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TheBiggerFish's Characters
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Template: Adventurer Central

Various (primarily, but not solely, Golarionite) organizations and people I can't reliably fit under a template known to me.

Template: Azerosa, Realm of Romance

Miscellaneous world stuff for [REDACTED]'s Villarosa/Azeroth hybrid.

Template: Clara Cneph

Artistic, friendly, and a dreamer of better worlds, Clara Cneph is often found in socialite roles - but don't let that fool you; even though she wants to befriend everyone, she's still part cat, and her claws are sharp.

Template: Diana Pallas

Most commonly a paladin, Diana Pallas is fierce, but she tempers those burning fires with compassion.

Template: Hogwarts-et-al. Supporting Characters

Bucket for miscellaneous Hogwartsery. May also contain castles, graveyards, etc..

Template: Les Millefeuilles

Template for organization of various cover identities in the Spanner in the Works continuity, and possibly other spy shit.

Template: Meta

The template for those whose instantiations resemble my template listing page.

Template: Misc. Star Wars

This is just an administrative bucket; characters will not have coherent thematics.

Template: Ophelia Mondegreen-Vaudelle

Ophelia is the epitome of dark-but-not-evil; powers tenebrous and dread are her bread and butter, but she uses them for good, rather than ill. Elegant and eloquent; good at spinning words. Also sometimes comes in "mom friend?" variants.

Template: PMMMMisc.

I am not going to run a Kyuubey in my brain.

Template: [REDACTED]

A thinker, of a sort; she's prone to asking *all* the questions, making off with any cool stuff that's not nailed down and some that very much is, and doing !!SCIENCE!! to things. Likely originally from Earth, or otherwise with a keen eye for plot and science. She's also very reticent to share personal details.

Template: Sylvia Steele-Durant

The woman who has skin of steel, she who endures: Sylvia Durant, Sylvia Durand, or Sylvia Steele is, in RPG terms, the tank. She takes the hits so others don't have to. She has a secondary facility with machines, but mostly in the application of leverage.

Template: Three-Sided Coin

A specific bucket for characters that are or are part of a subset of the triad of Diana, Ophelia, and [REDACTED] acting in concert, because that is something that merits top-level distinguishing from the bucket for "characters that are all of my templates shoved in a blender". These ones are a lot more prone to decisive action and cutting insight.

Template: Violet

The #1 softest girl. Quiet, shy, not prone to adventures. Still excitable, if she's in the right sort of mood, but more likely to cheerlead than be out in front.