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Jedi z meets Sith Dusk
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"Speaking of cheating with teekay..."



Daisy brings the tray, and Dusk brings the carafe and a pair of glasses, and they lead the way around to the side of the house that Kai-Zi hasn't seen yet, where there's a metal ladder bolted to the wall. Dusk takes the tray from Daisy and leaps up, looking back over the edge after a moment. "C'mon up!" (The droids seem to expect him to go first.)


He scrambles quickly up the ladder. You get really used to these living on ships.

As soon as he's on the roof, he stands up to admire the view.


It's a pretty good view: wilderness from horizon to horizon, with just barely a smudge to show where the town is and the sky beginning to turn colors behind it.


(There's a platform on the roof, big enough to be only slightly crowded with the four of them there; the only furnishing is a once blue, now very faded cushion.)


He nods appreciatively and sits down on a corner of the platform, facing the sunset.

"I like it up here already."


"Mmhmm. It's my meditation spot, I'm up here every night." She settles the tray next to him and sits on the other side of it. "Burger?"


"Yes, burger."

He takes one from the tray and bites into it. The general emotional impression is intense approval.


"Did good, Daisy." She takes one herself, and one of the deviled eggs.


After a few minutes, the sun gets low enough to catch one of the installations, out in the desert, and make it glitter.



He stares out at it, forgetting about the remnants of his burger for a minute.

"Did you...make that for the sunset?"


"Mmhmm." She points out in a direction, and after a moment another sparkle appears. "There's a bunch."


He leans immediately out over the roof.

"How many are there?"


"Couple dozen. I go put more up every so often when I'm between ideas."


"I love them."

He picks up an egg and watches the show.


It's gorgeous, with different collections of sparkles fading in and out as the sunset continues.


He is completely fascinated.

(He does have to look away occasionally to blink the afterimages out of his eyes.)


Daisy's cooking will go tragically unappreciated.


"Pretty great, huh? There aren't too many places someone could put together something this big."


Oh, no, he's definitely eating eggs while he watches this. Two great sensory experiences at once!

"I guess there are perks to living in the middle of nowhere."



"And the solitude - not sure if that's a perk or not, exactly, but it's something. Nice, mostly, I guess."


He nods.

"Probably has good days and bad days."

He contemplates the glittering scenery.

"'s pretty cool to know so few people have seen this, though. You made it just for you."


"Yup. Grand total of four, now." She waves to the assembled group.


"...on the one hand, people would love this. On the other hand, fuck people."


She chuckles. "Mmhmm."


He cups his hands around his mouth and yells into the vast and empty desert.

"This is our sunset! Fuck you!"


The Sith: has a gigglefit. And sets the tray of food down onto the roof so she can scoot over and put an arm around his shoulders.


He laughs himself and leans up against her.

"Well, it is."

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