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SithDusk's story continues
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"Elcie would share hers in any case, that's not...

"...Mm.  The thing is that I trust Elcie to know what she's doing, and you seem to be implying that...wasn't the case."


"It looked unwisely aggressive to me, but I was going to ask, yes ma'am."


"...Sometimes the only way to get through to someone who has decided to pick a fight, is to win it.  Still, if you wish to ask - do."


"Yes ma'am."


They sit in silence for a few minutes before Daisy speaks again. "Are you ready for me to go make dinner?"

"Yeah - something sweet?"

    "Orange chicken? We're out of tofu."

"Sounds good."

    "And you, ma'am?"


She seems surprised to have been asked the question, but recovers quickly.  "I certainly have no objections to orange chicken."


    "Yes ma'am." She goes.


Pradnakt doesn't seem to be in a hurry to kick Kalbetis back out of her bed.


"...Would you like me to stay?"


"I'll be fine, but - yeah, if you don't mind." Squeeze.


"I would be glad to, to be honest.  There's...many years of skin-contact deficit to address."


"Yeah." She scoots up a bit to rest her forehead against Kalbetis'. "Do you want to spend the night? Not - I'd have to think about if I want to do more than this - but it'd be nice, having you here."


"I'd have to think about it as well, so let us both agree that we are just going to cuddle, for tonight.  I'll stay."



"I'm thinking I might want to invite the Jedi over for breakfast in the morning, it might help things for us to have a chance to get to know each other. Not sure if you'll want to be here for it."


"...Hm.  That is...  A very good question, honestly."


There are rather a few factors weighing both for and against - but, the scales are tipped by the knowledge that she does not actually like social interaction.


"...If you want me there, I'll do it, but I think I'll leave this to you."


"Mmhmm. I'll ask Daisy to have something ready for you when we get up." Hug.


"...You don't have to do that?"


"I'd be a pretty poor host if I didn't. And she won't mind, she's been looking forward to getting to cook for guests."


"Well, I can hardly gainsay that."


"Yeah. She's such a sweetie, I really got lucky with her. She's - we're probably at the point where I can put my room back together, it feels wrong not having our poem up, I'll have to squeeze that in tomorrow somehow - anyway, same story as every Sith, my master tried to kill me, but he did it really slowly? And she was there with me for it, I wouldn't have made it without her. Took us almost a year to get out. So she's really special to me."


She nods, because she isn't quite sure what to say.

Well.  No.  Truth for truth.  "...You may recall that I mentioned Grauzatis pissing off a Lord Sandara and dying of that mistake.  I feel as though now is an appropriate time to mention that I was once Lord Sandara, and apologize that I was not able to act soon enough to bring a building down on Pritruth while I was at it."


"...ah," she chuckles, "well, that's a load off my mind, at least. I'll forgive you for not getting to him sooner, that would probably have killed me. Since Grauzatis didn't actually kill Pritruth, I did."


She nods.  "I rather thought so.  Not that Grauzatis couldn't have done it, necessarily - I dropped a building on him because personal combat was far too dangerous - but that some things just didn't quite fit.  The things that Pritruth put together to indicate your presence, disappearing, was rather suggestive, as was - certain evidence of your actual absence that...let me start putting pieces together."


"Mm. If you happen to have figured out what they were doing to me - not right now, I've had enough for today, but we never did figure it out."

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