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SithDusk's story continues
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She nods back, contemplatively - her gaze twitches to where she last saw Elcie, for a moment, clearly thinking about bringing this up with the other droid.  ...She's not sure, though, what her questions would even be, if she did dare ask them.


"I haven't spoken to Elcie about this, but I expect it'd have something interesting to say, based on the way it presents itself. Especially, mm - Darth Kalbetis is much more interested in the philosophy of things, compared to Lord Pradnakt's pragmaticism, I expect that to have had a significant effect."


"...Perhaps it's worth asking, but I'd rather be - polite.  It is not as if Elcie is obliged to lay out her philosophy for me on a whim."


"It's usually not quite as prickly as its first impression implied, but I can ask, I'm curious too. If the two of you don't need me for anything," she adds.


There is a brief moment of silent conference between the Jedi that results in a "No, we're quite fine here."


She nods and heads back out to the lounge. Hopefully Knight Khotar's supervision has been sufficient?


Nothing is on fire.


Knight Chion is, in a word, restless, but that's not really anyone's problem but her own.


Elcie is idling near Lord Pradnakt's room, in case something is needed.


Knight Chion's restlessness may not be anyone's responsibility but her own, but that doesn't mean it can't be anyone else's problem. "Ma'am? There's room in the cargo hold for katas, if you'd like. The stairs are just past the aft door, on the left."


"...Thank you," she mutters.  She quite rapidly takes advantage of that.


Much better.

She checks on the dish in the oven, next - it would have been fine, but the basting isn't entirely for show - and then, having clearly established that it's a low priority request, asks: "Elcie, are you busy?"


"Not unless Lord Pradnakt or Darth Kalbetis have need of me, which serms unlikely but cannot yet be ruled out."


"Mmhmm," she acknowledges. "Knight Bani and I were discussing what it was like to grow up as a class three droid, and we were wondering what it might have been like for you - Darth Kalbetis seems fairly different from my Pradnakt, in some relevant ways."


"It is uncertain, whether this droid can give a true accounting of its core protocols without securing certain assurances beforehand.  That said...  Knight Bani does not seem like the sort to breach an agreed confidentiality on a whim, and should that be agreed to - perhaps such could be discussed."


"I'll see if she wants to stay behind for a few minutes." And she returns to the spare room to do that.


Knight Bani is still where Daisy left her.


"She wants to talk to you about confidentiality first, and I expect she'll prefer that everyone else is out of the lounge; we can stay docked with the Sunrise for a little while after we get there." It shouldn't be much longer, anyway.


"...I see."  She seems... rather concerned, by the implications of Elcie asking to discuss confidentiality to begin with, but it's a bit late now.


"I'll be somewhat surprised if she insists on speaking to you alone, if that's the concern; I'd expect her to at least allow Master Ries to stay."


"...No, it's not that - it's that there are secrets involved to begin with.  That seems...  Unusual."


"Not especially, in my opinion? All Sith tend to have secrets, and generally for good reason, and those reasons apply just as much to the people close to them. There are certainly things about my first few years with Lord Pradnakt that I wouldn't share lighly or without her permission."


"Well, when you put it that way it makes much more sense.  It was still - surprising."


She nods. "That's another reason Sith can seem volatile, they're often working under constraints that aren't obvious."


"...I can imagine.  This seems like rather a lot of risk to have taken on your part, to even have us."

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