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Kaylin's Characters
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Template: α Cat

Young man with a troubled past and possibly an equally troubled present. Cat is a trouble magnet with Eternal Hero Syndrome. This template has at least two clusters and a tendency to fracture into multiple instances within a single world. He does not come in girl but does come in trans guy and nonbinary. (Common warnings include child abuse, brainwashing, child soldiers, violence, identity issues and other badbrains.)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ace of Hearts Michael Ace grin-without Max Barczak Wonderland
Aeron Lais and-not-heard Walker Scobell Voice
Aeron Lais Aidan truth-comes-out Max Barczak Voice
Aidan Pender hardly-innocent Max Barczak Hexwood
Alanna of Trebond Leo Alan courage-to-speak Carey Mulligan Tortall
Aleksei Koscheyev Michael gave-your-life Max Barczak Seven Kingdoms
Callias Aidan eyes-can-see Max Barczak Kreon
Casaleio reject-your-reality Max Barczak Amenta
Castien Parconza Michael Ghost anybody-listening Max Barczak Exhumans
Cato Valerius Michael the-last-syllable Booboo Stewart Scriven
Cheshire Cat Leo Chess allmadhere Wonderland
Christopher Aimery Parsons protego Max Barczak Potterverse
DEFENDS-THE-HELPLESS (Varyarávo) Leo Guardian will-arise Forest Arda
Eleonora "Leo" Paresteri all-men-doubt Carey Mulligan Elan, Elsewhere
Elin Amali Changeling cannot-accept Max Barczak and Booboo Stewart Blacklight
Elliot Michael Penny Leo colors-fairer Max Barczak Eos
Jay son of Jafar not-friends Booboo Stewart Descendants
Kai Arvidsson Kai in-every-word Booboo Stewart Zveri
Kazimir Pavik beyond-this-place Booboo Stewart Horizons
Keith Kogane Orphan never-give-up Hiro Mizushima Voltron
Kit Sinistre Orphan all-the-scars Booboo Stewart The Mechanisms
Leah Michelle Phelps lion-mettled Rachelle Lefevre Sunnyverse
Leander Aidan Riptide in-the-ocean Max Barczak Young Justice
Lee Patton certainty-of-tides Booboo Stewart Earth
Leia Organa Leia someone-has-to Carey Mulligan Star Wars
Liam Elliot Pender Leo Lion ourfortuneschange Max Barczak Animorphs
Littlepaw Warrior walksbyhimself Warrior Cats
Llewelyn playsmanyparts Quintessence
Michael Haldane | "Cat" Michael Cat withoutaname Max Barczak Quintessence
Mikala Halē Parata constant-never James Rolleston Corth
Mikalartan Mikal changemystate Booboo Stewart Elcenia
Miro Leo Miro keep-your-head Booboo Stewart Envision
M'kel M'orzz | Miss Martian Miss Martian perfected-the-role Rachelle Lefevre Young Justice
Muranu ben Aran Leo Rani stars-are-fire Booboo Stewart Space Albion
Niazni-tikara Peryne Liavar Leo eloquent-music Booboo Stewart Nuime
Pendari Liro Leo choose-your-own Booboo Stewart Actualization
Prince Leandros Leo curse-my-fate Max Barczak Kreon
Prince Leodegrance Leo anyothername Max Barczak Albion
Prince Lionel Lescheres Leo Red adifferentperson Max Barczak Wonderland
the beast Orphan live-alone Fairytale
Whisper | The Speaker Michael Whisper for-the-voiceless Max Barczak Barokan
Template: α Raven

A young woman (usually) in pursuit of knowledge. Allergic to Masquerades and other restrictions on knowledge in general and magic in particular.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Anathlire Peryne Ralani self-evident Marie Digby Nuime
Artemis Liên Crock Artemis shooting-straight Marie Digby Young Justice
Calimantë Enlighten promethean-fire Felicity Jones Forest Arda
Everless the Raven Everless likeawritingdesk Wonderland
Iolana Halē Parata howmuchsalt Tarita Teriipaia Corth
Isabella Haldane | "Raven" Raven wantarevelation Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Quintessence
Iskra Petrić Iskra thoughts-your-aim Charity Wakefield Envision
Isobel Sarah Penny put-to-use Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Eos
Isra Nadeem watch-the-sky Iman Vellani Voltron
Isuzu Sohma | "Rin" Rin dark-horse Marie Digby Fruits Basket
Ivy Alexandria flashes-of-history Felicity Jones The Mechanisms
Luke Skywalker Luke not-impossible Skandar Keynes Star Wars
Mal heart-aside Felicity Jones Descendants
Morfydd ferch Urien Morfydd mysecretsoul Felicity Jones Albion
Pendari Radha stop-to-think Marie Digby Actualization
Ranata morepromising Felicity Jones Arabek
Razawyfar Raza that_flies Charity Wakefield Elcenia
Raziel alteration-finds Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Daevinity
Rill common-tongue Here Be Goblins
Roshan bat Uzziel Roshan end-of-reckoning Marie Digby Space Albion
Rowan bring-to-light Felicity Jones Steerswoman
Rowan Isobel Pender Memory bookofmemory Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Animorphs
Ruendesa Desa existing-while-red Amenta
Rune | The Scholar Rune legends-are-told Stephanie Jacobsen Barokan
Safei Kolana Blackbird has-known-heights Felicity Jones Blacklight
Sanna Arvidsdotter dangers-untold Marie Digby Zveri
Su-Jin Kaito long-to-know Stephanie Jacobsen Horizons
Susan Isabella Parkinson Owl aparecium Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Potterverse
Susan Rowena Phelps Rowena bookofsecrecy Felicity Jones/Charity Wakefield Sunnyverse
Suzie Holt | "Pidge" Pidge keep-me-out Bex Taylor-Klaus Voltron
Talurtanon Tano quiet-pages Kelovea
Thomas of Trebond Thom years-of-study Skandar Keynes Tortall
Template: β Darcy

Nerd, likes making things. One instance makes hats that can kill a man.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Damian brightyoungman Ben Whishaw Earth
Danazhenur in-one-piece Kelovea
Daphne Gage Whiteraven drink-it-in Jessica Brown Findlay Bluebloods
Dick Grayson | Robin Robin feeling-the-aster Ben Whishaw Young Justice
Fidget | The Thief Fidget seize-the-day Jessica Brown Findlay Barokan
Henry Dodgson Harry noneofmyown Ben Whishaw Wonderland, Earth
Mad Hatter Hatter personalremarks Ben Whishaw Wonderland
Matthew Holt | "Matt" truth-is-out-there Ben Whishaw Voltron
Nicholas Darcy Nick daggerofthemind Ben Whishaw Quintessence
Nicodemus Nye wasting-time Ben Whishaw Azure
Nightpaw Paws keepshisword Warrior Cats
Nikolai Rasputin | "Kolya" Kolya as-an-ember Ben Whishaw The Mechanisms
Nimia, the Smith stone-and-steel Jessica Brown Findlay Godsverse
Nimix Nim do-more-damage Daito Shunsuke Seven Kingdoms
Template: β Drake

Declines to be described, or gendered, except through negatives. Not human, not white, not straight, not male or female, not good or evil. Liminality? They laugh at boundaries. Template attractor towards shapeshifting and things that will let them fly. Default pronouns: they/them. Clusters are earth/air/fire (plus ash which is fire-to-air).

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Akrasiel fire Angel mine-to-avenge Jade Willoughby Apocalypse
Ashes O'Reilly ash fire-burns-bright Amandla Stenberg The Mechanisms
Darya Rozaliyev Goldcrest earth Rozaliyev walk-the-earth Harshvardhan Kapoor Corth
Drakan-Semitur-Ksilihal fire Drakan by-providence Animorphs
Drake Drake asthephoenix Jade Willoughby Dungeons and Dragons
Dreaming Rose earth brand-new-day Amandla Stenberg Time War
Jabberwock fire Jay eyes-of-flame Amandla Stenberg Wonderland
Kalta Windrider Windrider and-like-suns Amandla Stenberg Star Wars
Karanu air Air ways-of-men Amandla Stenberg Seven Kingdoms
Killian Ross (Drake) fire turn_hellhound David Chiang Quintessence
Kirill into-the-vastness Harshvardhan Kapoor Horizons
Puck air Puck we_shadows David Chiang/Jade Willoughby Albion, Genderswapped Albion
Rielan Stormrider earth wine-dark-sea David Chiang/Jade Willoughby Iris
RISES-IN-THE-DAWN (Vilórë) air Dawn red_sky David Chiang/Jade Willoughby Forest Arda
Rozhan Akeri air Wayfarer leaping-and-wide Amandla Stenberg Actualization
Smoke air Smoke ofthewilderness Warrior Cats
Template: β Merlin

Underpaid, overworked, and in over his head. Frequently a teacher, and nearly always ends up in a mentor role somehow.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Doctor Fate lord-of-order Young Justice
Elouan d'Aramitz somethingtosee Rupert Friend Corth
Emarelin longest-distance John Hurt Actualization
Lark Lark thing-with-feathers Spiritverse-needs-renaming
Linden Arkwright out-of-night Nicholas Pinnock Horizons
Loran Albada crying-wolf Rupert Friend Exhumans
Lucas Armitage Custodian hardlymybusiness Jon Foster Sunnyverse
Lucian Attwater Magister mindatwork Rupert Friend Quintessence
Lucius Avery Professor priorincantato Jon Foster Potterverse
Lukaan Aberin Aar how-to-flow Rupert Friend Elcenia
Lyall Auspex Whiteraven most-things-hunger Toby Regbo Bluebloods
Lyle Ackerman | Retrospect Retrospect sing-it-again Toby Regbo Extremis
Malovade if-you-need-me Kelovea
Mariq, the Eternal this-frail-world Nicholas Pinnock Godsverse
Martin alone-and-lonely Rupert Friend The Mechanisms
Meredith Armstrong Psion prophetiae Leven Rambin Eclipse
Merilakian River free_advice Arabek
Merlin Ambrosius Sage myrddin-emrys Toby Regbo Albion
Merrin Arkada Lightsider give-the-world Leven Rambin Rivalry
Merryn Ambrosine prophetiae Leven Rambin Genderswapped Albion
Miryn Iachawyr let-him-tell Symbiote
Myrddin Emrys Emrys a-glass-darkly Maxim Knight Albion
PREPARES-THE-WAY (Ilyasámo) Helper lay_a_strong Toby Regbo Forest Arda
The Doctor seconds-in-eternity Peter Capaldi Doctor Who
The War Doctor light-the-flame John Hurt Doctor Who
Wandering Seer Seer senseforachange Elderly Colin Morgan Wonderland
Template: β Ozymandias

The endless quest for immortality. Warning labels on threads featuring an Oz are likely to include child abuse, brainwashing, gaslighting, rape/dubcon, religious fundamentalism, and mind control.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Brokenstar Brokenstar rise-by-sin Warrior Cats
Counsel | The Leader Counsel larger-than-life Jonathan Rhys Meyers Barokan
Dr Celestine life-eternity Tilda Swinton The Mechanisms
Eira skies-the-limit Diane Kruger Symbiote
Emery Hargrave one-bare-hour Tilda Swinton Azure
Emperor Zarkon Zarkon nothing-beside Voltron
Estillor Alranza Devil this-is-hell Jonathan Rhys Meyers Exhumans
Ezekiel Haldane Z ever-moving-spheres James Franco Quintessence, Consensus
Ezekiel Haldane Z reward-of-sin Christopher Lee Quintessence
His Grace Duke Roger of Conté Duke Roger timeinthesun Jonathan Rhys Meyers Tortall
Iamblicus lord-what-fools Jonathan Rhys Meyers Daevinity
Jacob Hyland Captain captain-of-my-soul Jonathan Rhys Meyers Horizons
Jeremiah Howard divinity-adieu Christopher Lee Daevinity
Jerex Valara black-and-deep Jonathan Rhys Meyers Star Wars
King Urien of Rheged Sire walkwithkings Christopher Lee Albion
Koschei the Deathless Koschei eye-of-a-needle Christopher Lee Seven Kingdoms
Oscar Zoroaster Diggs | "Oz" great-and-terrible James Franco Oz
Queen Marcella Red loseyourhead Tilda Swinton Wonderland
Uilani Halē Vaifalē Uilani writeinwater Rena Owen Corth
Uzziel ben Karim achieve-greatness Oded Fehr Space Albion
Vandal Savage Savage of-the-fittest Christopher Lee Young Justice
Visser Three Visser beholdagreater Animorphs
Zara Jones more-than-merrier Diane Kruger Kairocracy
Zarias, the Judge in-the-balance Here Be Goblins
Zechariah Selwyn Selwyn be-eternised Christopher Lee Potterverse
Zelyn, the Deathlord king-of-shades Jonathan Rhys Meyers Godsverse
Zīash the-furthest-star Deathless
Zuragazh the-serpent-under Kelovea
Template: γ Cole

Tiny, bi, will fight you. One instance was stuck in Faerie for 500 years.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Calvin Thomas always-darkest Eclipse Phase
Colan "Cole" Roberts showmeahero William Moseley Corth
Cole Roberts can-do-this William Moseley Miracle
Col Spularti strengthofsix Kiowa Gordon Symbiote
Keladry of Mindelan heart-of-steel Milla Jovovich Tortall
Kelodil keep-careful-watch Kelovea
Kelver Riverrace ounce-of-whoop-ass Chris Evans Greyhawk
Tye Longshadow Longshadow big-guy Kiowa Gordon Young Justice
Template: γ Eteri

She's beauty, she's grace, she'll punch you in the face. Usually magical. Has a twin brother who is currently not templating.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Elat-Gula Elat moons-sphere Tuba Büyüküstün Space Albion
Eteri Zaman comeyespirits Tuba Büyüküstün Corth
Etesa Kisantami somesubtleties Tuba Büyüküstün Amenta, Blacklight
Etrina Mamontori Witch black-and-midnight Winnie Harlow Exhumans
Etyeil Tyiadovia firm-of-purpose Tuba Büyüküstün Kelovea
Evienne all_hail Tuba Büyüküstün Albion
Template: γ Hilda

Not the Chosen One. But then, who needs some dumb prophecy to tell them what they're meant to do with their life?

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Andile Crewe glass-floor Kiersey Clemons Earth
Mathilde de Brecy knowmeornot Wanda Badwal Corth
Raquel Ervin | Rocket Rocket since-when Kiersey Clemons Young Justice
Template: γ Nate

Corthbox character. One instance reverse-engineered the Flash's superspeed formula from a few scraps of paper. His alts aren't impressed.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Edmund Harding ex_animo Orlando Bloom Corth
Lord Nate Harding fortuna_iuvat Orlando Bloom Corth
Nadeem Abbasi alter_ego Riz Ahmed Symbiote
Naitan memento_mori Riz Ahmed Godsverse
Natalia Montero cor_auream Bethany Joy Galeotti The Mechanisms
Natali Esugdureyev Ostīmula Fire igni_ferroque Bethany Joy Galeotti Seven Kingdoms
Natalie Winslow-Burke vita_brevis Bethany Joy Galeotti Azure
Nate Newman | Kid Flash Kid Flash tempus_fugit Orlando Bloom Young Justice
Nathan Armstrong ad_astra Orlando Bloom Eclipse Phase
Nathaniel, God of Wizardry ad_altiora Orlando Bloom Forgotten Realms
Nudam volat_propriis Kelovea
Template: δ Arthur

The king of legend. Born to rule, destined for glory, defeated at the last. Great king, good man, terrible father.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aaron Pender Exile auspicious_star Edward Atterton Animorphs
Albert Lescheres | Red King Red King in-his-dream Wonderland
Alorulauda Alor lovehiscountry Kelovea
Altan Neli Blueblood nationinhiscolour Dan Stevens Amenta
Aneirin Lais in-these-confines Edward Atterton Voice
Anna Curry Aquawoman stand-down Ellen Hollman Young Justice
Aran ben Utu Aran in-the-stars Ario Bayu Space Albion
Artanuthar Artan kingofdragons Edward Atterton Elcenia
Arthur Pendragon Dragon rexbritanniae Dean O'Gorman/Edward Atterton Albion, King Arthur
Arthur Penny Yank becomeaman Edward Atterton Eos
Arthur Peterson at-your-beginning Edward Atterton Possession
Arthur Phelps Innocent thisblessedplot Edward Atterton Sunnyverse
Arvid Ulfrsson kingdom-as-great Ario Bayu Zveri
King Orin | Aquaman Aquaman stand-down Dan Stevens Young Justice
Peryne Alior but-unbowed Ario Bayu Nuime
Rangi Parata Iona Rangi imitatethesun Temuera Morrison Corth
Ursula Pendragon Ursula some-other-mettle Ellen Hollman Genderswapped Albion
Template: δ Dion

Ooo, shiny.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alonza "Lance" McClain Lance thread-the-needle Juanpa Zurita Voltron
Dion Vale no-ignorance Lucas Jade Zumann Star Wars
Nino wider-world Juanpa Zurita Corth
Onnu Thraituna part-of-your-world Juanpa Zurita Boo
Zheral Idona gotta-go-fast Juanpa Zurita Actualization
Template: δ Hope

Smol adorable nerds.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
a god long-time-passing Divine Mandate
Arillee to-be-happiest Go Ara Afterborn
Astraea Life where-theres-life Go Ara Seven Kingdoms
Elpida Hope springs-eternal Go Ara Corth
Eurya, the Beginning growth-and-life Here Be Goblins
Kapua second-best-time Auli'i Cravalho Boo
Perike, the Spring flowers-bloom Auli'i Cravalho Godsverse
Puna Spring unpathed-waters Auli'i Cravalho Corth
Tulip Fairblossom kind-and-curious Auli'i Cravalho Dungeons and Dragons
Viniver Copperhill animal-friendship Auli'i Cravalho Greyhawk
Template: δ Katherine

Scared of her own shadow, often literally.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Katherine Dormer no-such-thing Taylor Swift Boo
Katherine Emily Dyer Kestrel neverdonebefore Taylor Swift Quintessence
Katie Davenport Katie lumos_solem Taylor Swift Potterverse
Kavia Mimurch we-know-not Taylor Swift Kelovea
Ketziah-Ri Ketziah bravenewworld Taylor Swift Space Albion
Snowpaw Medicine catchesnoprey Warrior Cats
Vivienne bestintentions Taylor Swift Albion
White Rabbit Bunny furandwhiskers Wonderland
Zatanna Katerina Zatara Zatanna grounded-for-life Emma Watson Young Justice
Template: δ Lynx

Ziari, the original instance of this template, is the protagonist of No Land Without A Lord, and I've adopted him because he's basically a cross between Cat and Drake. He's a shapeshifter with some gender issues, some sexuality issues, and a lot of issues in general.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arati Phoenix burning-pain Willy Cartier Exhumans
Zaira lapse-of-reason Willy Cartier Azan
Ziari lord-nor-master Willy Cartier
Template: ε Mac

Follower template attached to Coles as a childhood friend. Template attractors for major trauma.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dynamite Mac give-no-quarter Thomas McDonell The Mechanisms
Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle inner-demon Luke Pasqualino Young Justice
Makady Lursamok my-brothers-soul Thomas McDonell Kelovea
Noah Mackenzie before-the-dawn Luke Pasqualino Eclipse Phase
Richard Makarios Norton (Mak) writeyouatragedy Thomas McDonell Corth
Template: ε Rand

Corthbox character, commonly found following in the footsteps of a hero.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ray Barrett Ray ray-of-sunshine Donald Glover Voltron
Tim Drake Robin the-quiet-ones Ryan Potter Young Justice
Template: ε Viper

Someone wanted the perfect killer. They got a little more than they bargained for.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Nadia Lebetina delicate-flower Asel Sagatova Corth
Rose Red bitter-end Rose Leslie The Mechanisms
Template: ζ Orm

Follower template attached to Arthurs. Not all Arthurs have a Mordred, but all Mordreds have an Arthur, either for an uncle, a father, or a brother.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hormazd ben Lot Hormazd from-the-deep Patrick Wilson Space Albion
Iorath Lais lend-me-your-ears Patrick Wilson Voice
Mordred guileless_son Patrick Wilson Albion, King Arthur
Orm Pender | Reigner One Reigner One only-to-me Timothy Dalton Hexwood
Prince Lotor Lotor fear-and-loyalty Valery Kovtun Voltron
Prince Orm Orm all-a-diversion Patrick Wilson Young Justice
Template: ζ Spider

A study in contrasts, but a partnership that has stood the test of time. Spider are two characters who come as a pair, and can generally be found at the centre of a spy network. A is generally, but not always, older than F, and their exact relationship is otherwise variable.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arabella Percy A Widow in-the-sequel Frances Conroy Quintessence
Fabian Percy F Silk finest-red Mark Gatiss/Stephen Fry Quintessence
Farrell F diamondbright The Magnus Archives
King Faramund F Teatime always-tea-time Mark Gatiss Wonderland
Queen Araminta A Diamond siximpossiblethings Frances Conroy Wonderland
Template: θ Lancelot

The greatest knight in all the realm. Or, you know, the equivalent. Fated to never be raised by their biological parents, never get the girl, and follow the Arthur template around like a lost puppy. Except the puppy can totally kick your ass. One instance dropped out of magic school to be a superhero.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dame Lancelot du Lac my-liege Jaimie Alexander Genderswapped Albion
Gilad-Allatu Gilad my-sun Jaimie Alexander Space Albion
Kaldur'ahm | Aqualad Kaldur my-king Lee Thompson Young Young Justice
Krolia my-blade Jaimie Alexander Voltron
Lancelot my-night Santiago Cabrera Fort Galfridian
Sir Lancelot du Lac my-queen Santiago Cabrera Albion, King Arthur
Template: κ Ector

Default adoptive parent for an Arthur who needs adopting.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Derek Peterson sharper-than Jim Beaver Possession
Sir Ector nighted-colour Jim Beaver Albion
Tom Curry full-fathom-five Jim Beaver Young Justice
Template: κ Kay

Sometimes Ector has a biological child as well as an adopted Arthur. Kay has a tendency to be genderqueer in some form, and is kind of a nerd.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Casey Peterson aspiring-heart AnnaLee Suicide Possession
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe Coran gorgeous-man François Verkerk Voltron
Dame Caitriona my-sisters-keeper AnnaLee Suicide Genderswapped Albion
Professor Kennilworthy tarantallegra François Verkerk Potterverse
Sir Kay my-brothers-keeper François Verkerk Albion
Template: λ Galehaut

Follower template attached to Lancelots as a hopelessly unrequited lover.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dame Grainne of Sorelais Grainne have-you-ever Shalom Harlow Genderswapped Albion
Garth | Tempest Tempest return-the-favor George Finn Young Justice
Geula bat Bahadur rewrite-the-stars Shalom Harlow Space Albion
Sir Galehaut of Sorelais Galehaut guard-it-well George Finn Albion, King Arthur
Template: μ Ivy
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Barbara Gordon | Batgirl Batgirl the-only-woman Emma Stone Young Justice
Ivaine "Ivy" Sterling let-me-try Emma Stone Corth
Template: ξ Morgana
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Haggar power-corrupts Voltron
Hanthati, the Gatecrow falls-the-shadow Adriana Lima Godsverse
Myrcina, the Moon mist-and-twilight Here Be Goblins
Sabé liberty-dies Adriana Lima Star Wars
Template: π Ambrose

Mostly alts posthumously, but I can occasionally get one to show up by dint of threading early enough in a setting's timeline that he hasn't died yet.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ambrose Abelyn Greenstone Merlin burning-daylight Clive Standen Bluebloods
Aurelius Ambrosius Arthur grim-visaged-war Clive Standen Albion, King Arthur
Template: π Morgause
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Beru Whitesun best-and-worst Jurnee Smollett-Bell Star Wars
Mordad bat Gobryas first-and-worst Jurnee Smollett-Bell Space Albion
Morgause first-and-worst Albion, King Arthur
Template: ρ Guinevere

This character is likely to be dead by the time much Plot gets going, in most worlds, but there's at least one alive so she might as well get a template. Follower template attached to Arthur.

(Common warnings: character death, spoilers, adultery.)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Guinevere of Cameliard Queen to-be-won Anna Popplewell Albion, King Arthur
Guinwyfar Guin withyourgrace Anna Popplewell Elcenia
Gwyneth Pender darknessfalls Anna Popplewell Animorphs
Padmé Amidala Naberrie liberty-dies Anna Popplewell Star Wars
Queen Mera Mera need-no-protection Anna Popplewell Young Justice
Template: ρ Igraine

Arthur's mother. I will endeavor to keep as many instances out of fridges as I can, but the original gets fridged.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Inanna stop-the-sun Naomie Harris Space Albion
Shmi Skywalker dont-look-back Naomie Harris Star Wars
Template: σ Eliza/Fox

Girls just wanna have fun!

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Eisal Alamet feelingalittle Eleanor Tomlinson Amenta
Elizabeth Ryan (Fox) Fox partyanimal Eleanor Tomlinson Quintessence
Eucel, the Wanderer fair-sky-above Eleanor Tomlinson Godsverse
Jade Nguyen Jade like-the-cheshire-cat Su Kyung Young Justice
Lee Ji-Min fox-faced Su Kyung Boo
Sir Lamorak bitofaflirt Seth Green Albion
Template: σ Hawk

'this "Speedy" fellow sure is obnoxious' --Unbitwise

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arrow | The Archer Arrow gotta-be-soon Alex Meraz Barokan
Jack of Hearts Jack bowed-and-smiled Aaron Taylor-Johnson Wonderland
Justus Beauchene Justice not_funny Aaron Taylor-Johnson Corth
Onelis Vithrae faith-is-blind Aaron Taylor-Johnson Greyhawk
Roy Harper | Arsenal Arsenal better-late Alex Meraz Young Justice
Roy Harper | Red Arrow Red Arrow ex-sidekick Alex Meraz Young Justice
Samuel Haldane | "Hawk" Hawk well-dressed Aaron Taylor-Johnson Quintessence
Sir Owain Owain talktoowise Aaron Taylor-Johnson Albion
Template: σ Wolf

Wild card with a temper. Comes in wolf, and apparently also in dog, but the original was (mostly) human.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Daniel Haldane Wolf lovetohowl Darren Criss Quintessence
Doglet doglet first_friend Warrior Cats
Template: τ Donato
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Davorin "Dav" Rime storybook-hero Greyhawk
Donato Ruiz the-song-remains Corth
Template: τ Millie

Ascended NPC. Child of aristocratic parents or the equivalent. Likes having ice powers.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mila Prerayev Bulagdu Ice pure-as-snow Lilla Crawford Seven Kingdoms
Milis Alamet cooler-blue Lilla Crawford Amenta, Blacklight
Millicent Bullingdon frozen-moments Lilla Crawford Azure
Millicent Bulmer kindness-freezes Lilla Crawford Quintessence
Mina Ducolum snow-be-white Lauren WK Symbiote
Mythina cold-and-distant Lauren WK Afterborn
Template: τ Sabine
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sabine Voltolini serve-your-turn Danai Gurira Corth
Sovaris, the Sun shine-and-burn Here Be Goblins
Subira, paladin of Heironeous casus-belli Danai Gurira Greyhawk
Template: φ Rose
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Briar through-the-dawn Rose Leslie The Mechanisms
Rosalin of Heem Valley moss-covered-stone Rose Leslie Greyhawk
Rose as-your-epitaph Rose Leslie The Mechanisms
Rose Red she-has-fought Rose Leslie The Mechanisms
Template: φ Swan

A follower template attached to Oz, with some exceptions.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aria Haldane Aria as-if-alive Diane Kruger Quintessence
Aurora in-the-machine The Mechanisms
Ava-Ishtar Ninian Ava by-moonlight Diane Kruger Space Albion
King Rodion Aria uponherarm Matthew Goode Wonderland
Ninian Ninian lord-of-the-lake Matthew Goode Genderswapped Albion
Ninian Ninian swan_song Diane Kruger Albion
Rani Aria into-your-eyes Diane Kruger Symbiote
Template: χ Setting

These are the settings I can run or partly run. These accounts are used for minor characters who don't have their own accounts.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Actualization Actualization
Albion Albion
Azure Azure
Barokan Barokan
Bluebloods Bluebloods
Consensus Consensus
Corth Corth
Divine Mandate the world Divine Mandate
DragonFable DragonFable
Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons and Dragons
Fairytale Fairytale
Here Be Goblins Here Be Goblins
Horizons Horizons
Kelovea Kelovea
Quintessence Quintessence
ShadowClan Warrior Cats
Space Albion Space Albion
The Land of Oz Oz
The Mechanisms book-lies-open The Mechanisms
Voice Voice
Voltron Voltron
Wonderland Wonderland
Young Justice Young Justice
Template: ψ Kayling

Various self-inserts. Kaylinlings. Kaylings.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Chavira Viva vivagoldstar Amenta
Neria Laetana dust-our-paper Emma Watson Corth
No Template
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
??? turn-out-this-time Corth
Adam Wheeler might-have-been Rodrigo Santoro Voltron
Aranthus, the Builder ongoing-but-slow Here Be Goblins
Artix von Krieger destroy-the-undead Brenton Thwaites DragonFable
Caitlin Graves my-lord-requires Gwyneth Paltrow Corth
Death this-too-shall-pass Here Be Goblins
Dr Samuel Holt the-longest-march Steve Carell Voltron
Flash back-in-a George Eads Young Justice, DC comics
Garfield Logan Beast Boy big-game Thomas Brodie-Sangster Young Justice, DC comics
Istus, the Warlord footsteps-be-ruin Here Be Goblins
Jonathan Sims the erogamer Jordi Mollà Erogame, The Magnus Archives
Mordion Agenos poor-monster Paul Bettany Hexwood
Nuen, the Trickster whatever-you-want-forever Here Be Goblins
Nythera for-greater-things Amelia Dolore DragonFable
Onuphrius Philemon voice-of-gods Michael Tintiuc Corth
Order of Aronas never-burns-out Corth
Ota, the Storm power-unleashed Here Be Goblins
Princess Allura ten-thousand-years Nyané Lebajoa Voltron
Shirogane Takashi | "Shiro" Shiro brave-the-unknown Kenta Sakurai Voltron
The Toy Soldier jolly-good-fun The Toy Soldier as Jessica Law The Mechanisms
The Wizard Lord of Winterhome storms-and-quakes Barokan
Uther Pendragon time-of-peace Alex Saxon Albion, King Arthur
Vayle all-the-answers Daniella Pineda DragonFable
Vere Tyrell Whiteraven Vortigern earth-swallows-up Jude Law Bluebloods
Wei Ying cuckoo-child Xiao Zhan Boo