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"Hello, hello. I am Duke Sergi de Roda-Mar of Lestdemarc, and this is the Committee on The Family. With me is my wife Gisella Aspotico of Andoran, who is not a delegate but is here to advise me, and likely us. If you could all introduce yourselves?"

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Well this seemed like a much more sane and restrained amount of risk to take before the final events of the morning, but he's hardly going to leave the convention in shame over it.

"Llei Napaciza, regent of the County of Ilnea, in Menador."


"Narcis Soler, cleric of Erastil."


Yeah, she's here too. Dropping infrastructure today, and checking whether this is the place for orphanages. And maybe also complaining about - okay, she'll try to be restrained about the complaining about men.

"Korva Tallandria of Egorian. Orphanage worker."


"Victòria, priestess of Calistria. —Just so everyone here is aware, Delegate Napaciza is Evil. The Diabolism Committee was checking this morning."


"Does the spell work normal on tieflings?"


"I think so? There were other tieflings who didn't show up as Evil. Which doesn't mean they definitely aren't Evil, they might just not be powerful enough to show up, but I don't think all tieflings look Evil to it. —I guess the other ones could be hiding it, like Delegate Ibarra was."


"Powerful enough? Oh - Josep Roig, merchant of Blackridge." 


"Apparently it doesn't work on people who aren't strong enough to be good in a fight! I don't know exactly how strong that is but I don't want people to assume that anyone we didn't find is definitely safe."


Josep is, of course, principally concerned with his personal safety here. It sounds like they checked everyone, and if he was Evil, they would know? But if they find a better way of checking, they might discover that he is Evil after all? Not doing anything to anger the Calistrian, got it.


"Many people are Evil; we have been less than two years free of Asmodeus. I certainly took more than two years to stop reading Evil after leaving Cheliax, and I was younger than the Count-Regent at the time and had less to atone for. In ten years which nobles still read Evil will be an important thing to note; for now, the Queen and archmages have screened everyone Count and up and removed those who needed removing, and the rest are our colleagues who have all the dignity of other reasoning beings. I doubt he is the only one here, either, merely the only one with enough dangerous duties to make him read on detect alignment."


Do people normally just randomly tell you about how they've done a bunch of Evil things? Why does this keep happening?

"If I had a good way to check everyone else here I'd obviously want to! Pharasmins can do it, but not all of them can, and they can't get a lot of people at once. I think— it's like Valia said, maybe when our committees get bogged down in stupid fights it's because Evil people are trying to sabotage us, and even if we can't just kick the Evil people off the committees like we did on Diabolism I think it's good for people to know who's definitely Evil so that if they suggest something terrible we'll know it's because they were Evil."


"Terrible judgment can come without Evil and vice versa, young lady. If this committee had no Evil members, it would be deficient. Whatever we propose here ought guide people toward Good, but it must be something that can be done by those who are currently Evil, or it will not work for the large slice of our citizens, perhaps even the majority."

"I can assure you, in any case, that citizen committees in Andoran get bogged down in stupid fights quite enough without Evil coming into it. If Select Wain believes this is the primary cause she is mistaken."


"...Even if everything you said were true, it would still be good to know that he's Evil! If the point is that we need to make not hurting your family really easy so that even Evil people can do it, it's still good to know which ones those are." Also she really doesn't think policy on anything should be set by people who light homes full of children on fire but that's obvious.


"Alonso. Halfling ex-slave who mostly managed to keep my family intact while enslaved." Maybe if he interrupts by introducing himself the Calistrian will get distracted. 


"Oh, well done. Hopefully it's a challenge no one will need your advice on shortly."


"I dearly hope so." But he's still planning to flee to Andoran where it won't be his problem. 


An older woman quietly sits at the table at the emptier end. "Lluïsa. Midwife, grandmother, and priest of Pharasma."


"That's everyone I saw sign up, then. Let's see, I took a list of rights from the Rights Committee that touched on the family, I can read those off as a place to start."

"Right to preserve your family; no intrusion on marriage by lords, no conscription of children.

Right to know the status of your family when you're separated by the government; noted as difficult to do.

Right of children not to be abandoned by their mothers and fathers, and of mothers not to be abandoned by their children's fathers, and possibly the reverse as well.

Right to compel a father to marry their child's mother, a bit part of the same as the last one.

Rights of orphans to good treatment, particularly noting being given to extended family or similar before being sold to orphanages.

Right to divorce. By consent, or if there is no child nor pregnancy, or if a priest hears the dispute and judges it allowed, and possibly unconditionally for wives."

"That certainly isn't everything, but it's a place to start, I believe."


These seem...... extreme.


" - for context, none of those have been discussed by the rights committee at all, they are the product of an attempt to brainstorm every right someone might want. They haven't been through a step where anyone comments on or removes the unworkable ones."


"That's something of a relief." 


"Yes, my apologies for not clarifying, Delegate Tallandria is correct."


"Shall we proceed with such a step, then? The right to compel marriage seems particularly unwise to me."


"Especially since there's no guarantee only one woman would be trying to exercise it--which might not even be the father's fault, this soon after the dissolution of the Thrune regime; slaveowners have been known to require that slaves have children by specific partners for various reasons, and I've heard troubling things about how human sorcerers have been treated in some places." 


"I agree. A solution to an important problem, perhaps, but not a good one."

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