sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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The angels have contacts who will sell these things for them, since they themselves are too busy medically angeling.


The door to Milliways opens. The person opening it is walking briskly, doesn't immediately notice he's not where he was expecting to be, looks up in surprise and confusion just as his stride carries him close to the security person on duty. 

The new arrival has red hair. The security person jumps backwards, upset and taken aback, and reaches for an unfamiliar weapon in her belt. Across the room someone else does the same thing, more carefully.

Mitros steps back. His eyes start glowing.


An irritated security person teleports in, knocks all three of them out, pastes little notes to each of their hands, and teleports back into the security office.

Cam walks down the stairs to observe this in bewilderment.


Two unconscious greys and someone who looks like Aitim but in distinctly different clothes and with red hair - human-red, not Amentan-red, if he's seen any Amentan reds to notice the difference. 


He paid some angels for the first batch of cleanings, so he has seen them, yes.

...He asks Bar what happened and then sits and waits with a beverage till they wake up.

The human is first, since he didn't know the rules and didn't loiter armed in the main bar area.


The human wakes up. He does not move or indicate he has woken up. He starts charging his spell again.


"I wouldn't," Cam says, "Security already knocked you out for that once."


He opens his eyes. 


He maybe looks kind of annoyed for half a second, but only half a second. He stands up. "I don't think we've met."


"I'm Cam. You have a note from the security guy stuck to your hand."


Welcome to Milliways. We have rules about violence here. Now, I don't know what you were gonna do plus you didn't actually do it, and you didn't know the rules, so I'm not going to make you cool off in a cell, but no violence in the main bar area. Let me handle it. - Security


"'s just signed 'Security'."


"His name's Nechar."


"Thank you. I'm Mitros."


"You are in a magical time-pausing interdimensional bar. You are the third person who looks like you that I have met, although the other two don't have beards so I wasn't sure till I heard you talk. One of them is inconvenient to access but the other one is upstairs."


" - okay. Is looking like people somehow significant -"


"I think Aitim, the one upstairs, and Maitimo, the one who is inconvenient, are like, the same person of different species or something, the families match and whatnot - I should really ask Bar if this is a thing -" He taps Bar. Gets a napkin. Reads it. "'s a thing congratulations."


"- thank you. Is this a convenient time to interrupt Aitim."


"I have no idea because time is inconsistent between parts of the bar and carrying around the little doohickey I invented to sync it is optional, but I can send him a message."


"I would appreciate it." He goes back to the door and opens it; after a minute a bird flies through. "This is, apparently, Milliways," he says to the bird, "where one can meet magical people who are like you but a different species."

       The bird swoops around slightly suspiciously. " - I see," she says.



"Hi," Cam says to the bird.


Both the bird and Mitros look extremely confused. "How'd you do that?" says the bird.


"Do what?"


"Speak my language."


"...I don't speak either of your languages, this place has a translation effect."

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