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"Good. I'll go see about getting a harmonic flattener in a state to levitate for weeks."


"And if this works we'll need a couple more."

"If this works, we'll have been more effective than any other heroes ever were."

He leaves to assemble the machine.
Excellent. Promise likes being effective.

She studies her notes on the location of the black hole into which she hopes to drop an Endbringer, and then goes home to sleep, and then comes back and updates her photo blog.
Shortly after she returns, Aegis stops by. He's a cape in a rust-colored costume with a predictable shield emblem, his face obscured by the matching helmet. Like most of the local Wards, he has met Promise before back while she was trapped in their building.

"Hi, Promise. I heard you had a way to kill an Endbringer."

"That might be optimistic. I will have to do seven things very quickly, presumably while an Endbringer tries to reduce me to an unconscious smear on the nearest hard surface, and it's also possible that Endbringers are sufficiently immortal not to actually die if placed near a black hole. ...It's also possible on reflection that it won't work on the Simurgh at all even if everything goes according to plan, since she can fly and could just stay in her gate box indefinitely instead of going through any of the gates. But as plans to neutralize Endbringers go it seems fairly easy to try."


"A way to kill one is the story that's going around. They react when we fight them, and if this works it's way beyond almost anything anyone can hit them with. It's just a chance, but it's a chance that might actually work."


"Yes, it is. Did Armsmaster wind up asking you to help?"


"Yes. And I'm hardly going to say no, not for this." He's holding a harmonic flattener, mounted on what is presumably the flying machine. "You ready to go?"


"Yes. Do you want to fly directly up for several miles or wait for a new gate to settle?"


"Gates can take days, right? I can carry you for a few miles."


"Okay. We'll need to go a few hops through the gate chain."


"If you had a place in mind other than up, I don't exactly have Fairyland geography preferences."

"I want to put it over the uninhabited ocean of liquid salt, as opposed to anywhere that would be especially inconvenient to have an Endbringer drop on. One of the gatepairs is already over that ocean."

To the nearest gatepair.

And through however many pairs it takes to get to the ocean of salt. And then up.

Indeed up.

"Once I can't fly any higher we'll want to go about a mile up from there - some fairies can probably manage thinner air than I can."

Aegis nods. "Just say when. I might not be able to talk soon, once the air thins out too much to breathe."

"Me either. I'll write with fairylights in the air if necessary."

Up up up up up.
Eventually he'll have to start carrying her, and will continue doing that until she signals that they're high enough to avoid risk of other fairies stumbling across it.

As a side effect, "high enough" also means the single best view any human being has ever experienced. Aegis manages to snap a photo.
She goes high enough to have noticeable trouble breathing. This shouldn't take long enough for the trouble to add up to a fainting spell.

I have a blog for fairyland photos, Promise writes in the air.

Flattener: hover. Flatten.


... gate?

Gate, dammit.

I don't seem to be able to make a gate to the spot above the black hole. I'm not sure why.
Aegis has around one lungful of air left over from when he breathed, and this doesn't seem especially worth spending it on.

He takes out his phone again and types one-handed until it says "higher above?"
I'll try that, but if it doesn't work I want to go consult with Armsmaster again.


Well, it doesn't fail in any immediately detectable way. Doesn't settle right away either, though.

So that's the floor gate. It occurs to Promise that she can use larger, fewer gates, in a sort of pyramid shape - she makes the other three.

That worked, or if it didn't it's at least less obviously failing. We can go back to check on them again later to be sure.

Aegis nods, and starts descending. But not before leaving the flattener to hover right below the floor gate.

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