Daily Report - Sep 14, 2024
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New Break their bones and burn their homes The Chelish Constitutional Convention 7 0 11:58 PM
New A Call To Action [Open]
diabolism is bad
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 0 11:56 PM
New not going to smile today
wizards are very good at running away, halfling servants less so
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 0 11:49 PM
Complete Has Warnings New Last minute housing options
Gabi wants to finish earning her first rogue level!
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 68 1 11:47 PM
Complete New The worst sort of scum
If the army still can't provide law and order, Dolor will do it herself
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 0 0 11:45 PM
Complete New Purge the convention of saboteurs and traitors! The Chelish Constitutional Convention 3 3 11:44 PM
Has Warnings this starfish throws herself
we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
Sandboxes 961 1 11:34 PM
Complete New denounced by the true patriots of cheliax
slice, come paradise
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 4 4 11:14 PM
Janeway Lambda Two
William Laurence on Voyager
Sandboxes 497 9 9:16 PM
it's not a lay-inquisition if half of us are clerics
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 4 3 9:11 PM
delved too greedily and too deep
offensive terms for dwarves???
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 5 1 7:00 PM
Complete New Charthagnion Manor - 3 Sarenith The Chelish Constitutional Convention 193 118 5:25 PM
New The INFERNAL GENEALOGIE of the late Appointed ARCHDUKE of the HEARTLANDS, Alfonso Antoninus THRUNE The Chelish Constitutional Convention 5 4 5:15 PM
Complete New The condition known as fatigue
screw this I'm turning into a bird
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 0 5:07 PM
Complete third time's the charm
because Alex hasn't been yelled at enough today
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 51 5 5:00 PM
Complete New all the world's a stage
laia and valia on theater
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 28 28 4:07 PM
its roots are still growing (but it died long ago)
heart-eating witches
Fulmination 92 13 3:20 PM
Complete Succession and Inheritance (Committee, Day 2)
naked self-interest committee
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 33 1 2:54 PM
excising diabolism
why is stopping bad things so complicated
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 141 9 2:35 PM
Complete Family Committee (Sarenith 3)
well this is an unsolved problem
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 119 16 2:30 PM
crafting cost 100gp and 5 days
Sparks and Drow, what could go wrong?
Sandboxes 439 2 2:24 PM
Has Warnings Slavery (Committee, Day 2)
we've kicked off the slavers, can we be civil now?
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 85 9 1:59 PM
Complete Trade and Travel (Committee, Day 2)
going places and buying stuff for me but not for thee
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 29 1 1:56 PM
Complete It's Good, but what is it Good for? The Chelish Constitutional Convention 63 8 1:00 PM
Извините, а вы точно человек?
Ведьма, святая дева и некромант в мире магик
шкатулки и паладины 946 7 12:42 PM
Total: 39