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SithDusk's story continues
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"It took a while for Lord Pradnakt to decide it was worth it, yeah, even with being in such a good position for it after her hermitage. But, well, there's a reason that one was on my mind." She gestures at the poem in Bani's hand.


"...What are you hoping for, then, if I might ask?"


"I don't know, exactly. It does bother her how you can only cross the border in one direction - I don't think she would if she could, at this point, or not without doing a lot of soul searching first, but there was a time when she would have, I think, if it wouldn't have been suicide to try."


Knight Bani nods quietly, contemplatively, and says nothing more.


"If you don't need me for anything, I'll go check on dinner," Daisy says after a few moments of silence.

They come to the Sunrise ten or so minutes later, and Daisy has dinner packed up in travel containers for the Jedi, meat and vegetables in a flavorful sauce over mashed tipkas root with berry cookies for dessert. Tim announces their arrival in the cargo bay for Knight Chion, but they'll leave her to her exercise for a bit if she doesn't want to come up immediately.


She was winding down anyway, she'll be right up - and, thank goodness, out of their (metaphorical) hair for the night.


"Thank you, again, for the meal," Master Ries adds as they decamp.  "You didn't have to do that for us."


"I know, sir. I hope you enjoy it."


...He's no 'sir', either.

"I'm sure we will."

With half the food containers in his arms, he exits for the Sunrise.


As Knight Bani is making her way out, Elcie moves from her standby.  "If you wish to speak with me, Knight Bani, now is likely as good a time as we will have anytime soon."


"Mm.  Yes, but - there was something about confidentiality, you mentioned?"


"Yes.  If you would prefer to refuel yourself," Elcie gestures to the travel containers, "before this discussion, there is time enough.  We should likely borrow one of the unoccupied rooms here; they're private enough for this."


"...Dinner does seem like a good idea.  I'll be back in a bit, I suppose."  She grabs all but Rafiik's meal from the remaining pile, and carries them off with her - something tells her he will want to decide where he's going to eat on his own.


Rafiik was headed for the Sunrise without a dinner, but pauses to talk to Elcie: "You can use my room - I'll be right back, I'm just grabbing my bag, but I can hang out here with Nine for a while.


"It seems rather less invasive to use the room that technically no-one is presently using, previously reserved to Darth Kalbetis, but the offer is appreciated.  If it comes up that we need to not, should Master Karmin retire that early - there are other options than taking up your space."


Knight Chion, passing by, looks at Rafiik as if he is doing something patently absurd by having a room - but it is not as if Rafiik is alone in possibly perpetrating absurdities; Master Karmin may well be supervising.  In theory, at least.


"They're, uh - " he glances at Pradnakt's door as if hoping for a rescue from that direction. "We should talk about it in the morning."


The look, if anything, intensifies.  But - "You're not my Padawan; if the Masters know what's going on, I know enough about my interpersonal skills to know it shouldn't be my problem because it'd probably explode."


He's not their Padawan either, but he's relieved enough that it's not hard to keep from bristling about it. "Master Ries does, yeah." And he should probably talk to Master Karmin overnight, if he can.

He scurries off to get his bag, for now.


Yeah, well, right now he's nobody's Padawan and the Masters are at least supposed to be capable of handling Padawans in general.  "Good.  Someone should."  Dear Force help her, why is she about to say this - "...Hey.  Before you go.  ...I bet there's probably reasons you essentially faked your death on - us, on the Order - but...  You should know.  Your loss was grieved, I'm sure of it.  So if whatever it is that caused this, is still getting at you - all I am going to ask is that you try to avoid that next time.  There has to be a better option and I'm sure that we can find it."  ...There probably will be a next time, just judging by the emotions he's feeling.  Too much relief at her not - taking command, or whatever.  Or he could just think she's some sort of snarly akk hound that bites people she doesn't ?like? because of reasons, but - she is, despite her flaws, a Jedi.  She's better than that, and she'll prove it if she has to.


"I have.... something like that, anyway, in mind, yeah." Are they actually going to do this right now, he sure hopes they aren't actually going to do this right now.


"...Do I want, or need, to know what that something is, or should I just trust that Ries or Karmin have, or will have, looked it over?  Because as much as they aren't your Master, every Master of the Order has a duty to help as best they can, in this sort of situation.  Especially with your own having passed into the Force.  ...Which is to say.  You've been through some stuff, and not just recently - it wasn't just getting kidnapped by a Sith Lord that counts.

"...Force help me, I'm turning into Knight Bani.  But seriously, kid.  I've been through enough to know that you've probably been through far too much without even a Knighthood to show for it.  Yet, at least.  So I'm gonna ask one question.  Do you have someone to talk to if you need it?  Someone you could ask for help?  Don't tell me who, especially if you don't want to - I don't need to know, I don't think I even want to know, it's none of my business and I have no idea why I'm asking, I'm not built for this shhhhtuff - just - tell me you're not gonna go out there alone, again, because this sort of miracle doesn't happen twice if it even happens once and I know I'm horribly aggressive for a Jedi but that's because I've seen too damn many kids get hurt.  And you're not a child, I know, I was like that when I was your age, but having been there - I still needed support."


"I do." He even manages to avoid looking at Pradnakt's room again when he says it. "And Master Ries knows, and is fine with it. You're not going to like it but I know what I'm doing."


"...I can imagine," because while Rafiik didn't look at Pradnakt's room, it's really not all that difficult to connect these particular dots with how the Order didn't rescue him from whatever Sith Lord that was, "but whether I like it or not, it's not my business what you do, now is it?  Stay safe, kid.  That's all I'm gonna ask.  And -"  It's like pulling teeth to say -

"...Despite my instincts, I bet you could do a lot worse than those two."


He hadn't imagined that relief could so literally feel like a weight taken off of his chest. "I really could. Thanks."

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