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SithDusk's story continues
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She nods. That hadn't been made clear to me, which is also an issue.


We will endeavor to be more forthcoming in the future.  It is...

We are unused to having people we work with, instead of through, or - alongside at quite some distance.  So I must request your forgiveness and hopefully your assistance as we figure out what needs to be clarified.


I figured. It's fine, we'll work it out.


...Yes.  We will.




Some fifteen minutes later - promptly at 0800, with Kalbetis and Elcie gone and Daisy washing dishes just past the pancake buffet in the background - Pradnakt calls the Jedi.


"...Lord Pradnakt.  Good morning.  I assume you wish to know whether to expect us for breakfast...?"


"Yes. My Daisy has a pancake bar set up for us, if you'd like, and we have time for the Spectrum to stay docked with the Sunrise for the duration if any of you want to join us for breakfast but not continue to the Cloak. Darth Kalbetis and her assistant won't be joining us, unfortunately, they had work to do."


"...Well, it will certainly be better than field rations.  That said...  I have to ask, why?"


She visibly pauses for a moment, considering her answer, but continues in the same light tone. "Personal reasons, essentially; switching my Force alignment is more difficult the more emotional I am, in both directions, so the more comfortable I am with your presence the easier that will be for me, and getting to know you all better should hopefully help."


"...Eminently sensible.  We will most likely join you for breakfast, then."


"We'll start in your direction, then." Daisy isn't going to put up with them being stuck with field rations, she'd bet, but she'll leave that for her to bring up herself.


There is a brief discussion amongst the Jedi, but - even Knight Chion thinks the probability of the food being poisoned is low enough to risk inviting herself.


The Spectrum shows up to dock a few minutes before 0830. When the airlock opens, Pradnakt is waiting on the other side, leaning casually against the wall, and the smell in the air is amazing.


It is Knight Jayn, oddly enough, who faces her.  "Lord Pradnakt, good morning.  We appreciate your willingness to share your food with us.  It smells delicious and I can only hope it tastes just as good."


"I assure you it does, Daisy's outdone herself this morning." She pushes off from the wall and leads the way in.


The buffet is the same as it was half an hour ago, though the bacon and sausage have been refreshed with larger portions suitable for the group and Daisy has a small buffer of plain pancakes of all three types set aside by the stove for those who'd rather not wait for custom ones.

"Good morning! Help yourselves to the buffet and let me know how you'd like your pancakes; I have plain, chocolate, and orange pancake batter this morning and I can add whatever mix-ins or toppings you'd like to them. There's flimisplast and pens on the table in case you'd like to write your orders down." Because Kalbetis is smart, actually.


Pradnakt takes a plate and bowl and begins fixing herself some cereal, leaving the bulk of the buffet open to the Jedi; she'll nod for them to go ahead if they seem to need the encouragement.


Somehow, this turns into a group huddle, Master Ries taking everyone's order down as he starts in on the pre-prepared ones.

Padawan Vidarra: Half-size pancakes, one stack double chocolate with marshmallows, one stack plain with bacon and almond butter swirl

Knight Jayn: A random sampler - chef's choice of possible mini pancakes.

Knight Chion: Three orange pancakes, with tisa berries.

Knight Khotar: Double chocolate pancakes, with extra chocolate

Knight Bani: Chocolate chai pancakes.

Master Karmin: Plain pancakes, with butter and cinnamon squares.


Daisy gets to work, having Nine get out a second pan while she prepares the various flavors of batter. Even with the extra pan she's going to have to work in batches, but she has a few cloches on hand to keep the first batches warm while she works on the rest.


Pradnakt puts her order in verbally - plain pancakes with a cinnamon swirl and a half portion of chocolate chips, and marshmallows on the top one - and turns the comm unit's chair around to face the room for her seat, giving the Jedi a little bit of space in a lounge that's rather cramped with eight people in it. "Did you all sleep well?"


"Reasonably so, I'd say.  ...Did you?"


"Very well, yes." She seems pleased about it, too. "I wasn't expecting the situation last night to be that bad, but it got sorted out in the end."


Oh dear.  Well, he's glad he didn't even think of trying plan F.


"That's ...good to hear.  Padawan Vidarra seemed rather concerned with how things were when we left."

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