Daily Report - Dec 03, 2019
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Hiatused Has Warnings degrees of mastery
Elodea gets dumped into a world that's inappropriately appropriate to her curse
Sandboxes 140 17 9:44 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings your touch so foreign
Bruce Banner is the Erogamer
Sandboxes 1186 4 8:10 PM
Hiatused the rising of the sun
Bruce kills Santa
Holly and Ivy 295 37 6:41 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings only fear and good judgment holding us back
Chris objected to Valerie's skills as a slave and felt he would do better
Sandboxes 317 3 6:39 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings only a shadow of flesh can walk this earth
Ariadne in Lucidity
Sandboxes 182 1 6:39 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings that's bright as can be
to thine own elf be true
with you wanting me 208 17 6:38 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings ye who now will bless the poor
if you kill santa, you become santa, and imrainai killed santa
Sandboxes 196 1 6:37 PM
Hiatused New it does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations
Eisa is the Dragonborn
Sandboxes 69 2 6:25 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings while I fix myself
Factor 5 Nova gets scooped by a slightly older mutant runaway
Sandboxes 625 2 5:10 PM
Hiatused New this way you will always know
Lorica falls on the Young Avengers
Sandboxes 1215 28 4:20 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings the moon we love like a brother
The meeting of some space werewolves and some silvers
Sandboxes 564 3 1:01 PM
Hiatused Poetry for Young People
Rescue gets lost in the library
Sandboxes 361 2 11:22 AM
Abandoned Has Warnings can I be somebody else (for all the times I hate myself)
Heartbreaker Naruto falls on Animorphs
Sandboxes 420 19 11:21 AM
Complete we never are what we intend
ellie in heartless
Fulmination 509 2 11:21 AM
Abandoned Your charm so strongly works 'em
Druid Robin appears in the Beacon Hills Dating Sim
Sandboxes 171 17 10:51 AM
Abandoned are you ready for it
Metamancer Kaede at Whateley
Sandboxes 245 1 10:45 AM
Complete Has Warnings we are always going somewhere else
The Starr twins are Graywards in Elsewhere
Mercurous 1174 28 10:26 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings when you move, fall like a thunderbolt
Deskyl and DZ in Arcania Artefactum
Sandboxes 1188 14 10:15 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings and the stance of the sea
demigod Erin in Murune
Sandboxes 334 5 10:09 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings the girl who acquired a heartful knight, being herself a fairy with no particular use for those
Heartless!September aquires a Caine
Sandboxes 161 4 10:04 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings there is also opportunity
Shift!Fenris in AA
Mercurous 1100 13 10:00 AM
Complete Has Warnings mixed with the lightning of slaughter
fate meets ellie
Fulmination 7777 2 9:19 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings rage against the heavens
The Starr Twins get discovered by a masquerade
Vengeance 47 29 5:55 AM
Complete Seeking out new worlds
A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
Sandboxes 4982 20 1:30 AM
Hiatused fascinate
osirian rebecca and macalaure
Sandboxes 484 59 12:17 AM
Total: 27