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SithDusk's story continues
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"My goodness.  That does sound delicious, though I'll admit that I've quite a fondness for chocolate, myself."  Oh dear, she really is tempted to stay for breakfast properly even despite the potentially hostile social interaction.


"Can you do chocolate batter as an option, Love? I know nine of us isn't enough to justify a full spread."

    "It won't be a problem, ma'am, we can invite some of Kalbetis' staff to come take any leftovers."

"Oh, excellent. There you go," she grins at Kalbetis.


"...Come to think of it, it, work better, if we do this as a shipwide sort of thing.  Elcie -"


"Kitchen staff should already know how this one works, if you're thinking what I think you're thinking.  Might not have the fresh goods stocked, though."


"It also takes a lot of staff and equipment to do it for a large group - I've seen that done but it's a whole production. Breaking it up over a few days might work, though."


"...Really, the thing is that it would be unfair to the patients to do it as a whole-group thing right now.  Some of them are still in no shape to enjoy it."


"Uh. What's our cover story with them?"


"...An anti-slavery operation did it.  The Jedi," she gestures as if to include themselves, "that showed up to help heal everyone were the Force's fault.  As a first layer, at least, because I have made Jedi my remit and can therefore intercept anyone asking questions."


Pradnakt looks offended at being included in 'Jedi', but doesn't say anything about it. "It seems pretty unlikely that an anti-slavery operation would be using their resources to hold pancake parties."


"If you have the pancakes, why not?  Morale is important.  ...I don't want to pin this to the Jedi either, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't a matter of security - but, well, there are some very evident people with lightsabers and Force powers that need explaining if we're trying to explain this - and it sure seems necessary, as exemplified by your asking about it.  ...I've spent far too long trying to come up with a backup plan that's not just 'No-one will ever believe you' repeated loudly enough that people might not try, and coming up worryingly blank.  But it explains why they need to not talk about it, at least."


"I don't mind the Jedi getting the credit, that's just good sense, I'm just not one. As to why not... wait, are you having the patients eat with your staff? That would make sense of it, I guess; I wasn't thinking you'd give them that much access to the ship."


"I can hardly keep them bedbound if they are well, and we're rather rejiggering the space as we go since this ship wasn't designed for quite this many people, even with minimal crew meaning we have some bunks going spare to start with.  So, yes, the patients are being given access to the common areas - to keep them from getting underfoot while we're all working, if nothing else - though nowhere sensitive.

"Still - thinking about it for more than five seconds, it's probably better to keep the pancakes private, as much as it feels utterly wrong on a moral level to just decide that there's too many problems with sharing so we won't be doing that - but the story we're telling the patients doesn't exactly permit curious Jedi asking about what being a Sith is like over breakfast, and, mm, I was thinking that the main benefit of that idea would've been exposing them to us having normal interactions with people, except that's hardly something we can do if we're busy acting.  So that's right out."


"Wait, you're having normal interactions with people?" she doesn't say.

"A smaller event will work better for letting me get to know them, anyway. We can do something for your staff another time." She makes a facial expression at Daisy and gets a shift in posture in response. "Daisy would enjoy helping with that, too."


"Yes, quite," she murmurs as the first sentence is done.  When the rest is finished...


"...Perhaps we'll have the time."


"It's fine if you don't, ma'am. I would like to get to know your staff a little better, though."


"Of course.  I don't have anyone who directly reports to me aboard the Cloak except Elcie and perhaps the captain if you squint, but - of course you can get to know them."


    "Yes ma'am."

"None of us have really had a chance to pick up any social hobbies, have we."


"...No, we really haven't, have we - though I imagine you didn't necessarily mean to include me.  Still, the closest I get to a proper social life is probably over the holonet, since at least on the holonet, nobody knows you're a Darth.  Unless you tell them, I suppose, but goodness knows I really wouldn't want to."


"Even there I think I'd feel weird about it. It's not like that protects them if an enemy of mine decides to go after people I like to get to me."


"They can hardly do that if they don't have the slightest clue it's you they know, but it's true that no security is perfect."


"I'd worry more about someone finding out from my end than from theirs." She shrugs. "Your people should be a harder target, anyway."


"Mmm, that's true."  She stifles a yawn.  "...Hm.  I should probably get some rest soon."


"Sounds like a plan. Daisy, Nine, do you need anything else from me tonight?"

    "Did you have any requests for the pancake bar?"

"Hm - I liked that bacon substitute the other day, see if they have any more of it. And you can break out the good chocolate, we'll restock next time we're on-planet."

    "All right."

        "Do you know where the greer wrench is? Tim was looking for it last night."

"Oh, yeah, I was adjusting something in my room, I'll get it."


...Right.  So...  Where does Pradnakt want her to stay, then?


She takes her hand and leads her toward the master bedroom, by way of answer.

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