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SithDusk's story continues
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"Good." She stretches again. "Looks like the pancakes are all set up."


"Mmm, pancakes."


"They've got a change of clothes out there for you, too, d'you want me to go get it?"


"...Sometimes I really don't know what I'd do without Elcie.  Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind."


One last forehead-kiss, and Pradnakt pads off to the lounge. She's only gone for a few seconds, but drops the bundle of clothing on the bed from the doorway rather than coming back in. "Daisy needs to talk to me, we'll be back in a few minutes."


"Very well."  She's dressed in a very short timeframe.


The pancake bar spread is quite nicely presented, with a variety of tasty options: syrups, fruit, nuts, nut butters, jam, marshmallows, three kinds of chocolate (a particularly nice brand of plain semi-sweet, plus orange- and chai-infused), two kinds of bacon bits, powdered sugar and cocoa and spices for dusting - several of the elements are handmade, with their labels marked but not given special treatment otherwise, and there are a further selection of non-pancake options off to the side, including drinks, whole fruit, fresh baked muffins (apple cinnamon and orange chocolate chip), more bacon, sausage, and prepackaged and homemade cold cereal (oat loops, plus homemade cinnamon sugar and chocolate chai squares). Another sign announces that Daisy will have plain, chocolate, and orange flavored pancake batters available.


Oh no,...


Goodness gracious her, this is going to be such a dilemma.

(Tasting things in hypothetical timelines works as an anti-poison technique, but not if she wants to experience the flavor.)


"Mistress, a word?", comes a blessed interruption from her decision paralysis.

"Would you prefer my assistance with the reports, or that I deliver your regrets to the Jedi personally?  You'll find that linear time does not allow for both.  Perhaps we could give a mouse droid a holomessage."


"...Oh, blast it.  My apologies, yes, I would prefer you with me."


"And your regrets?"


"I may as well leave a note."


Pradnakt comes back at this point, Daisy following her out of the room next to hers. "Everything all right out here?"


"Should be, though as I have yet to figure out how to realize diverging possible futures I shall simply have to leave a note for our guests about my absence from breakfast."


"Okay." She seems subtly relieved, and goes to look over the spread. "You've been busy, huh, Love. Looks good. Kalbetis, you'll want to try the marshmallows if nothing else, especially if you've only ever had commercial ones; most of this we can ask for any time but those have a seven hour lead time." She takes an apple for herself and a condiment bowl of chai cashew butter to dip slices in.


"...My goodness.  I was not particularly aware that marshmallows were the sort of thing one could handmake, to be honest - though, in a sense, everything can be with enough effort, so I'm not certain what I was expecting.  Not homemade confectionery, that's for sure."

Kalbetis has gotten out a pad and some flimsiplast, because if she's going to indulge - she might as well do it properly.

A layered confection, in plating order:

Chocolate/Chocolate pancake - chocolate batter w/ chocolate chips (semi-sweet) mixin.

Apply: Tisa berry jam, marshmallows - halved.

Orange/Orange-Chocolate pancake - orange batter, orange-chocolate mixin.

Apply: Marmalade, marshmallows - halved.

Orange/Tisa Berry pancake - orange batter, tisa berry mixin.

Apply: Tisa berry syrup, chocolate chips (semi-sweet).  (May be left to recipient if preferred.)

End of instructions.

It's much easier to do this than explain what she's thinking of in any sort of realtime dialogue, anyway.


Daisy gets to work, starting the first two pancakes and then oiling up a knife to cut the marshmallows with.

"Not everything - I think the only thing here she couldn't make given enough time and ingredients is the cereal, but there are a lot of things like that that you need industrial machinery for. A lot of things you really don't, though - we were way out in the sticks for my hermitage, we couldn't exactly shop for groceries every week, she got a lot of practice at making things from raw ingredients."


She nods.  "Quite impressive."

"I suppose now is likely a relevant time to mention Elcie's - hobby, perhaps - of creating and translating skillpacks between the various class kernels.  If that is of interest to you," by which she primarily means Daisy, but is not excluding Pradnakt.


"I'd have to think about it, ma'am, for cooking, but I'd be interested in sharing some other skills that way, thank you."


"I would be glad to be of service in this way.  Perhaps we could start on that tomorrow midnight, then?"


"Assuming I'm not otherwise busy, of course." With the first two pancakes nearing done, she adds the marshmallows, giving them just enough time to begin to melt without melting away entirely.


"Of course, assuming neither of us are busy."


Pradnakt is content to snuggle and nibble on apple slices while Daisy continues cooking, preparing the first two pancakes with practiced speed while the third cooks, then repeating the 'add ingredient just before it's done' trick to get the final batch of chocolate chips pleasantly gooey before finishing the stack with the requested syrup and presenting it to Kalbetis. "Something to drink, ma'am? Tisa syrup in orange juice, maybe?"


"I hadn't thought about that, but that does sound lovely, thank you."


She puts that together, adding a light dusting of cocoa powder to the glass as well, and joins them at the table while Nine washes the prep bowls.

"So what did you think about the Jedi?"

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