sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Revelation merrily continues discovering Warp. Including, literally, warp. They don't have dilithium but demons can make it. Antimatter's the bottleneck. They get underway.


They don't even have any neighbors. (If anyone checked right now for aliens in their universe there'll be an awkward result, but presumably they checked ages ago.)


(They did.)


Amentans will hang out in their hotel and watch Revelation get all excited while they wait for their house, then.


House is vacated.


House is all theirs! They go triumphantly home where half as much time has passed because of the Milliways door arrangement.


Cam holds the door. "What do you think of the place?"


"They seem like lovely people. Their attitude towards demons is very silly and they're awfully closed-minded about caste systems, but I think we'll get along if we end up having closer than incidental contact."


"Closed-minded about caste systems. Huh. Why might that be."


"I presume it's just that it's hard for people to imagine structures other than theirs working."


"Some past human societies had castes."


"Maybe it doesn't work for humans." Shrug. "It's just amazing how judgmental people are of entirely different species."


"Did any of you read up on Ferengi gender relations?"


They have not!


Cam provides reading material!

Ferengi women are not allowed to own property ( even bigger deal in Ferenginar than it would be elsewhere) or travel unescorted or talk to people outside their families. The custom approximated by the word "marriage" is basically a male renting-to-own a female till she produces a son. They are not allowed to wear clothes, either, apparently due to the symbolism of pockets or something. Debates between humans and Ferengi about ethics tend to end with the Ferengi asserting that they never practiced slavery, unlike humans.


...are there significant differences in aptitudes among genders in Ferenginar.


"It's sort of hard to tell, isn't it? But every now and then one gets caught dressing in drag and selling knicknacks or renting out a boathouse or something, and then they make her sign a confession and sell her into indentured servitude and oblige her male relatives to return everything she earned."


Amentans are, consistent with their earlier complaint, not very inclined to be judgmental. It sounds stupid but it's hard to tell from the outside with things like that.


They can suit themselves.


"You doing okay? I can send exclusively people who are less grating, if it'd help."


"I'm not going to be abraded into a heap of lemon zest or anything. None of 'em have repeated that first guy's 'and where do you get off having ethical opinions' spiel, at least."


"- wow. I'm so sorry. To be slightly fair he probably didn't realize you were right and wouldn't have said that if he did."


"He might have, he was very upset that I had misgivings about providing FTL."


"It's a big dilemma in welfare programs, whether to prioritize the deserving or the truly needy, because they usually mean making different choices. Gets even messier when we're talking on the scale of societies and species."

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