is doing a lot of work to simulate that happening.)


Sneaky sneaky! And Pradnakt always likes to see someone underestimating her, too. Though it is a little weird that Kalbetis is doing a robe change and not bothering with her mask? Well, she'll find out why in a minute.

She goes in with her 'saber lit and a blast-catching effect up; with their relative positions there's no way to avoid a confrontation with Kalbetis. She drops the blast catcher for a half second to accelerate as much as possible with telekinesis in the null gravity; it's risky, when she doesn't know yet how to predict the inertial changes, but being in close quarters with the Darth is in no way to her advantage and hitting a bulkhead won't hurt that much.

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