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"I suppose I'll have to produce more flatteners, but that's perfect. If it works, of course. Does it affect clothes and equipment, or only the person themselves?"


"It's based off a spell that works on clothes and might extend to equipment, but you would have to dress the mouse in something to check."


Armsmaster's workshop contains very few tiny mouse clothes. He finds something he can twist into an improvised collar and attaches it to the mouse.

Promise inspects that, too.

After she has held the mouse for about twenty minutes, total, she casts a spell on it.
Armsmaster sets the mouse between two machines. For science.

"No extra radiation being absorbed so far. Scaling it up to more dangerous levels." There are barriers between the machines and everyone who isn't a rodent. The mouse itself hasn't noticed anything more than the whirring of the equipment yet.
"As far as the radiation measurements can tell, there isn't a mouse there at all."

"It probably isn't a good idea to cast this spell on anything that needs ambient warmth to be comfortable," Promise mentions. "But humans aren't like that."


"Noted. Can you test it on me? As much to see whether my armor and halberd are included as to make sure it works on humans."


The sensation is odd; he keeps a normal amount of his own, internally generated warmth, but ambient temperatures are no longer affecting him or his stuff.
Well, it's definitely doing a thing.
The machines the mouse was standing between move apart, and he steps between them. "It's like I'm not even there. If I turn on my existing radiation defenses...now it's being blocked. I could scale the radiation up, but I think it's safe to say your spell works."

"Okay. ...I can heal you if you turn out to be wrong and get sick or something later."

"All right. Better now than on a battlefield." The whirring continues exactly as before. "It's no Behemoth, but that was enough to be immediately obvious and there's exactly as much radiation getting to the other side as if it were crossing an empty room. Which means it did also work on both the armor and the halberd.
You're going to be extremely valuable if you join the next Behemoth fight."

"You know about when to expect them, right? I'll avoid being in the middle of any long-term projects in Fairyland then."


"Approximately when. About every three months, the next is within a few weeks and could be either Behemoth or Leviathan."


"Leviathan there's nothing obvious in the way that the anti-radiation spell could be considered obvious. I can freeze water, but doing it to moving water is almost impossible - and I'm not sure it would even help. I could allow Lung to fight him again if people were willing, but the collateral damage would presumably be similar to last time's."

"The collateral damage was because he stalled Leviathan. Impressive, but a stalled Leviathan can still bring tidal waves. Had he been fighting to make the monster retreat like everyone else was, it might have been less.
Still not something I'd like to test."

"I suppose he could be kept in reserve, but that would make him less useful, given how he works."


"If the most you can do is heal the injured, you'll be one of the most valuable people there. Very few capes can singlehandedly alter the course of an Endbringer fight."


"That I can definitely do. ...Are we done with the experiment?"


He rechecks his instruments. "I believe so. And thanks for inventing that, you might have just become one of those very few capes."


"Unless you have another flattener in here you need to leave the irradiated area before I walk out or your spell will shred."

"That's acceptable; I reactivated my own shielding." The whirring stops. "And the emitters have stopped making things worse."


Promise goes back to her room.

And then, between tasks... she goes to Fairyland, takes several cuttings of her tree, and goes traipsing through the gate chain and plants them near all the amenable locations. (Not the ocean or the lava flows.) Just in case.
The PRT doesn't ask her to do any more cape business for a while. They're delaying until they've judged that enough time has gone by that any immediate plan depending on the E88 being messed with will have failed to materialize.

In the meantime, she receives a notification that Canary has been acquitted. Apparently the jury believed her side of the story when she told them. She's visiting Brockton Bay again and would like to talk to Promise, as a free person this time.

Promise prefers to limit the extent to which she goes anywhere crowded, but if Canary would like to suggest a mutually accessible rooftop she's amenable.


Rooftops are not normally something mortals rate by accessibility, but she finds one and suggests a time.

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