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SithDusk's story continues
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(It's fine, she can go over it with him again later. Or the Jedi can, whichever.)


"...I already know this technique, as it happens, and I'd rather not show it off."


Huh, that's a bit unexpected.

Anyway, next - "Master Ries, the next thing will be rather personal for you, it's up to you who if anyone you'd like to have stay. I can use projective telepathy for it if you'd rather have them in the room but not involved."


"...If you can indicate why it would be so personal without revealing what is necessarily personal about it, that may help with the decision."


"It's about a medical condition that you're already aware of."


"Ah.  ...If you're sharing something medical I expect Knight Bani would be gratified to be included."


"If you're comfortable with that." She gently retracts the meditation from the other Jedi and waits for Kalbetis to go as well.


Kalbetis leaves, after a moment.


And Pradnakt shares what she saw of his condition when they first met - stress reactions here and here and, unusually, here, interacting and cascading here and there and there to result in pain here. "I can't fix this directly; it's repeating, not ongoing. But - " the unusual reaction is in anticipation of pain, she's seen that a hundred times before and can show them the pattern. And she has this pain-blocking technique that she can show them, too; if he isn't anticipating pain anymore he won't trigger the cascade, on top of the obvious immediate benefit. "How long that takes to fix it depends on your experiences; it could be as fast as a few weeks if you don't mind having a miserable time of them. And you'll need to apply it beforehand. It will still work if you don't catch it every time it happens, though; for most people catching it three quarters of the time gives reasonable results." Maybe don't ask her how she knows that one, though.


"...I see.  Thank you."


"You're welcome. Anything else, either of you?"


"I can't think of anything, but I'll let you know if there is."


"All right." She ends the meditation and heads out to rejoin the rest of the group.

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