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Nobody, especially not the steel-winged fairy, follows her.

Yellow twitches in her arms but is in no condition to actually, like, escape.
She belatedly remembers to tell him, "don't resist."
And, when approaching the gate, "once we're in the mortal world, whisper your name to Promise."
Yellow makes a burbling noise.

When Canary steps through the gate, he makes an almighty lurch from her hands onto the floor, and drags himself to within whispering distance of Promise.

Trembling, Promise puts her ear to his face and listens.

When he's struggled through all the syllables, Promise tells him, "Stop," and he freezes.

Then she gets started on healing him.

Canary is over here, shaking. "I am never going back there. And never complaining about not liking my neighbors, either."


"What happened to him?"


"I walked up and heard screaming. Someone was torturing him, said he broke something and was going to pay for it. I— I guess it's a good thing I got there when I did."

"You probably shouldn't have risked it, but - seems to have turned out all right. Yellow, you may breathe. You may not enforce any orders; but you may, quietly, speak true and complete replies to questions. Who had you?"

"The," croaks Yellow, as his upper right wing unbends in eight places, "steelwing from the canyon. Mosaic."

"Did she get your name?"


"Is this a normal thing in Fairyland? If someone here were torturing people until they could control them they'd get Birdcaged, and I don't think even I would object."

"It doesn't happen to most people most days, but I'm mostly surprised that Yellow antagonized Mosaic in the first place, not that she reacted by trying to get his name. It's the most permanent way to settle anything. What did you do to her?"

"Took some rocks," coughs Yellow, "turned out to be part of an art project."

"That's it? Promise, please tell me you're not the only fairy with a sense of proportion."


"Only would be pushing it. And little as I hold with torture it's probably not fair to summarize it solely as 'he took some of her art and so she tortured him'. If she thought he was planning to escalate at some moment not of her choosing, or thought that looking like a pushover to him or someone else would make her seem like a good target for similar treatment..."


"Well, that's a little less bad. And still somehow doesn't make it any less of a place to stay away from."

"Oh, I understand your caution entirely. This house probably has water, if you want to get the blood off. Yellow, follow me."

Promise and Yellow go through a different gate.

It does have water. Paige washes off what she can, then she leaves a note for Promise and leaves to change clothes and re-acclimatize to the normal world.

Promise comes back into her house a while later.

And then thinks of an experiment she wants to try, but first she has to fly to the PRT building and use her existing gate. (And stop to see if there are any messages for her there.)

Nothing urgent. Nilbog is still surprisingly content and is gradually coming around to the idea of helping them. The E88 has been doing more or less their normal amount of crime, aside from trying to expand into what used to be ABB territory before all three ABB capes got captured. They're occasionally skirmishing with the Travelers, Undersiders, or heroes. None of the E88 news is obviously relevant to the names situation. They could bring in the top two now, but the PRT would prefer to wait a bit longer for extra surety.

In that case -

Promise has been meaning to spend some downtime checking out that cape forum. She is not too familiar with the interface, but eventually she figures out how to make an account, name it "Promise" (...that wouldn't be her nickname if it was not what she wanted to be called), and write a reassurance in her profile that she uses a custom computer that redacts names for her so you're safe even if your screen name is a pun or shortening or something.

What are they talking about here today?

Some of the threads are obvious continuations of ongoing conversations ("The Endbringers, Thread XXXIII"), some are things currently in the headlines (a Protectorate hero used a racial slur on camera), and in Boards ► News ► Events ►America there's a topic about her. Speculating on her powers, whether the invisible person who got Bakuda is the same unknown winged figure who was seen immediately afterward, and, if she's as powerful as she appeared in that fight, why there are still villains in Brockton Bay. The general consensus is that there's probably some limitation other than the names. Once she does anything people will see, the warning on her profile might dispel that.

Promise goes and reads that thread. It is that lovely Internetty mix of cruft and content. She writes People who are not villains have a legitimate reason not to want me to know their names. Since mortals re-use names a lot, every villain whose name I learn puts other mortals with similar or identical names at risk. I wouldn't misuse a random person's name, but random people in general shouldn't have to trust me like that.

A "verified cape" tag has appeared next to her name. Well, this is her weird custom computer, maybe the software can sense that somehow.
It's a relatively active board, and since a new cape started talking it gets responses quickly. One person is asking how she got Bakuda's name, another comments that all future references to Promise on the VS boards are definitely going to have to include New Wave on her side at least, another volunteers to give her the name of someone who knows someone who probably knows Skidmark. Two people start arguing back and forth about whether her reference to "mortals" means Promise isn't or if she's just strange.

One or two commenters are even reassured by her being ethical about manes.
I got Bakuda's name from another ABB cape who was already in custody at the time. Please do not send me unsolicited names.

I am not a mortal. I am a fairy.
That firmly cements her in the just strange category for most of the public. Some make the obvious connection. You're not connected with Glaistig Uaine, are you? Last time a cape described herself that way she was basically evil Eidolon.

The name redaction might make that post incomprehensible, but the general sense of it is shared by some of the ones around it.

I don't have either of those proper nouns in my safe list so I'm just seeing numbers ("096773" and "133468"), which probably means I've never heard of them. When I say I'm a fairy I mean I am an immortal winged sapient creature from Fairyland, and I am not and have never been a human. I can't speculate on why 096773 might call herself a fairy; I'm told that no one matching my description of fairies has been encountered before.

Apparently 096773 is the third or fourth most powerful known parahuman and calls herself the fairy queen. Mass murderer currently sitting in the Birdcage, and for all anyone knows she is capable of leaving if she wants to. Everyone is very glad to know they aren't chatting with another 096773.

But most of the responses are about fairies and Fairyland: how did she get here, can she go back, can other people go there, how immortal, are there more of her. For mow most are taking it roughly like that one cape in Chicago who calls himself a wizard: no need to believe Promise, but that doesn't mean they can't be curious.

She got here by accident. She can go back; she certainly doesn't live here. Other people should definitely not go there because most fairies have at least some of her powers and are not really big on the whole being nice to mortals thing. She is pretty sure she is totally immortal but she can still be injured like anyone else and doesn't like it so she'd rather not undergo any tests. The kind of fairy she in particular is is called a "leaflet", and there are more leaflets (although she hasn't personally met any others; they aren't that common) and many more fairies in general.

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