Jarn's Characters
All Characters
Template: Fairy Godmother
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Lucinda Perryweather no_return_policy
Template: Yarnbox

Prefixes (Groups)
α: Alpha pack (Antediluvian)
β: Byrne family
δ: Dursleys
ε: Ectobiology issues
η: Hale family
θ: Theological entities
κ: Kyrios resources
λ: Liber's cult
μ: Mystery Incorporated
ν: Not attached
ξ: Cass & co.
σ: Scott's allies
τ: Titus & setup
υ: Until Dawn crew
φ: Follower templates
χ: Chimera experiments
Ψ: Sy's kin

Suffixes (Metadata)
&: Blend. This template is a blend of two other templates.
$: Shared. This template is shared with another glowfic author.

Almighty: https://glowfic.com/tags/1024
Buffyverse (Angel Investigations, Sunnydale): https://glowfic.com/tags/4420
Cordyceps: https://glowfic.com/tags/152
Diastole: https://glowfic.com/tags/201
Frequency: https://glowfic.com/tags/1513
Fringe: https://glowfic.com/tags/299
The Lost Room: https://glowfic.com/tags/4283
The Magicians: https://glowfic.com/tags/3532
Nemeton: https://glowfic.com/tags/171
Parasomnia: https://glowfic.com/tags/1184
Planescape: https://glowfic.com/tags/1086
Vortex: https://glowfic.com/tags/183

Covenants: https://glowfic.com/tags/4252
Goodcheer: https://glowfic.com/tags/4253
Horizon: https://glowfic.com/tags/4255
Innangarðr: https://glowfic.com/tags/4250
Kintsugi: https://glowfic.com/tags/4259
Martyrs: https://glowfic.com/tags/4251
Pins & Needles: https://glowfic.com/tags/4248
Reflection: https://glowfic.com/tags/4260
Wells: https://glowfic.com/tags/4239

Covenants: https://glowfic.com/tags/4252
[Five Worlds]: https://glowfic.com/tags/4255
Goodcheer: https://glowfic.com/tags/4253
Innangarðr: https://glowfic.com/tags/4250
Kintsugi: https://glowfic.com/tags/4259
Martyrs: https://glowfic.com/tags/4251
Pins & Needles: https://glowfic.com/tags/4248
Reflection: https://glowfic.com/tags/4260
Wells: https://glowfic.com/tags/4239

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Beacon Hills sacrificial_blood Mistletoe, Nemeton, Hollow
Milliways gnab_gib
Path to Perfection paved_with Path to Perfection
Planescape Planescape
The BHHS Handbook Handbook
Viðir iron_wood
Worlds, Fanfictional
Worlds, Original
Xenoria in_service_bound Xenoria
Template: α Antediluvian

Burned idealist, who wants to destroy the idealists he admires.

Dreamer Phase: Antediluvians often start out with altruistic ambitions. They want to bring peace, establish functional alliances and institutions, promote equality, and several other such things. They fail. A professional and personal betrayal typically occur, usually leaving them blind.

Burned Phase: Burned Antediluvians collect around themselves a crew, pack, or gang of people to strike fear and build a reputation as dangerous, violent, powerful enemies. Their primary focus, though, is finding idealists who remind them of themselves, and proving to them that they should not be that way. They work to burn others the way they were burned. Being healed, from the physical and/or mental damage they have endured, triggers a phase shift.

Mentor Phase: Mentor Antediluvians retain their newfound cynicism, but they have much more optimism for the future. They believe that good things can happen, because people are better together than they are alone- though they still view most people as inherently selfish, cruel, and dangerous. They work to teach others a balanced view.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ash Fogg show_them_why Rick Worthy The Magicians
Deucalion man_of_vision Gideon Emery Nemeton
Moses gesture_of_goodwill Gideon Emery Cordyceps
Noah rise_to_the_occasion Gideon Emery Buffyverse
Template: α Darach

A former ambassador between the strange and the mundane. Betrayal, followed by attempted murder. But she's something else now- better, stronger, as monstrous as they are- and she'll make them pay.

Julia Phase: To start, Darachs are fairly ordinary magic users of their particular kind. They have an otherwise ordinary life. A personal betrayal that leaves them for dead, permanently changing their face into something that looks like a disfigured human one, until a powerful source of magic they make a deal with saves them, triggers a phase shift.

Jennifer Phase:Magically powerful and motivated by revenge, Darachs take on a new identity, typically "Jennifer Blake", using magic to disguise their appearance into something they consider classically but not too dramatically beautiful. They work to revenge those that harmed them, and are willing to hurt others to do it.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Julia Baccari staring_back Camilla Belle Cardverse
Julia Wicker on_a_leash Haley Webb Circumstance
Ms. Blake altered_by_legend Haley Webb Buffyverse
Ms. Blake knew_too_much Haley Webb Nemeton
Template: α Ennis
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ennis family_to_me Brian Patrick Wade Nemeton
Ennis Warden of Nymet useless_debate Brian Patrick Wade Innangarð
Template: α Kali
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Kali Darach kept_walking Felisha Terrell Nemeton
Template: α Marin
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Marin 1255 pulling_the_leash Animorphs
Marin Morrell choose_to_destroy Bianca Lawson Objects
Marin Morrell left_an_impression
Marin Pathfinder of Nymet listen_close Bianca Lawson Innangarð
Ms. Morrell all_the_information Bianca Lawson Nemeton
Purpose field_work Bianca Lawson Cordyceps
Template: β Bentley
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Bentley Byrne Amara ~Unfated Penn Badgley Nemeton
Template: β Tristan
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Tristan no_one_living Nemeton
Tristan Byrne Patrick Dempsey Animorphs
Tristram Byrne didn't_hurt_anyone Reflection
Template: β, δ Briar

Not a very loyal, loving sibling

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Brian Byrne never_ask Graham Phillips Nemeton
Rose Evans write_back Erica Dasher Potterverse
Template: δ Vernon
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Vernon Dursley
Template: δ, φ Dudley

Follows Skyes

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dermot Quinn less_than_last Ki Hong Lee The Magicians
Dudley Dursley Dursley waste_of_space Stefan van Ray Potterverse
[Juliet's Rival] spoils_everything Bo Mitchell Pokémon
Template: ε David

Son of Serpent
Father of Serpent

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
David Nelson-Sommers lion_versus Chris Zylka Animorphs
Template: ε Serpent ~ Nelson
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Declan "Dash" Nelson Dash dashingly_handsome Sean Murray Animorphs
Ronald "Rusty" Nelson Gordo gordian_knot Sean Murray Fringe
Template: ε,μ Serpent ~ Džalas

Son of David
Father of David

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Džalas ghur Buqarys desar Dawid Wadmaryan restraining_order Fady Elsayed Covenants
Template: ε,μ Serpent ~ Jackson/Džalas

True: "Some possess venom that is potent enough to cause painful injury or death to humans...[other] snakes either swallow prey alive or kill by constriction."
-Adopted, biological mother died immediately before birth.
-Big man on campus. Convinced that a rich father and a fancy car make him important.
-Sore loser.
-May turn into something he regrets, with power can't control.
-Vizier whose ambitions place him near the top.
-Snake aesthetic
-Works with money

Blind: "reduced eyes...decreased visual capabilities...a fossorial nature, either living underground or within logs...their main food sources...are tracked down by following chemical cues left by these invertebrates to create trails."
-Raised by birth parents
-One of several brothers
-Named after his father
-Lacks in ambition, to his father's chagrin, preferring to seek truth or justice.
-Achieves worldly power despite his best efforts.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ghassan Al-Maroun dead_weight Fady Elsayed Scholomance
Jackson all_the_power Colton Haynes Vortex
Jackson like_an_animal Colton Haynes Lilith
Jackson Burke get_it_back Colton Haynes Potterverse
Jackson Whittemore chanting_your_name Fady Elsayed Chant
Jackson Whittemore humanly_possible Colton Haynes Nemeton
Jackson Whittemore my_own_agenda Colton Haynes Handbook
Jackson Whittemore real_hardship Colton Haynes Buffyverse
Jackson Whittemore unfair_advantage Fady Elsayed The Magicians
Template: η Braeden

A skeptic who reluctantly becomes a believer. Mercenary who's not letting this Masquerade keep her out.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Braeden designed_to_kill Meagan Tandy Animorphs
Braeden learned_to_use Meagan Tandy Objects
Braeden protecting_my_investment Meagan Tandy Nemeton
Template: η Cora
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Cora Hale Derek all_those_rumors Adelaide Kane Nemeton
Cora Hale show_up_late Adelaide Kane Vortex
Template: η Deaton

Protector and friend of the Hale family- sometimes part of it. A veterinarian, or otherwise an expert in healing and dogs. Surprisingly knowledgeable about whatever secrets the setting holds.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alan Cleric of Nymet wise_oak Seth Gilliam Innangarð
Alan Deaton a_different_perspective Seth Gilliam Fringe
Alan Deaton circumstances_like_this Seth Gilliam The Magicians
Alan Deaton my_only_hope Seth Gilliam Objects
Dr. Deaton longer_story Seth Gilliam Nemeton
Dr. Deaton rules_have_changed Seth Gilliam Animorphs
Jalen Stillmeadow way_of_the_universe Seth Gilliam Planescape
Template: η Derek

A history buff and good athlete. Frequently gets his family killed. Marked by grief, full of misdirected rage, and not nearly as good a teacher as he could be. Defined by relationship to self-sacrifice and guilt.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Darwin Kang find_the_bullet Xian Lim Objects
Deorwin Theudobald how_much_memory Tyler Hoechlin Jörmungandr
Derek Hale keeps_you_human Tyler Hoechlin Circumstance
Derek Hale private_property Tyler Hoechlin Nemeton
Derek King to_be_killers Tyler Hoechlin Animorphs
Derek Rowle outside_my_family Tyler Hoechlin Potterverse
Template: η Laura
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Laura Hale
Template: η Mal

Live as an animal for a good portion of their childhood.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Disjointed Viscera mostly_using_red Parasomnia
Malia Tate change_me_back Shelley Hennig Nemeton
Malia Tate thanks_for_invading Shelley Hennig Animorphs
Malvolio Tate blend_in Álvaro Rico The Magicians
Template: η Talia


Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Talia Holloway Birthsigns thousands_of_years
Talia Lightningrider of Nymet adhere_to_rituals Alicia Coppola Innangarð
Template: η, λ Peter

Youngest, weakest, underestimated. Seeks power. Willing to kill family and friends to get it, willing to drink it in like a plant in sunlight otherwise.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amy Madison witch-stuff Elizabeth Anne Allen Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Amy Sharp failure_of_leadership Elizabeth Anne Allen Fringe
Bitar everything_pretty Aaron Kwok Fu-Sing Arabek
Bitar kind_master Aaron Kwok Fu-Sing Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pete Pettiford for_dramatic_flair Michael Cassidy The Magicians
Peter Hale only_the_responsible Ian Bohen Nemeton
Peter Holloway closest_to_you Ian Bohen Birthsigns
Peter Pettigrew old_friends Kyle Gallner Potterverse
Pettar 567 my_own_family Animorphs
Satish dark_powers Parham Rownaghi Covenants
Template: θ Kir ~ Kir
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Kieran Universe just_like_me Arden Cho Steven Universe
Kira Yukimura messenger_of_death Arden Cho Nemeton
Template: θ Kir ~ Toshiko
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Toshiko Yukimura the_fox_inside Tamlyn Tomita Nemeton
Toshiko Yukimura Tamlyn Tomita MCU
Template: θ Null
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Cold cold_hearted Russell Crowe Jörmungandr
Zero one_and_infinity
Template: θ Pax
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Jasmine the_body_jasmine Gina Torres Buffyverse
John Barleycorn and_nourishing_me Colton Haynes Goodcheer
Template: κ Chris ~ First

First and foremost a disappointment to their father. Follows Kyrios.

Screennames: Conjunctions and prepositions
Keywords: Things that are inherited (from their parents, by their children)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Christopher Argent favors_and_penance J. R. Bourne Objects
Christopher Argent to_be_soldiers J. R. Bourne Nemeton
Evangeline Argent about_the_world Stephanie Bennett Supernatural
Template: κ Chris ~ Second (Perry)

Secondborn child in a magical family. They are born into a Masquerade. Magic is their culture and in their blood, a fact of which they are quite proud.

Chris is born between an older sibling of great destiny, and a younger sibling of immense power.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Chris Halliwell one_reason_only Drew Fuller Charmed
Template: κ Hawk $

Hawkeye (Blessed-Unfated): Superhero. Fights aliens, monsters, and criminals; becomes renowned for skill, prowess, and often rises despite being nothing special.

Kahf-ra (Blessed-Fated): Reincarnating badass, do not all look alike. Has an eternal lover and nemesis, who are either immortal or also reincarnating.

Amara (Cursed-Fated): Suspiciously similar bloodline of doppelgangers. Has an eternal lover and nemesis, who are either immortal or also reincarnating.

Celestine Allison/Benedict Alaric

?Bentley? (Cursed-Unfated): Ordinary. Succumbs to aliens, monsters, and criminals; becomes renowned for skill, prowess, and often rises despite being nothing special.

Part of the noble tradition of maintaining the masquerade (and frequently, hunting the monsters that plague society, even if they're people), although they don't always know it. Want to change systems for the better and will follow those who know how to do so. Always questioning received wisdom, although a bit too ruthless when mercy might be more appropriate.

Cluster A: Perfect emissary, in the dark; guarded but generous.
Cluster B: Perfect scion, knows the family secret; hidebound but honorable.
Cluster 1C: Perfect hunter, knows the family secret; predatory but protective.
Cluster 2: Perfect commander.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Benedict Alcuin Fenwick Hawk a_new_code Tom Welling Potterverse
Benedict Alcuin Fenwick Dove noble_line Tom Welling Charmed
Celestine Allison Argent Hawk nous_chassons Crystal Reed Nemeton
Celestine Allison Argent Hawkeye safe_path Crystal Reed Nemeton
Celestine Allison Fenwick Hawk no_ordinary_steel Crystal Reed Charmed
Celestine Allison Theron Hawkeye battle_lines Crystal Reed Animorphs
Kiyomizu Hiroko Takega Dove just_move Ayumi Kinoshita To The Stars
Template: κ Kate

Kate: Younger child. Child of Aurelius and Gerard. Afraid of everything, but they will never, ever show it. Violent, aggressive, and cheeky.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Kate Argent a_pretty_face Jill Wagner Nemeton
Kate Argent the_tearing_and_rending Jill Wagner
Kit Argent by_the_rules Jake Abel Cardverse
Kitty Argent a_little_different Jill Wagner Supernatural
Template: κ Kyrios

The acting head of the family. Wants to live forever.

Argent- General; carries on spouse's tradition of saving people, hunting things. An outsider to their grand tradition, but enforces it with an iron fist. Lives, poisoned by what he became.

McAlistair- Inventor; profits off someone else's labor. Invents a system of oppression. Dies, poisoned by his wife.

Halliwell: Patriarch. Surviving his magical spouse, this cluster teaches his children and grandchildren in the traditions of the family. Reincarnates, due to his marriage.

Lambert: Hustler. Learning to manipulate, trick, and steal from a girlfriend, those in this cluster are eventually outmaneuvered by an immortal who finds him amusing. Immortal, dies by seeking a quarry that is well-defended.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Edgar McAlistair Bex breach_the_heavens Lucas Till Asphodel
Edgar McAlistair Bex step_right_up Lucas Till Asphodel
Gerard Argent Aurelius sacrifice_your_own Patrick Wilson Supernatural
Gerard Argent Aurelius seemingly_harmless Michael Hogan Nemeton
Jerry Belmont know_thy_enemy Patrick Wilson Fringe
Template: κ Victoria

Willing to go to great lengths to avenge real and imagined slights. At her most effective (but also most vulnerable) when protecting her people.

Phase 1: Moves from place to place, always finding a way to survive. Manipulative, flighty, cunning.
Phase 2: Protects her family so that the darkness of reality will not touch them. Trades cunning for pragmatism.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Victoria Artemis never_survives_without Bryce Dallas Howard Twilight
Victoria Argent Athena code_we_follow Eaddy Mays Nemeton
Victoria Kreutzfeld Hestia dress_for_the_funeral Eaddy Mays Objects
Victoria Takega Athena all_these_other_girls Sonoya Mizuno To The Stars
Victoria Theron Athena suited_to_the_position Eaddy Mays Animorphs
Template: λ Hudson

Early trauma results in someone who comes across as friendly, sociable, and kind, but underneath is simmering with resentment at the people who've hurt them, and has an obsessive streak besides. Likes to watch people and quote plays.
Somewhat in love with their childhood best friend.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dorothy Madison lens_is_cracked Kaya Scodelario Vortex
Dorothy Mattheson Kaya Scodelario Partyland
Dottie Matson belong_to_you Stephen Sean Ford Chant
Matt Daehler footage_missing Stephen Sean Ford Handbook
Matt Daehler swallow_water Stephen Lunsford Nemeton
Matt Daehler Stephen Lunsford Goodcheer
Matt Dahlke saw_you Stephen Lunsford Objects
Matt Dallon this_helpless Stephen Lunsford Animorphs
Template: λ Liber

A little too sexually liberated. Hedonistic, self-indulgent. Likely to attract a cult of personality.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aymariik lying_to_me Arabek
Coach Lahey my_responsibility John Wesley Shipp Nemeton
Harry Locklear no_more_monsters John Wesley Shipp The Magicians
Henry Layton life_sentence Keegan Allen Diastole
Template: λ, μ Danny/Margo

Māhealani/, Margo/Almas/Farid

Socially adept but misanthropic. Mostly interested in pursuing their own academic interests rather than interpersonal drama. Not your trophy.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Danny Māhealani animal_attack Keahu Kahuanui Nemeton
Danny Māhealani get_a_grip Keahu Kahuanui Animorphs
Danny Māhealani mass_and_velocity Keahu Kahuanui Vortex
Hira Khan believe_in_magic Summer Bishil Scholomance
Margo Hanson Margo garden_path Summer Bishil The Magicians
Template: ν Alchemist

Screennames: Alliteration


Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hadrian Harris an_accomplice Mark Strong Nemeton
Hadrian Harris personal_project Mark Strong Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Severus Snape subtle_science Louis Garrel Harry Potter
Severus Snape Snape tut_tut Mark Strong The Magicians
Template: ν Fred
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Fred gauging_the_time Goodcheer
ν Fred going_to_explore Twilight
Template: ν Listener $

Group: Changeling

Smart. History of mental illness, notably paternal grandmother. Bad relationship with father, related to same. Divorced parents. Psychic, especially in ways connected to death- related to mental illness.

Lydias pretend to be dumber than they are. They remember their grandmothers well, and inherit their powers.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Calista Martin danaus_plexippus Pokémon
Callisto Martin preparation_for_battle Holland Roden Animorphs
Cassie Hughes Cassandra enough_time Holland Roden Buffyverse
Harley Rathaway at_the_board Nemeton
Hartley Rathaway Hartley time_to_pay Louis Hynes Galar, Pocketful
Leda March worth_repeating Karla Crome The Magicians
Lydia Martin not_yet Holland Roden Nemeton
Lysander fields_medal Eddie Redmayne Partyland
Lysander Orpheus hearing_this_sound Keegan Allen Potential
Spectrum in_your_hands Holland Roden Cordyceps
Template: ν Parrish
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Deputy Parrish Parrish heading_out_with_purpose Ryan Kelley Nemeton
Jordar Baraz there_was_an_accident Reflection
Template: ν Quentin

Depressed nerd who can't quote cope with reality. Wants to be the Chosen One, and will end up finding his way into the story- even though destiny and fate aren't on his side.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Quentin Makepeace Coldwater magic_tricks Jason Ralph The Magicians
Quentin Makepeace Coldwater no_substitute Jason Ralph The Magicians
Quentin Upright Schrader Tyrian anybody_else Jason Ralph Nemeton
Virgil Livewell Salvatore why_bother Isaac Hempstead Wright Scholomance
Template: ξ CassCal
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Cass Chatwin Liv witch_and_fool Angélica Celaya The Magicians
Template: ξ Jane
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
The Underground still_here_together Diane Guerrero
The Underground wait_a_second Diane Guerrero
Template: σ Exile $
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Vernon Boyd Omega one_of_us Sinqua Walls Nemeton
Vurnar Boyad always_wondered Reflection
Template: σ Isaac

Loves his abuser. Not a woobie. Will fuck you up if you make him think. Often found near a Hudson (tyrian), Ava (storm), or Kol (storm).

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Isaac Lahey half_my_childhood Daniel Sharman Potterverse
Isaac Lahey Kol-Isaac out_of_control Daniel Sharman Animorphs
Isaac Lahey plenty_of_time Daniel Sharman Nemeton
Template: σ Liam
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Liam Dunbar here_to_play Dylan Sprayberry Nemeton
Template: σ Melissa
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Melissa McCall enough_parenting Melissa Ponzio Nemeton
Template: σ Rafe
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Rafael MacDougall avoid_the_embarrassment Matthew del Negro
Template: σ Ric

Born in a body that doesn't work. Takes the first chance they can to change it. Sarcastic, bitter, a rake/seductress waiting to pounce.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Erica Reyes a_little_psychic Gage Golightly The Magicians
Erica Reyes Erica called_an_aura Gage Golighty Potterverse
Erica Reyes Rico dead_on_arrival Gage Golightly
Erica Reyes Ericar in_a_word Gage Golightly Animorphs
Erica Reyes Erica make_us_stronger Gage Golightly Nemeton
Template: σ Scott

De facto leader. Empathetic, compassionate, idealistic. Makes peace by sheer force of will.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Frank Aylward just_one_pin Pins and Needles
Lucrum be_no_one Tyler Posey Cordyceps
Scott Blackstock trying_to_catch Tyler Posey Cardverse
Scott Call Fernanda on_what_side Tyler Posey Twilight
Scott Call Ryou probability_of_you Tyler Posey Twilight
Scott Call Faith saturday_child Tyler Posey Twilight
Scott Davidson attack_of_something Tyler Posey Buffyverse
Scott Delgado basically_a_crime_scene Tyler Posey Hollow
Scott Fraser chain_me_up Tyler Posey Eclipse
Scott Fraser like_a_dog Keiynan Lonsdale Rusakov
Scott Galbraith a_few_trade_secrets Tyler Posey Fallen London
Scott Haldane for_my_friends Tyler Posey Animorphs
Scott Halkerston hollow_feeling Tyler Posey Circumstance
Scott MacDougall breaking_the_law Tyler Posey Potterverse
Scott McCall Alpha hurt_someone Tyler Posey Nemeton
Scott Preston standard_practice Tyler Posey Objects
Scott Ramsay say_something_first Asphodel
Template: τ River

Adventure archaeologist. Professor. Married to a terrifying force of power, whimsy, and inspiration.


Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Chord Irving anodyne_ambassador Nemeton
Professor Concordia Atwater a_problem_with_archaeologists Alfre Woodard The Magicians
River Universe loving_the_stars Steven Universe
Template: τ Titus $
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Wyatt Halliwell
Template: υ Disciple

Of God. Here to serve.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Elliot Todd in_case_you_remember Adam DiMarco The Magicians
Gabriel Ines Nolan kill_one_of_them Andrew Matarazzo Nemeton
Mitchell Lewis could_have_done_something Jordan Fisher Blackwood
Template: υ Josh
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Josh Barlowe always_used_to Rami Malek Buffyverse
Josh Diaz a_good_time Jake T. Austin Nemeton
Josh Washington the_bone_zone Rami Malek Blackwood
Template: υ Mike
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mike Munroe harmless_fun Brett Dalton Buffyverse
Mike Munroe just_messing_around Brett Dalton Blackwood
Template: υ Walker

Final girl, scream queen, or apocalypse maiden. Walking dead, vengeful ghost, or bloodsucking fiend. As long as they're the last one standing. If they have to turn into a monster to do it, they will.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sam Wachowski as_a_young_girl Lilith
Sam Walker face_the_razor Hayden Panettiere Blackwood
Sean Walcott sharp_as_knives Glenn McCuen Nemeton
Shannon Walsh when_your_birthright Hayden Panettiere Buffyverse
Simon Volkov this_pleasant_land Glenn McCuen Goodcheer
Template: φ Diviner

Follows Bells, Adams

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Daernir Caskheart best_way_to_cast Planescape
Matsumoto Tomonori (松本 友則) live_in_a_tower Jingi Irie Scholomance
Template: φ Hodge &

Follower of Val (vivids). Blend of Alchemist and Peter.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Horace Hodgins tea_or_nothing Tate Ellington
Template: φ Qetsiyah/Zefirah

Petrova, Silvanus

— No characters yet —
Template: χ (Chimeras) Chameleon



Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Corey Bryant barely_noticed Michael Johnston Nemeton
Korbrant volunteering_for Michael Johnston Charmed
Template: χ (Chimeras) God-King
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Rex Theobald Rex belong_to_me Cody Christian Charmed
Theo Raeken Regent something_impossible Cody Christian Nemeton
Theo Reich Rex endless_passing Cody Christian Circumstance
Tyson Brady upper_management Eric Johnson
Template: χ (Chimeras) Hayden
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Hayden Romero whatever_happens_next Victoria Moroles Nemeton
Lo Haidan (羅 海澹) Hayden Scholomance
Template: χ (Chimeras) Mason
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Mason Hewitt doing_some_reading Khylin Rhambo Nemeton
Template: χ (Chimeras) Riley
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Riley few_short_days Marc Blucas Twilight
Riley Dermot-Quinn reason_to_stay
Riley Finn cowboy_guy Marc Blucas Goodcheer
Riley Finn take_my_vitamins Gus Lewis Scholomance
Rullar Vonn forgotten_my_manners Reflection
Template: χ Gecko
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Gordon Culbert Gecko lab_rat
Template: Ψ Claudia
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Claudia Stilinski Stiles trying_to_kill Joey Honsa Lilith
Template: Ψ Sheriff

Stilesdad. Sheriff. Grew up with an abusive father.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Noah Stilinski more_important_than_knowledge Dave Franco Parasomnia
Sheriff Solanke one_case_in_particular Adrian Holmes Charmed
Sheriff Stilinski got_a_key_witness Linden Ashby Objects
Sheriff Stilinski people_dying_in_threes Linden Ashby Nemeton
Sheriff Stilinski this_bizarre_animal_behavior Linden Ashby Animorphs
Template: Ψ, μ Sy $

Sarcastic, neurotic, joke machine. Coldly pragmatic but also impetuously immature. Selfish. Protective of their circle of people.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Companion Sky amazing_coincidence Dylan O'Brien Cordyceps
"Lan" Solanke Stiles live_vicariously Titus Makin Jr. Charmed
"Lan" Solanke Stiles the_worst_part Titus Makin Jr. Rusakov
Mieszko Mieszko the_best_part Rusakov
Nogitsune Void let_me_in Nemeton
Ragnvaldr Ásketillson Hrönn Mieszko taking_my_hand Jörmungandr
"Saine" Sainerhun Stiles violent_behavior Dylan O'Brien Proximal
Sky Sky signal_its_location Dylan O'Brien Nemeton
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles chain_you_up Dylan O'Brien Eclipse
"Stiles" Stilinski Void found_a_body Dylan O'Brien Hollow
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles ignoring_a_problem Dylan O'Brien Buffyverse
"Stiles" Stilinski Mischief inflict_mental_anguish Dylan O'Brien Lilith
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles keeping_watch Dylan O'Brien Cardverse
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles lifetime_of_nightmares Dylan O'Brien Fallen London
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles nerd_by_association Lily Collins Partyland
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles no_wolves_in_california Dylan O'Brien Nemeton
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles rethink_that_definition Dylan O'Brien Animorphs
"Stiles" Stilinski Stiles temporarily_misappropriated Dylan O'Brien Objects
"Ty" Tàishǐ Stiles back_to_normal Brandon Soo Hoo
"Ty" Tàishǐ Stiles trying_to_help Brandon Soo Hoo To The Stars