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"That sounds, well, a lot neater than human families. They have their good points, though."


"Anyway, if you can't track down your original name I can give you a fairy berry to eat and that works just the same except there's no possibility that I'll forget the name - though that would take decades even if I never thought about you after hearing the name - and also no possibility that I can hand you over to another fairy - not that this is likely to come up as remotely desirable. I don't have any with me, though."


"That's fine, I'll just ask. My, parents, have to know. If they don't tell me I'll take you up on that berry."


"I'll think about phrasings," Promise says. "Send me a message when you're ready."

"I will. And thank you."

A white-and-gold figure is visible crossing the sky.
"That's my ride. Glory Girl probably remembered to turn the aura down, if you want to meet her properly?"
"I don't even want to be near it 'turned down'. If she wants to talk to me she can ask for my phone number. It was nice to meet you."

Promise flies away.

As do Amy and her sister.


Promise, as promised, contemplates wordings for Panacea. And has another rooftop healing/de-aging session.


This group of mortals is just as happy about it as the last ones. And despite Panacea's dire warnings, Promise does not magically lose the ability to stop doing it.


That's good! It would be really concerning if she did. She needs to be back in Fairyland for dinner and sleeping in her tree, after all.

The following day, she gets another message from Panacea.

I have my name. Meet at the same place?

Sure. Takes me five minutes to fly there, now or later?


Let's say 5:30?


...Which is enough time for her to wonder if this is legal. It should be, but that hardly puts it beyond question.

Quinn, if someone purposefully asks me for orders and we agree on a phrasing is it illegal for me to then supply them?

No. As long as you have informed consent, orders will be legal. If it's a minor you'd need the permission of their parent or guardian, and if they're drunk or otherwise incapacitated they can't consent at all. In general it's perfectly legal.

Promise does not know if Panacea is a minor or not. Probably Panacea will know though. She'll ask.

Promise reads a lot of Wikipedia, emails Armsmaster to mention that she can transmute materials and as with gates might be willing to do this if there's any materials he/the Protectorate want and if they can think of things she would find useful in return, takes Fairyland photos, firmly declines a blog commenter's request to bring back samples of the pretty Fairyland plants, accepts a software update from Sarkany that will allow her to translate her plain speaking into a smattering of non-English languages (Promise is sort of unclear why this takes an update - the difference between English and Chinese might as well be a matter of handwriting to her - but assumes it is some kind of complicated computer thing), and then goes to meet Panacea.
This time, Panacea took the stairs.

"Hi, Promise. I'm Amelia."

"That one works. I consulted my lawyer and he says this is fine as long as you're not a minor. Or drunk. Are you a minor or drunk? What is a minor?"

"Of course he'd say that.
It means anyone under eighteen years old, and yes, I am one."

"Then according to him I need permission from your parent or guardian. Or I guess you could wait. Are you in a big hurry?"

"Too much of a hurry for that.

I don't know if my guardians would agree. I do know that my mom would not exactly be happy about finding out I asked. I don't suppose I could convince you to do it anyway?"

"Well, if I ever decide to start doing definitely illegal things I can come find you. Or I could ask my lawyer if it would be okay to do the entire thing in another country or Fairyland, that didn't occur to me until just now. I haven't completely given up on the human legal system yet though. Can you just get different guardians? Yours adopted you in the first place, right, so apparently that's the sort of thing you can shuffle around?"

"Not really. Adoption happens, un-adopting people mostly doesn't. I could leave and declare myself independent—not like I couldn't find a job—but I don't actually want to leave my family.

If it's a choice between not getting the order and explaining why I want it to my parents, I'd have to pick the first one."

"...You do have more than one, right? My lawyer implied I'd only need permission from one. What would your non-mom one say?"

"He'd probably just defer to her, but they'd definitely at least talk about it.
Between the explanation I told you, and some context they know about, I'd rather avoid that."
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