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"That does make sense, my power is a scary one, I'm definitely going to be careful with it whatever happens.

And, I do owe you for saving me from the Birdcage. If there's ever anything I can do, let me know."

"I can actually think of several things you could do, but I'm not sure how much free time you have or of your risk tolerance."

"I have time, I'd be waiting a bit for the headlines to drop off even if you had removed the order right away. If it's dangerous...what did you have in mind?"


"Fairyland stuff. Even going to Fairyland is risky for a mortal. But for here - I can't really go shopping without exposing random people to risks they are perfectly reasonable not to want to take, and if I order things on the internet I need an address. I can't go shopping for an address either. I sort of loiter around the local PRT building, but I don't actually work for them and trying to receive mail there is not my first choice. I have money and I think I know how to authorize you to use it."

"I can do that, easy. Any preferences about what kind of a place you want attached to the address?

The Fairyland one, if it's dangerous it might depend on what it is. I'm a parahuman, but I'm not a cape."

"I'd like to be able to access it from a roof or window without having to fuss with going near random mortal passersby. A short flight from the PRT building. Able to receive mail - I think that comes standard? I don't really care how much it costs because my source of money is 'if I run out, the Protectorate has to top me off or I close one of their gatepairs', but I also don't have a use for anything ostentatious or huge; I'm not planning to live there." She pauses, then says: "I don't want my Fairyland projects to be generally known. I can tell you more about the risks involved if you're willing to be ordered to secrecy."


"I can still say no, right, if it's too risky?"


"Yes. Well, to helping, not to the secrecy thing, there your options are 'don't be told' or 'don't tell'."


"Then yes, I don't mind having to keep a secret."

"Okay. Let me think..."

Phrasing, phrasing.

"Except when at least as sure as you are now that no one other than me is recording or paying attention to you, behave as you would if you did not know of the existence of the facts and project to be described. ...If you aren't currently pretty sure no one other than me is around say so."

"I'm sure. No one pays attention to rooftops."


"Thought so. Worth checking. So, I'm not a parahuman. I am sort of a cape, but fairies are generically very different from humans. The orders thing is not a power I have. It is a trait fairies have. And fairies can be vassals, too."


"I see why all the secrecy."

"Yeah. And - I have been. One lone fairy and a bunch of them in a different court have my name. The court sold me to the individual from whom I escaped shortly before coming here. I have moved to another Fairyland continent and they don't care enough about me to track me down. But they'll still remember my name. I would like to go find the individual, get his name, keep him stashed somewhere, and use him to give me protective orders against local Masters. He is not very smart, does not know any sorcery, and probably doesn't have any new vassals or associates yet. With your power you could probably grab him for me very easily. But other fairies could confuse the situation, or he could have a moment of cleverness."


"Oh my god that's, that's almost worse than the Birdcage. This is normal where you come from?"


"...I didn't even describe the bad parts. Yes, this is normal. He probably won't even be particularly offended about being envassaled back."

Canary has been having the potential nefarious uses of absolute commands impressed on her quite a bit lately. She can infer the bad parts.

"I can definitely help you. Am I really the best person for this, though? It sounds more like a job for one of the heroes."

"If you can think of someone who's willing to tell me their name to be sworn to secrecy and could get Yellow's name out of him without, say, torture, and would hand him over to me afterwards and that person isn't you... feel free to make a suggestion."


"Good point. I'd probably even be safer than most of the professionals, as long as fairies aren't deaf. I can just sing the whole time."


"Yellow's not deaf. I mean, he could have punctured his eardrums, but he has no reason to do it."


Canary grimaces. "All right, I'll do it. When did you have in mind?"


"You can't fly, right?"


She shakes her head. "No. Would I need to?"


"To get to Fairyland safely through any gates I currently have set up, yes, they're all about a mile in the air. It would separately be a really long trip from the one on the right continent to Yellow's usual area. And he might not be trivial to find; I burned down his house before I left and he could have taken the opportunity to migrate. After you find me an address I'll make a new gate from there."

"At ground level, I hope.
I'll be able to find an address, I'm sure."
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