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I didn't seek the names, but I have them anyway and then I made a mistake with them, and if I can fix it I'm going to. I'm probably better at order phrasing than mortals in general but you probably know more than I do about the ideal content. But they probably won't even answer their phones. I'll call and check.

Phone: do the phone thing.

The phones do the phone thing. The humans on the other end do not do the phone thing.


They didn't pick up. It's a moot point.


In that case, there isn't a whole lot you can do. You may be asked to testify as a witness due to your role in capturing them, and if so you'll have an opportunity to mention that you went out of your way to keep them out of the Birdcage. If you'd like to, I can find out who's defending them and inform their lawyers that you're willing to speak at the sentencing hearing.


Thank you.

You're welcome.
Do keep me appraised of anything you think is potentially illegal, preferably before doing it.

Would it be illegal to ask someone to find me a place to receive mail, not live in it, and be a step removed from any risk of directly interacting with humans who may care who is in the house?

Not at all. Do you need help finding such a place? Interacting with humans does have the obvious risks.

You can call me Quinn, by the way, that should be safe.

Since it's not illegal, I suppose it's okay that I already did it. And yes, it seems to be, so I can stop thinking of you as "Lawyer".

Probably a good idea. Especially if I ever end up representing you in court; my opposite number might disapprove.

The full list of rights and limitations is complex, but in general you can do whatever you like with a house. Don't damage it if it's rented or disturb the neighbors with fireworks at midnight, but you have a right of quiet enjoyment and can keep people out and generally use or not use it as you see fit.
I have no idea if it's rented. I'll ask. Thank you very much for you help.

She asks Canary if the place is rented.

The next message she gets isn't a reply from Canary. It's from the Director. The E88 leaders have arrived and turned themselves in and said Promise sent them. The reaction of the Director of the PRT of Brockton Bay is appropriately summarized as "What the hell."


I have since acquired a lawyer and been told the part where I sent them to New Jersey won't actually help, but I think I've been clear about my dislike of the Birdcage.

You were, and I thought I was clear about being willing to go out of my way to keep people out of the Birdcage to the extent possible. This stunt was ineffectual, but that's not the part I'm concerned about. It also looks like a unilateral action on the part of someone who thinks laws are inconvenient and procedures are a joke.
You're not part of the Protectorate and I don't have authority to make you do anything other than appeal to common sense, but do you really think flouting procedures whenever it seems like a good idea at the time is going to reliably accomplish anything?

When I wonder if things I find inconvenient in the future are in fact laws or not I now have someone to ask, which will be nice. He didn't seem to think I'd done anything illegal today. And I don't belong to the organization that has issued any more restrictive procedures on top of that. I agreed with some of your suggestions, and did not comply with all the implied particulars.


I'm not saying you committed any crimes, but law enforcement practices exist for a reason. Such as for instance, prosecuting people in the state where they committed their crimes. Even if the reason isn't obvious, is it too much to ask that you not assume there isn't one?


You also don't seem to know who slipped me the names in the first place. If it was someone who works for you, I didn't want any chance of them influencing the timing. But, yes, in the future I will ask my lawyer about things like this. Pity it took a suggestion from Kaiser before I knew to get one.


A lawyer can keep you from doing anything illegal. Which is a good thing to have, and is also rarely the only consideration. He would not, for instance, be able to suggest when to move against the E88. If your concern was that our anonymous party with a mutual enemy might have a mole, you could have told us that, and we would at least have known to expect it at an unexpected time. Cutting us out of the loop entirely was completely unnecessary.


I decided when to move myself. I don't work for you. Why would including you in the loop be necessary either?


Parahuman crime in this city is my business. Independent heroes and teams aren't required to collaborate, but keeping the PRT informed of major plays is at the very least good strategy. There are many who don't, but they tend heavily toward the more unsavory types of vigilantism. I trust this isn't a sign of you going that route?


I'm more likely to quit vigilantism entirely, if I don't find a way that works better than invoking New Jersey to keep the results within my parameters.


I did offer to try to keep villains you capture out of the Birdcage, and expect a high likelihood of success. When the ABB capes are sentenced to mundane prisons, will you agree that that offer is more successful than sending them across state lines?


We'll see how that turns out.

They will, eventually. Even on Earth Bet trials take time.

The PRT conspicuously does not request her assistance with more cape business, other than rechecking the box of gates above Fairyland.
(They do, however, threaten the remaining E88 capes with her in an attempt to scale down the ongoing gang war between the Undersiders, the Travelers, Coil, and the Empire. Word of this probably does not get back to Promise, but it induces some of the now-leaderless E88 capes to find somewhere else to be. Between fighting the heroes and the smaller villain groups, the Empire starts losing by attrition.)

Promise takes and posts pictures of Fairyland. She confirms that the gate box has settled on that end. She doesn't hang out in the PRT office much. She does hang out on the forum, though. Does anyone (on the forum or of people who are her lawyer) want to offer advice on how to most efficiently go about healing and/or de-aging mortals who need it, given that she has the inconvenient limitation of needing to hang out with and stare at anyone who wants her to cast on them?

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