sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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"He wanted my input on a few things. He suggested orange judiciary."


"He'd know. Why orange?"


"Balance of exposure versus the odds of someone finding it expedient to complain about me."


"Makes sense. Well, you're welcome here until you have everything sorted - I'd offer you my vacation home, but, I, uh, am temporarily down a vacation home."


"He thinks I should work in Lina anyway - what happened -"


"My cousin came up with the idea of getting a demon to check if there were any survivors of the Orvaran experiment who were still alive and hadn't doubled up in one of the other cities. Turns out there were thirty and they were starving to death in an abandoned mining town. So he has a fairy go and grab them all and put them in my vacation home."




"The poor reds! - and I can't even be too mad at him since I hadn't, you know, in fact done anything myself."


"Are they doing better now?"


"He got them medical angels and soon as I heard I hired a red who knew some Orvaran to translate and I think they are reassured that they're not in any more risk of imminent death than reds are by default. If they think we're idiots they refrained from saying so but then, uh, they would."


"Getting a red translator was clever. - Tamalta?"


"Yep! She needed work, conveniently. Telkam grumbled once that I probably didn't have to offer her double her normal salary - he's paying it - but I looked up how much yellow translators cost and it's way more than that. Plus, like, I figured the only people they'd possibly not be terrified to see would be reds."


"Yellows aren't all that intimidating compared to most castes, but yes."


"Neither the authority to have you shot on the spot nor the inclination to do it without authority?"


"Right. Oranges likewise."


"Telkam should have stayed green."




"He dyes it grey. I'm not even sure why. Green would've been better."


"For this purpose, yes."


"Trying to get that side of the family to apologize is like pulling teeth but I'll mention it to him."


"I'm sure on the whole they appreciate it."




Shasali can stay in her city place, which is not as big but does have spare rooms.


Shasali has a detailed email from Aitim about how to acquire herself a job in the judiciary.


Shasali follows it carefully.


Her coworkers are varyingly uncomfortable but none of them call security!


Other reds can also integrate.


Anitam announces that they've made contact with aliens, the aliens explained FTL and they're working on it. For now they will be offering everyone else shuttle service to colony planets and not FTL lessons because there are thousands of species of aliens, some of them touchy, and many of them not inclined to consider different polities of a species distinct, and so there will be binding international treaties before anyone goes meandering off to meet the aliens.

Also the aliens were surprised Amentans hadn't cleaned their reds yet. They have a process to do it; it involves replacing all the tissue with clean tissue, more documentation published online. You can do radioactive dye tracers to verify that the tissue all got changed. Anitam is testing this and is probably going to clean all their reds because the aliens deeply disapproved of people killing reds and people killing reds seems inevitable as long as there are reds.


Everyone is SO excited about FTL and wants to know all about the thousands of touchy alien species and bikesheds endlessly about the international treaties. Some people are surprised that aliens had reds to begin with, because isn't having reds just an unfortunate local maximum that some aliens would have managed to avoid? Also even if you clean reds they will probably not be good citizens.

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