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"Thanks. I'll let you know if there's an emergency. Of one kind or another."

"See you at the hospital whenever the liability issues are sorted out. Get some rest, okay?"

And Promise goes back to her address, looks up information about minors, reads it, and asks Quinn, In the case of a minor, does changing jurisdictions help?
For the orders, no. Some jurisdictions do have more favorable laws, but transporting a minor across borders for an unlawful purpose is itself a chargeable offense. Especially when parahuman powers are involved.
If the minor in question happens to be planning to leave the country to such a jurisdiction any time soon, there is no local law against meeting them there. But changing jurisdictions for that reason will not help.
Thank you.

Promise relays this information to Panacea.

Who does not have any immediate plans to do that, but will check the laws of wherever the next international emergency she gets called to is, just in case.


Promise is certainly going to be at the next Endbringer fight. She might even consider sleeping in the mortal world when it's coming up so it won't be-and-gone while she's unable to be roused. But she doesn't detail this to Panacea; she doesn't want to get anyone's hopes up.


"- and your nominee is usually in this neighborhood, but she flies around a lot and I've spotted her vanishing entirely once, you might have a wait. And yours is here, down a few floors, she barely moves, you shouldn't have any problem going and saying hi. Yours has a favorite haunt over here... yours has been going to ground here, when he's at home...

...and me and Bonesaw can go see ours together! I think that will be fun."

"Yes! I'm sure our new teammates will love to meet two of us. I can't wait."


"Of course, they can't both win - but we don't have a no pets rule, if one wins and wants to bring the other. Wouldn't that be cute?"


"And we can make the pet one even cuter! Like a pool of flesh with three heads and shiny hair, I bet my new sister would love a pet like that."


"Well, that sounds like an interesting project but I'm not sure it's exactly a pet. We'll have to wait and see. I think they're home alone now, want to go meet them?"


She bounds off in the appropriate direction. "Come on, let's go!"

Cherish laughs and jogs to keep up.

She finds someone starting to open a car parked by the side of the road. She taps him on the shoulder. "Sir, excuse me, that's my car."

He's so embarrassed! And now that he looks at the various possessions in the car, he has no sense of recognition to speak of. That must be someone else's daughter's cake with "Happy Birthday Juliana" written on it, in the backseat. "Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am. I don't know how that happened -"

"It's all right, no harm done. You must have just picked up my keys and spaced out." She has them out of his hand in a moment. "Don't worry about it."

Cherish slides into the driver's seat and unlocks the other doors for Bonesaw.
When they reach their destination and knock on the front door, a brown-haired girl opens it, starts to greet Cherish, and then recognizes her companion. The scalpels and dried blood are a clue.

She shuts the door. "Vicky!"

Vicky flies down the stairs. "What? What is it?"

"Bonesaw. We need to run."

Meanwhile, the door reopens and the visitors invite themselves in. "Don't be rude."
"Jesus Christ!" exclaims Vicky, getting between her sister and the visitors and charging her aura all the way up.

Which doesn't affect the visitors in the least, although it does cause Cherish to smile slightly and glance between the sisters.

"We haven't done anything to you to deserve this sort of hostile reception," Cherish says. "We just want to chat. If you run away we might have to do things other than chat in order to get our conversation, and that just sounds so unfriendly."
"Don't swear!" Bonesaw has a strong sense of priorities.

"And what- why are you here?”

"We want to offer you a job. There's only the one job, so don't get your hopes up too much. Bonesaw here admires Amy ever so much and I think Victoria would be a real asset. We thought we'd combine the recruitment pitches, since you were easy to find in the same place."


"A job. Um. No?"


"Aw, but you have to! You're the only other person who works with meat, we'd make a great team."

"There are incentives," Cherish adds.

"Incentives," spits Glory Girl. "We're not like you, we don't think it sounds like fun -"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. Although you might learn to like it. I just mean that not trying to pass the tests might result in failing the tests, and that... would be dangerous."

"Why us? There's any number of people who want nothing to do with you."


"Because of all the people we could have around in our little circle of friends indefinitely, we all got a chance to pick a nominee, and I want Glory Girl and Bonesaw wants you. You could choose to be flattered. I'd help, but I don't want to make the game unfair."


"This is a game? You do know who those people are, right? We're not joining them."

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