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Diana Pallas-Smith
Template Diana Pallas

An Extraordinary Commoner, aspirant paladin, and journeysoul (read: journeywoman) magesmith of Villarosa, as of the start of the nonexistent 'Roses of Villarosa'; at the insertion point of the protagonists of the actual work of fiction, she is studying the Light in lessons she shares with Lila Roisen - having somewhat of an aptitude - while she tries to learn what she can from her apprenticeship under the elderly smith of the Barony (who is no magesmith of his own, but invested in a book of arcana for his eventual successor because there just isn't much call for a smith that *doesn't* like doing magic, anymore. (Even he has seen magical tools become rather standard equipment, over the course of his long lifetime.))

She has 'recently' shot up like a weed and become able to contribute her strength to wield the hammers that need swinging, in addition to her keen, if sometimes a bit overfocused, mind to draft plans. More of an artisan than a worksoul.