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SithDusk's story continues
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Man it would be really nice if one of these two would be an adult about things.

Fortunately Nine comes right back with the bag and Rafiik can head over to the Jedi ship.


She is, in fact, trying.


Trying her patience with impertinent droids, perhaps!


The door irises shut behind her.


The Ashen Sunrise is a refit Explorer Corps ship, originally designed to sustain three to five Jedi running deep planetary survey missions.  As a consequence of that refit it has sacrificed some of its cargo capacity for extra rooms, and as a consequence of there being a war on it has sacrificed most of the probe-droid deployment hardware in favor of additional gunnery, but the exterior is not what matters right now, as Rafiik Vidarra enters the common area.

It is...

Very much not anything like Lord Pradnakt's ship.  There is the same short corridor creating an additional defensive chokepoint, after the airlock, but the view beyond that corridor reveals that whoever refit this ship seems to have been focusing on function over form - most of the fittings are bare metal, and so's the floor.  There's a decidedly anemic kitchenette nestled into the corner next to the builtin counter that wraps around the chokepoint-establishing wall, and bunks are laid out down the opposite side - they're really not large, barely the width of the mattresses and/or the doors.  (That's how there's even room for six of them.)

(It's also two 'stories' tall, but Rafiik isn't entering through the cargo bay.)


He really should have seen if there were any cookies left in Pradnakt's cupboards before he came over, huh. He checks out the bunks, drops his duffel off on his best guess of which one isn't next to Chion, and then checks out the dinner options in the kitchenette.


There's only the one open, but it doesn't appear to be next to Chion, no.


...Would he like MREs, or field rations, or perhaps a frozen meal?


He is sufficiently familiar with these options to have an opinion! That opinion is 'ugh'. He heats up a frozen chopped steak meal and takes it with him to see what the others are up to.


Mostly, releasing their emotions about the quality of the food they're stuck with to the Force.


"Maybe if tomorrow goes better we can ask Daisy to make us dinner before we head back," he comments to the room at large.




"...Because it will be better than reheated refectory glop."


"And probably poisoned?"


"Better way to go out than these, surely."


"Breakfast and lunch and the snacks they brought us weren't, anyway."


"You can't trust Sith!"


"Trusting these ones seems to be working pretty well for me so far."


"They'll turn on you, they'll turn you.  They'll make you a weapon against us, given half a chance.  Isn't that what the other Sith started doing?  Why do you believe that they aren't planning something similar, just with more finesse?"


"I mean, a lot of reasons, at this point? If it was just that I don't see why they'd go to the trouble of offering to make whatever I wanted for breakfast, or decorating the room they gave me, or telling me about their pasts. I don't think Sith like you're thinking of could figure out how to act as nice as they have. Not to mention, would they really rather turn half a dozen Jedi than have the dozens of Alchemy monsters they have us healing. Or, you know, both, I was pretty sure they weren't going to do anything but now that you all," he indicates the non-Chion Jedi, "have been and come back I'm really sure, if they were just trying to get fighters for something that'd be the time to spring the trap, wouldn't it? Instead of healing the people they have?"


"They could be playing a long con.  Trying to lure us into trusting them and then pointing us at...something that we'll never be willing to admit we were pointed at by a Sith."

...Though, with that much wind taken out of her sails, the objection is really pro forma.  It doesn't really make sense.


"And if it's that, we can still say no when they do. Or maybe they're just people who happened to be born Force-sensitive in the wrong place, I think that's what we're seeing here."


"They're still Sith."


He shrugs. "One of those Sith is having a gigantic panic attack right now because she spent the last eight or ten hours healing people. And knew it'd happen, I'm pretty sure. So if she's a Sith, that's someone a Sith can be."


"...You honestly believe everything you just said."

She has no idea how.


"Of course I do, I saw it happen."


Well, yes, but the evidence admits multiple possible interpretations, surely -

Knight Chion emits a frustrated but defeated grumble.  "Fine.  Fine.  I still reserve the right to tell you all I told you so when this explodes."

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