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SithDusk's story continues
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How about colliding with a box in midflight that should not have been flying that way?  Without even the telltale signs of a Sith throwing something as warning?


The blast-catcher effect isn't quite as good against solids but slows it enough that it's only a minor inconvenience; if she'd been aiming for a particular spot on the other side of the room it'd have been a bigger one, making her drop the effect again to adjust her trajectory after the collision, but as is she makes it just fine, deactivating her 'saber as she gets close, and starts heading for the door.


Your own momentum is just as much a weapon against you in zero-g environments, Lord Pradnakt.  In this case, with Darth Kalbetis hooking her foot under the stairwell/ramp and swinging herself towards you, lightsaber out, it's a rather minor one compared to the consequence of Sith Lord In Your Face With Lightsaber Out, but you did rather still hit the crate, didn't you?

Thankfully, gravity takes this moment to reassert itself, Darth Kalbetis recovering by ducking into a roll and ending up just about where Lord Pradnakt first entered.  She snaps off a few stun blasts as she forces herself to her feet, despite the suddenly trebled gravity 'from thrust'.


Yeah see most Sith would have to do things about blaster fire but for her it just hangs in the air for a moment before dissipating, it's a pretty good tradeoff for maneuverability under the circumstances. (Granted, the circumstances in question are 'lucky as shit', but hey, a win's a win.)

She doesn't bother getting to her feet, but rolls through the door and clambers into the cabin off the hallway behind it. Her plan from here was to lightsaber through the ceiling, but trebbeled gravity is the worst possible condition for that. She prepares instead to ambush Kalbetis as she comes through the door, keeping half a metaphorical eye on the machinery so she can be prepared to go for the ceiling when it changes again.


'As she comes through the door', you say.  Are you sure you didn't mean 'as you are nearly stabbed with a lightsaber through the wall'?


Stabbing a sensory specialist through a wall isn't going to work, she'll just see it coming and dodge, so yes!


Made you move, though.  And with how the gravity turns sideways instead of down and we're once again spinning, it's not a good time to be moving!


It's not a good time to be moving if you have an involuntary vestibular sense, but why in the world would she be limited like that? She goes for the ceiling.


Well, if you're not going to be on a ballistic trajectory, she supposes you could do that.  Good luck dealing with the everything that is freshly unsecured from the cabinets and thereby on a ballistic trajectory through your space, though!  At least it's not sharp and pointy anything.

Did she mention that that hole in the wall is perfect for shooting at you with?


She grabs one of the pieces of flotsam with her telekinesis and holds it against the hole, blocking a shot or two with her 'saber while the anti-blaster field is down, and goes back to cutting through the ceiling. It shouldn't take much longer.


...She puts her blaster away shortly after that fails.  She's pulling out the Bigger Gun for her next trick.  (By which she means Force Lightning.)

She throws herself on a slightly curving path as Pradnakt finishes her cut, saber quite ready to prove it could stab her if Pradnakt was about to leap through the ceiling that has just become the new floor.  If she catches on in time...  Well, Force Lightning.

Not hateful Force Lightning, but it's still lightning nonetheless.


She had been planning to go that way, but the time it takes Kalbetis to get there is more than enough for her to recalculate. She throws herself across the hall into the 'fresher room, first, and then starts using her telekinesis to mess with the ship's controls, basically at random - most Sith can't do telekinesis through walls like that, but it's not actually a matter of it being impossible, it's just that most Sith can't 'see' nonliving things through walls well enough to mess with them.


...Well, that's not going to do her any good.  Even though it is rather impressive as a feat of telekinesis, 'at random' is sufficiently less so for a precog of Darth Kalbetis' strength and skill that the time Pradnakt spends on this is time that she can use to close, using the bucking of the ship and a bit of augmentation to catapult herself through the hole Pradnakt made earlier and try to close.  (The engineering crew is going to be very smug about insisting on having a physical console for this.  She had prior rather expected that a basic simulation of it would be sufficient; actual piloting sims happen elsewhere.)


As soon as she starts moving so does Pradnakt, into the hallway and toward the cargo bay, to where she can jump to her objective. Whether she's fast enough to make it is anyone's guess; she's less impaired by the state of the ship than Kalbetis is, but not by that much. She keeps hitting buttons and flipping switches in the cockpit as she goes; her only real hope at this point is to get the ship into a state alarming enough that the other Sith has to go deal with it rather than staying on her.


...Yeah, 'less impaired by the state of the ship' rather depends on what you're measuring impairment by.  It certainly doesn't stop Kalbetis from throwing Force Lightning down the corridor whatsoever, an outstretched hand just barely clearing the doorframe but still clearing it well enough that she can let loose - and really, if Lord Pradnakt does, despite the lightning, get to the cargo bay, well, what goes up must come down, and Darth Kalbetis was already standing next to a hole in the floor.  Ceiling.  Floor-ceiling.  ...You know what she means.


Ow ow ow geez what kind of idiot Sith slings lightning in a tiny ship.

She does attempt to dodge, but in such close quarters she really had no chance. She drops to the floor and taps out.


This one, apparently, when her blaster bolts won't do.  (It helps that she has a facility with coherent light; ionizing a channel in the air as a strike-guide limits the collateral and spread.)

...The lightning is surprisingly Not Maximally Suffering-Inducing, but, yeah, that was about what she figured would happen.

(Not to mention what she precogged would happen.)

"Well fought, Lord Pradnakt."

She offers a hand up, as the room slowly settles them back down.


She visibly considers whether she wants to take the offered hand, but only for a quick moment before she reaches for it. "Thanks, you too. I haven't seen that thing with the box before, at the beginning." Nor a technique that makes lightning non-suicidal in an enclosed space, but asking about that would take way more familiarity than they have, and anyway she thinks she saw what happened there.


"It's a rather simple exercise, if you ask a Jedi - it's just that normally the thought of a Sith performing it has everyone I've asked screaming about anathema like a stampeding herd of banthas.  I rather prefer to be free from such preconceptions of Force use - if tranquility, or rather, serenity - is the most suitable emotion for invoking a specific Force effect, then I see no reason why I should limit myself to things derived from fear, anger, and hatred.  Though I think that part of my facility with this sort of thing is derived from my experiences with precognition, so in truth I'm not sure that the lesson is transferable."


Right, precogs have a reputation for a reason. She can take a no when she hears one, though. "Too bad, it looks useful."


"I didn't say I wouldn't be willing to try to explain it.  Just that it would sound rather insane and-or counterintuitive."


Precogs, reputation, etc. "I wouldn't mind trying anyway."


"Then, if you do wish to, the principle is as follows:

"You are one with the universe and the universe is one with you.  Having established this, you are one with the piece of whatever needs to be telekinetically emplaced, and it is one with the universe by the transitive property - and there is nothing, truly, that can move the entire universe, because everything to ever exist is merely part of the universe, after all."


-you know what, fair, she did say like a Jedi, not Light as such. Of course it's going to be easier to consider the sense in which something is part of you relevant if you aren't pissed off at it. "That does sound simple, once you have the trick of it. Which is the hard part, of course."


She almost seems a bit sheepish as she says "Quite.  Even with the nature of precognition and battle meditation both dealing with connectedness in their own ways, it took me a while til I got to the point where using this sort of technique was combat-viable.  Utterly handy for utility purposes, though, especially moving things around once you've got that trick stable.  Frustrated telekinesis is sloppy telekinesis, in my experience, and I have always rather prided myself on elegance and precision."

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