Release 2019-12-25
Happy holidays, and a merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
New features
- Hiatusing, abandoning, or re-activating a thread now does not mark it unread. Completed posts will still be marked unread
- We have upgraded to the latest
and greatest version of our rich text editor, which now comes with a word count at the bottom. - Character pages should no longer be paginated.
- A series of long and increasingly tragic, if ultimately successful, attempts to force our text editor not to serve up old, cached copies of its plugins that were incompatible with the new upgrade.
- Images now have better alt text.
Development work
- Removed various unused gems.
- Upgraded various non-production gems.
- Fixed an auth problem on our Resque web interface.
- Cleaned up our CSS variables.
- Linted our JavaScript with an updated linter.
- We have the beginnings of JavaScript testing.
Full Github changelog here: changelog