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"I'm not. I just wasn't sure if you had meant to. I'm not about to tell anyone either way.
Do you know how long you're supposed to wait before doing it?"

"Soonish, but no exact time. And I haven't heard back any results about how in the world the list got into my gate room to begin with, so it seems like there's some virtue to deciding when on my own even apart from other considerations."

"I guess. That sounds about as good as deciding randomly, unless you know a lot about the criminals here, but maybe that's a good idea. I'm no cape.
Who are we calling?"

Promise did a little research. She has the phone number ready - Max Anders does not take calls directly from the public, but James Fliescher has a number that is listed as his own even if there might be a buffer person or two. He'll be able to give her Kaiser's number. Probably. She has contingency instructions if she can't. She gives Canary her phone.


Neither of those are exactly household names. The first number gets someone who can put her through to Mr. Fliescher (and she doesn't have to think of a fake name for the phone, Promise already knows it), and once he confirms that it's him she hands the phone to Promise.


"Hello. Is this a good time for you to talk privately with me?"


The call recipient notices that he can't disobey those last four words. Can't hit the alarm button, either. "No, I strongly suspect that it isn't."


Of course not. "Listen. No powers. Stay on the line. Answer my questions completely and truthfully. Will anything inconvenience me as a result of keeping you on the line for the next ten minutes?"


"I don't know. I'd like to hope that it wastes ten minutes of your time, but it's unfortunately unlikely that there'll be anything more inconvenient for you than that coming from my end."


"Are you in fact," because she has nothing more than an anonymous tip to go on, "the supervillain known as Krieg?"


"That's a word I wouldn't use. But I am the person you're thinking of. How did you find out?"


"Anonymous tip. Do you have a phone number that Kaiser will reliably answer promptly and personally, and if so, what is it?"


"Yes." He rattles off a string of digits.


"Will anyone be likely to listen in if I call that number?"


"Hopefully. It depends on whether he happens to be alone right now. And whether you can order him."


"I can. What's your best guess of the odds anyone will be listening?"


"If there's anyone there he can just ask for privacy."


"Is there anything else you are hoping I don't know and won't think to ask?"


"That number is for Empire emergencies only. If he gets a call from an unrecognized number, Kaiser will at least suspect something is up, even if he won't guess what."


Promise wonders if there is a way to send her voice from Krieg's phone - but she doesn't understand phones well enough to pull off a carefully coordinated orderset about it. Probably better not to try. "Okay. I want you to, without attracting any irregular attention, travel to New Jersey, get in costume, peacefully turn yourself in to the PRT there, and tell them Promise sent you. Can you think of any defects in this plan that might inconvenience me?"


"The fact that it is completely bizarre and you'll probably have to explain yourself later. Other than that, my absence will be noted before I arrive," and, compelled by the completeness order, "but not in time to stop me."


"What is the likely reaction to your absence being noted, presuming that Kaiser is busy following a similar plan?"


"If they have no other information, my allies start searching for who kidnapped me. No Parahuman Response Team from New Jersey will be a likely suspect."

Yeah, that sounds manageable.

"Performing no extraneous actions and drawing no irregular attention, expeditiously but not in such a hurry as to confuse uninvolved bystanders, proceed with the described plan."

"You're going to regret that, soon enough." But he hangs up and proceeds with obeying orders.

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