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SithDusk's story continues
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Pradnakt pauses for a moment, considering, but does the same, tossing her things in a pile past the foot of the bed.


There are things one might notice, as Darth Kalbetis' robes come off.  Her sheer height, which is not a product of her boots in the slightest.  Her understated but indubitably present musculature.  The thing that might draw specifically Lord Pradnakt's attention, though, is the small lightsaber hidden up her sleeve - it's a very interesting design, and while its kyber resonance surely exists, it's something that's deftly concealed within Darth Kalbetis' own aura.


As if she could fail to notice a lightsaber-sized object at this proximity even without a crystal in it.

Pradnakt herself is nearly as tall, though less muscular, and entirely unscarred, not too surprisingly so given how Kalbetis has seen her need to work to avoid healing scars away over the last few days. She leaves her lightsaber belt on; there's no sign of her even considering removing it.




"...Mmm, where were we?"

She carefully lays herself back down.


"Here, I think." And Kalbetis can get an infodump on the biological effects of massage while she works.


Ooh, lovely.  Informative and pleasant.


Bodies are neat, yeah.

"Daisy's going to be looking for us soon," she reports after a while.


"Oh no.  I might have to move.  That would be a disaster," she quips, half-seriously.


"A tragedy," she passes her her clothes and goes to the closet to pick something new out for herself.


Right, she can do this.  She is definitely not a puddle.

...Okay maybe a little bit, but she does get her clothes back on.  There was something about dinner, possibly?


Pradnakt gives her a quick hug and leads the way back to the lounge. The food is delicious, of course.


Indeed it would be, Daisy made it and she has consistently excelled with her cookery.


Dinner is all but done with by the time Elcie speaks.  "...You look less tense, mistress."


"...Mm.  Lord Pradnakt helped."

"Speaking of, she mentioned that she was thinking of inviting the Jedi for breakfast tomorrow.  I trust you will be able to convey my regret that I was a bit too busy to attend that myself, should it come to pass.  I really do need to check my mail, as was."


"Of course, mistress, I would be glad to."


"Thank you, darling.  It's much appreciated."


"You know it is my purpose and my vocation."


"And we've had this back and forth half a dozen times in the past month.  Hypocrite that I am, but accept the thanks, yes?"


"Oh, very well, if you must insist.  That will be turned around on you at the slightest opportunity, you know."


"...But that's rather your point, isn't it."


"I'm sure you'd know."


Cute. "She's planning on spending the night, too, if you could have a breakfast ready when she gets up," Pradnakt directs at Daisy, "and I'm thinking a pancake bar or something for the Jedi afterward."

    "Yes ma'am. Are we expecting Knight Chion?"

"No idea. I wouldn't want to plan on her not being here though."

    "All right, I can work with that."

"Thank you."

    "Would you like anything in particular, ma'am?"


"...Well, now that the concept of a pancake bar has been mentioned, I find myself intrigued."


    "I can have it ready early, yes ma'am."

"She'll be making everyone's pancakes to order, is the basic idea, so you can have whatever mix-ins and toppings you want, and different kinds if you want a second portion. I'm partial to strawberry marshmallow with cinnamon whipped cream, personally."

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