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There are more of them? And evil? I think I'm going to start going by [013208] full-time now.
Other people want to know about Fairyland's society and population and physics and will basically never run out of questions until she stops giving information. Interspersed are requests for her to shut down particular villains, requests for her not to prioritize other ones, and people of varying degrees of impoliteness asking why she hasn't already.
Promise doesn't know very much about physics and doesn't want to discuss society (beyond: "I live alone, in a tree; I go to a library sometimes; Fairyland is not anywhere near as densely populated as your world"). She will however talk about the geography and flora insofar as it doesn't venture into those other topics.

She reminds everyone that she only sees numbers when they type names, personal or cape, and therefore cannot do anything about any of their requests because she does not know who they are talking about and she's not going to circumvent her own security measures to find out.

The end result is people being broadly the correct amount of scared of Fairyland, along with a general norm of not trying to come up with ways around the proper noun filter. (Not that everyone follows it, but even they usually test with names of places instead of people.) The geography, in particular the non-roundness of the location, gets some of the posters excited about how gravity must be different there, but most of the PHO denizens are more interested in her career as a cape.


Promise considers the wisdom of actually listing supervillains (several) and rogues (one) and PRT directors (one) who are currently her vassals. She considers the wisdom of this action inadequate. I think I'll let people who know more about information security than I do tell you what I've been up to or not as the case may be. I don't think of myself as having a 'career' as a cape, though. That seems like a very mortal concept. I just want to be helpful and pick up useful things while I'm here.

The evasion is one they're familiar with from other verified capes. Few press that point.

Er, so we're clear, 'useful things' doesn't include mortals, does it? If fairies in general aren't worried about ethics....

Really? You've seen how careful she is about names.

I'm just saying, what're the odds we get the single decent one. For all we know she's just holding out until she can get the Triumvirate or something.

Useful things like Tinkertech and the concept of the internet, people. Although if someone wants to take the question of whether I could collect whoever the Triumvirate are with various sets of who I'm rumored to already have to the "versus" forum that would be kind of entertaining.


Someone posts a link. The appropriate thread is ninety-six pages long.


Hee hee. Promise reads it.

It comes down squarely on the side of the Triumvirate, minus a few diehard fans, but then again they are the continent's most powerful heroes. Apparently saying "but 133468" is a bit of a conversation stopper that sees quite a lot of use here. (Of the other two members, one is extremely fast, almost impossible to injure, and capable of decidedly unlaserlike lasers. Promise recognizes the description of the other as an Alexandria package. Presumably she's an unusually effective one.)

The Internet people have correctly guessed that Promise can control all three ABB capes, and Lung is considered a very heavy hitter, They often pretend for the sake of argument that Promise has collected all Brockton Bay's parahumans with public identities first, which allows for a slightly less one-sided fight. (They have no idea about Canary or Nilbog. Nor do they count the entire rosters of the Brockton Bay Protectorate, Wards, and the Empire Eighty-Eight, any of which she could collect by ordering the Director.) On the other hand, 133468.

The dissenters have resorted to saying that she might be able to control Scion or Endbringers. Others concede that yes, if she could that would indeed win the fight, but they don't expect that to work.

She mentions that as far as she can reasonably tell she can't control Endbringers; that or someone named them before they came by any names now standard for their use. If anybody knows how to make one eat a berry she'd be happy to tell them to stop Endbringing. She doesn't know about this 099128 character mentioned in the same breath; she's run into descriptions and isn't the consensus that he's basically just a particularly effective, eccentric parahuman? But she hasn't tried. He is also a string of numbers.


099128 doesn't act particularly human, para- or otherwise, but it's not like there are many other things he might be. Eccentric parahuman is the only credible guess. The fact that he's by far the most powerful is the relevant thing for this thread. The other response to Promise's comment is a string of replies to the effect of Berries work too? [099128] help us all."


Only specific ones. I don't leave them lying around.

Since this is the VS thread, the people who hang around it immediately turn to the obvious.

Does someone have to force them to eat it? What if someone blows a hole through one and the berry is inside when it heals?

Promise departs the VS thread and goes to answer some questions about whether she will upload pretty photographs of Fairyland. (Answer: ...she doesn't see why not, she supposes, but she doesn't have a camera. Unless her confusing phone object is a camera? It may also be a camera and she will figure that out.)
The confusing phone object is also a camera. She can safely say she'll take pictures. (The commenters take her not knowing as proof that she either really is from off Earth or just dedicated to pretending.)

The activity in the thread about Promise has jumped now that she joined. She can't possibly answer all of them, but there are questions and speculation on everything from sorcery to shipping.

Once Promise figures out what shipping is she says I would prefer not to be shipped.

She's not very detailed about sorcery either, except to say that while she appreciates the convenience to mortals of electric lighting she prefers to do her own.

She nips through the gate chain to get a picture of the rainbow lava flows. It takes several tries to get a non-blurry result. Then she has to figure out how to put it on the internet. Someone on this forum will probably help her with that.

People on the Internet are disproportionately likely to know how to put a photo on the Internet. It's a great photo, not something that people see often on Earth, and as a bonus there are gradually more people acting like they never doubted her about Fairyland.

Well, isn't that nice.

Maybe she will start a "photos of Fairyland" blog. Someone should tell her how to do that.

Quite a few people hope she does, judging by the number of responses. Some describe the steps to take, others link to preexisting descriptions of how to use their preferred platform, and one person with (Verified Cape) and (Wards ENE) badges jokes that she'd be the Protectorate PR department's dream come true.


I don't belong to the Protectorate, she points out. But she goes and gets a simple-looking blog and puts her lava photo up on it.

It was hypothetical!

She isn't instantly the most popular hero in the world or anything, but she does get to watch her online presence's numbers tick up.

Well, that's gratifying. She goes and eats something - she's been online for a while, she likes to eat twice a day - and takes a picture of her dinner, maybe that's also interesting, and then goes and takes pictures of other gated locations, too, from various altitudes and angles. She doesn't include any shots that show her trees from the outside, even the barely-rooted new cuttings, but she does take a picture of her house from the inside. She puts some of them up and holds others in reserve for later, since it seems to be customary on the internet to update often rather than in large bursts.


The delay is normal enough that the mortals don't notice she picked up on their customs surprisingly quickly. Of course, with pictures as unearthly as some of what can be found in Fairyland, it won't be long before people start asking if she can take (fully informed and risk-accepting) passengers.


She could, but all these gates are very high up and mortals mostly can't fly, and she would feel obliged to try to rescue anyone who got got by a mean fairy, and all things considered she thinks she'd rather do other things than be a tour guide.

Oh well, it's not completely unheard of for capes to have better things to do than pander to fans.

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