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Fatebinder-Errant Ophelia Vaudelle
Aliases Fatebinder Ophelia Vaudelle, Ophelia Vaudelle
Template Ophelia Mondegreen-Vaudelle
Setting Tyranny

A Fatebinder, one of those who is trained to enforce Kyros's (and Tunon's) Laws. Now outside the Empire. This poses less of a problem than you'd think, considering.

Notable accomplishments in her service include:
- Working with the Earthshakers to, having infiltrated the Bastard City, weaken its walls and gates to external assault.
- Coordinating certain plans to cause consternation and chaos within the same to achieve much greater effect than any one alone would have accomplished.

- Establishing the Forge-Iron Guard from the more disciplined members of the Bronze Battalion when they would otherwise have been expelled from Lethian's Crossing, diverting them from banditry.
- Achieving a compromise as to the distribution of the iron of Lethian's Crossing, and incentivizing the production of iron and iron-bearing ores.
- Peacefully resolving a dispute about conscription of forces already in service to the Empire, in the process befriending the Archon Sirin.

- Resolving a problem with soil fertility caused by needless deployment of the Archon Cairn upon the battlefields of Azure.
- Tracking the Archon Cairn, who betrayed the Empire, to the tribe of Beastfolk he left the Empire for, and discovering how Cairn hid himself from casual searches.
- Successfully escaping Cairn's presence, and utilizing subterfuge to befuddle his forces' subsequent attempts to ambush her upon her return, bearing an Edict.
- *Almost* striking Cairn down, through cooperation, cunning, and well-used lore (read: copious use of pitch, a spear to the inside of his throat, and a catapult full of vials of hydrosulfuric acid) - though the attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, and the Edict of Stone yet stands upon the province formerly known as Azure. (She intended for the forces organized in the Viridian Reclamation, before her departure, to *have an effect* upon that.)
- Consequently preserving the city of Plainsgate, with limited military casualties and only one civilian. (There was an earthquake; he tripped and bashed his skull open.)

- Proclaiming the Edict of Execution to the Archons of War and Secrets
- Discovering the nature of Archons as being tied to their stories
- Bringing Graven Ashe and the Vendrien Guard to both the diplomatic table and a tentative accord on their mutual honor and desire for peace
- Causing Nerat to lose control of himself
- Clipping Nerat's escape plan with a burst of magic and getting a little bit thrown out of the universe when Fifth Eye successfully? cast teleport anyway.

To some extent, she pursues power for the sake of having it, but she will do her duty and she will do it for the *people,* and if she is asked to weigh her people against more power, 'more power' can go *hang.* Very, very tired of these motherfucking Archons on this motherfucking planet. Wants to put resources to the most good for the most people, generally speaking. Specializes in magic and manipulation. (Not afraid to stab someone, though she's not necessarily particularly skilled in the field.)

An artistic depiction of the moment in which Nerat's teleport ejects her from Tyranny canon: