sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Cam is quietly very tired of Amentans sort of in general but he does not let this affect his consultation.


The Amentans who notice this possibly have hurt feelings but they'll cope. No one comes through the door on the days when it's closed. 


Which is its own problem. Cam diligently checks the security and infirmary and none of them can do it either.


And they read about Cam's universe of origin - "we should name these places -" and select some people to sneak through the window of the house and go buy the house. The people learn English. Aitim vetoed having his father go but lots of greens and blues have a startling capacity for learning languages. By the end of spring even the yellows have barely a trace of an accent. They are planning to go take the Federated Stations summoner licensing exam and then summon demons and make enough money for the house and then buy the house. They are prepared to explain themselves if at any point in the process someone figures out what's up, but they think they're unsuspicious. 


The yellows go blonde and the greens go brown-haired and the blue goes for black hair.


Cam names his world Revelation and the world with warp Warp.

Charlie's house is near what is still undeveloped forest, although there's plenty of hikers. They can camp.


They camp! Blue and three greens and three yellows. The yellows study for the summoning licensing exam even though they have long since memorized all the content covered on it. The greens are not the kind of green who knows any xenobotany but they examine the plants anyway. (One of the greens is an anthropologist and writes that she thinks Amentans obliged to pretend to be casteless become more central members of their caste, isn't that interesting.)


Hikers hike by and say hi and want to know what they're having for dinner but will mostly leave them alone.


They're having a hard time with dinner because Amentans don't go camping much. They cope. 


The yellows summon a fairy with whom they have a preexisting arrangement and ask for a ride to the licensing exam.


Off they go to a federated station!


Where they will do exceptionally well at quizzes because they are more motivated than most summoners and highly selected for it. (On Earth you are not supposed to explain that your country is so nice because of eugenics, they will not think this is a good thing.)


It's not a high bar anyway. Now they have licenses.


And are there open projects for summoners to fill?


Yup. Especially if they're up for summoning demons.


Absent the cultural baggage, and pulling from the list of demons who want to learn Anitami instead of the pool of randoms, summoning demons is not very scary. They summon demons.


Then they can put up buildings and stuff.


Then there's suddenly a lot of news about Amenta; some angels talked.


...what kind of news.


There's another world! Demon-summoners say it's ludicrously crowded and only one planet there has summoning. They're getting angels and fairies who know some of the languages to translate conjured media and will be updating viewers as they go! Amentans look like humans with anime hair!


That seems like an acceptable way for the news to break. If there are contracts to summon demons to get Amentan stuff they'll take those.


There are interested parties!


They quickly have enough money for a house! They retain a law firm to try and buy the house for them, anonymously. They hang out in a hotel and watch the news.


Occupants are willing to sell.

The anime hair color aliens have a caste system based on their anime hair! How weird and oppressive and backward! They have produced some good-looking TV though, episodes of this one are being translated now. They don't have any daeva who can translate Klingon opera and people are working on that the long way. The Federation has an Earth! Wow! They have translated Klingon opera into what are merely different dialects of Earth languages, and produced natively Earthy media besides. Fun.


Well, Amentans think that they are weird and oppressive and backwards, so there.


The Revelation humans are not psychically seeking their approval as it radiates from their hotel. They focus a lot on the Federation; developments in their exposure to Amenta are limited by the number of translation-capable and -willing angels and fairies, while they can understand at least one edition of everything from the Federation.


That makes sense. Do they agree that the Federation is weird and oppressive and backwards about genetic engineering and contact with pre-lightspeed civilizations and banning caste systems and stuff.


They have mixed opinions about the first two and are with the Federation on that last one.

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