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SithDusk's story continues
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"Yep. I can't vouch for the quality at all but I bet he'd appreciate the feedback, if you want to hear what he's composed."


"...Perhaps later.  If I intend to assist with the healing today I should be focused on preparing myself for the task."


"It is about that time, yeah," she says, surveying the remains of breakfast. "If we're all ready to head back to the Cloak, I'll go get started with my meditation. Oh, and, Daisy, Jayn tells me they're on field rations over there, if you want to do anything about that."

    "Oh dear, yes, thank you." And if nobody objects, she'll spend the trip back discussing everyone's food preferences and brainstorming dinners she can put together in the time it takes them to get from one ship to another.


"...We wouldn't wish to unduly deplete your own supplies - though I do suppose you'll have an easier time replenishing them than we would, around here."


"We do, definitely, if you're limited to field rations. I'm not entirely sure if Darth Kalbetis will agree to cover it from her own supplies - it won't surprise me if she does, but I'm not sure how much the current situation is stressing them - but if not I'm fully authorized to have Tim take the Spectrum back to Nexora and use my personal budget to get some things, as long as he's back by the time Lord Pradnakt needs it again."


"I see.  Thank you.  ...If it comes to that, we really should reimburse your costs.  It's not like you can spend Empire credits in the Republic to begin with; we have some, so we may as well spend them here."


"It's really no trouble. Maybe you'd like to give him your own shopping list, if it turns out he'll be making the trip?"


"If it does turn out that way, we would appreciate the opportunity."


"I'll discuss it with her when we get there, then." And she changes the subject to which of the handful of dishes she can make enough of with the ingredients she has on hand they'd like to have tonight.


And when the time comes, Tim contacts the Cloak to let them know that the Spectrum has returned.


...That's good.  Things have gone well, she hopes?


Boss and the grumpy Jedi had a moment; Tim doesn't really get it despite Nine's attempt to explain. But the grumpy Jedi is aboard, so probably!


That's...  Well, she, too, hopes it is good news, Tim.

Pradnakt wouldn't willingly cause a disaster, anyway.  That, she's sure of.

She'll meet them when they arrive.


Daisy meets her at the door when they arrive. "Lord Pradnakt should be ready to join us soon; I checked with her while we were making our approach and she's in the final stage of her meditation. Would you like to come in to wait?"


"...Would I like to.  Not as such, but...  Well.  I nonetheless likely should.  Especially if it would help, though I gather that Knight Chion has finally listened to the better sense the Force gave her?"


"I don't think it will cause any problems for you to wait outside - I expect her to be less than five minutes. She'll appreciate you having been here, though, and Knight Chion is with us, yes ma'am."


She'll go.  She is the master of her fears - her fears are not the master of her.  (It is surprising, that there is something to be afraid of, here.  But she does not have so many ways to - make herself feel like a person to these Jedi, as Pradnakt does, and the necessity of her image and position...)

(She will have to hope.  She will just have to hope.)


Daisy catches her hand to give it a brief reassuring squeeze before letting her pass, following her back into the lounge.

"Knight Chion, this is Darth Kalbetis, our host on the Cloak and Lord Pradnakt's friend."


Kalbetis flows into the room, ever so slightly reassured by Daisy's gesture - and moreso by the introduction.  'Lord Pradnakt's friend' given pride of place...

That is good.


(Elcie slips in just slightly behind Darth Kalbetis, while most eyes are still on her.)


...See, this is what Sith are supposed to act like, not...  Having cordial conversations over breakfast!


...Oh, no, absolutely not, that look is right out.  "...You may be surprised to hear, Knight Chion, that I am also a person, but I can assure you the rumor is true."


...Wh-- ha-- wha?  How?  What?  ...Why, for that matter?


"And, yes, of course I said that for a reason - but my desire to avoid reinforcing the idea of any random Sith's interiority being necessarily encompassed by their public image, for the sake of my stress levels, has nothing to do with how understanding your enemies will make you a better Jedi and you were looking for a reason to stop trying in me."


"...Why do you even care?"

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