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Promise is not super thrilled about being carried. I'm going to just fall until I have enough air to catch myself, she writes. And then she hops off his arm and drops.


Aegis flies down at the same speed. Any faster than her and he might miss the gate, there aren't a lot of landmarks up here.

When the air thickens, she stops falling, and instead flies down in a controlled manner.

And here is the gate. "That way," she points.

Aegis grins. "We made it. And now you've got a chute to dispose of anything you really need gone. Like Endbringers."


"I should probably make a new one for new Endbringers. Gates go both ways and I don't want them climbing out again. But yes. Thanks for the ride."


"Any time."


Back through the gate chain, and Promise emails Armsmaster (she made a tetrahedral gate box, it's twice as far away from the black hole as intended and there were no instant settles so she'll have to go check to see if these are just failing slower).


"As long as they're up in time for the next attack. If it's the black hole interfering somehow, maybe a box to an empty point billions of light-years away would be a useful backup."


"Pick one out for me, then."


He has one ready. Getting a map of the area was more complicated since it had to be limited to stars that are probably still there, but space is big enough that there's no shortage of usable empty points.


Promise examines the maps, then confirms that she should be able to make a backup gatebox there.


"When will you want to make the return trip?"


"The black hole gates will probably have settled in the next few days - at least one or two of them - which will be useful information. Whenever's convenient for Aegis around then."


"I'll make a note of it. See you then."


So, blogging and forumgoing time. (And emailing Aegis to ask if he has any plans for his shot of the salt sea incompatible with her blogging it.)

He was mostly just going to use it for the occasional showing off. Which is perfectly compatible.

Here, world, lookit this ocean of liquid salt, mountains of solid salt just barely visible way the fuck over there in the distance.

Promise does not get anyone's hopes up about the Endbringers thing.

The only other people who know are the ones who are in the cape business, and they all know better than to talk too much about work. Especially when it involves this subject matter.


It's been a while since Promise got those Empire names. ...And she needs to talk to Canary anyway.

When's a good time for you to visit?

Tomorrow afternoon works well. I can meet you at the house.

I'll be there.

And so she is.

As is Paige. "Hello."


"Hi. I realized there was a small mistake in your secrecy order. You may, if presented with information about the things you're keeping secret by another source, acknowledge that presentation's contents insofar as is necessary not to look weird. Sorry about that."

She calculates that for a second. "Oh! Yes, that could have been awkward.
And you never actually ordered me to keep the other project secret. Though it's less obviously sensitive, so maybe that was intentional."

"The Empire thing? You seem to care more about keeping it secret than I do. If you're worried about it slipping out...?"

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