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Safei Kolana
Nickname Blackbird
Aliases Blackbird
Template α Raven
Facecast Felicity Jones
Setting Blacklight

Blackbird is an Anitami superhero who can fly and has a ranged energy attack. Her costume is black with brown highlights and the brown outline of a black bird on her chest.

Who has known heights and depths shall not again
Know peace - not as the calm heart knows
Low, ivied walls; a garden close;
An though he tread the humble ways of men
He shall not speak the common tongue again.

Who has known heights shall bear forevermore
An incommunicable thing
That hurts his heart, as if a wing
Beat at the portal, challenging;
And yet - lured by the gleam his vision wore -
Who once has trodden stars seeks peace no more.

--Mary Brent Whiteside